Tort Law - Remoteness Flashcards
What new concept has been used to limit D’s liability if loss was unusual or unexpected?
Scope of duty of car
Wagon Mound (No.1) general
Oil, fire, wharf
Oil, fire, wharf
Wagon Mound (No.1)
Wagon Mound (No.1) judgment
Damage needs to be reasonably foreseeable
Re Pollemis judgment
Made D liable for all loss directly caused by his/her negligence
What case did the court depart from in Wagon Mound?
Re Pollemis
Wagon Mound on ‘kinds of harm’ reasonably foreseeable
Damage by FIRE, not just by oil fouling
What did Viscount Simonds say of Re Pollemis in Wagon Mound?
Inconsistent with ‘justice or morality’
What two tests did they align in Wagon Mound?
Compensation and liability tests - both reasonably foreseeable
Re Pollemis general
Rope, boards, spark
Fleming on Wagon Mound
Can be good reasons for holding D liable for unforeseeable injury - same test need not apply to compensation and liability
Who criticised Wagon Mound as can be good reasons for holding D liable for unforeseeable injury?
Smith v Leech Brain general
Burned lip, cancer triggered
Burned lip, cancer triggered
Smith v Leech Brain
Smith v Leech Brain judgment
Damage recoverable - wide view on type/kind of injury
What case took a wide view on type/kind of injury?
Smith v Leech Brain
What are the two ways to interpret Smith v Leech Brain?
Wagon Mound doesn’t apply to ‘thin skull’ cases, or applies but extent of damage irrelevant as long as TYPE foreseeable
Langden v O’Connor general
Financial vulnerability, car hire
Financial vulnerability, car hire
Langden v O’Connor
Langden v O’Connor judgment
Recoverable because C impecunious
How did Lord Nicholls described ‘impecunious’ in Langden v O’Connor?
When C would have had to make sacrifices it would be unreasonable to expect him to make
What judge in Langden v O’Connor gave a definition of ‘impecunious’?
Lord Nicholls
Hughes v Lord Advocate general
Manhole, child, paraffin lamp
Manhole, child, paraffin lamp
Hughes v Lord Advocate
Hughes v Lord Advocate judgment
Injury caused by known source of danger, and thus unforeseeable manner not a defence
What case showed that knowing a source of danger is sufficient, even if manner in which the harm is caused by source is unforeseen?
Hughes v Lord Advocate
Doughty v Turner Manufacturing general
Asbestos lid, burning P
Doughty v Turner Manufacturing judgment
Burning by splashing foreseeable, but not by lid causing change in chemical composition
Asbestos lid, burning P
Doughty v Turner Manufacturing
AG v Hartwell
Nicholls doubted Doughty would commend to modern courts
What judge and in what case doubted Doughty v Turner Manufacturing would commend to modern courts?
Lord Nicholls in AG v Hartwell
Jolley v Sutton LBC general
Wooden boat, repair
Jolley v Sutton LBC judgment
Only GENUS of damage need be foreseen, not species
Wooden boat, repair
Jolley v Sutton LBC
What case suggested only genus of damage need be foreseen, not species?
Jolley v Sutton LBC
Foster v Maguire
Broad question in Jolley v Sutton LBC suggests affirmative answer to duty necessarily means damage not too remote
What judge in what case highlighted how broad question in Jolley v Sutton LBC suggests affirmative answer to duty necessarily means damage not too remote?
Sir Anthony Evans in Foster v Maguire
What judge in Foster v Maguire highlighted how broad q in Jolley suggested yes to duty means damage not too remote?
Sir Anthony Evans
Spencer v Wincanton general
Amputee, petrol
Spencer v Wincanton on remoteness
Within categories of remoteness as simply one kind of falling
Why was there no NA in Spencer v Wincanton?
Inconvenience of using prosthetic
Page v Smith general
ME, turning
Page v Smith judgment
Physical and psychiatric injury one type/kind of damage
What case gave, essentially, a category of ‘personal injury’ as damage required to be foreseen not to be too remote?
Page v Smith
How did Page v Smith give an even wider classification than in Holly?
‘Personal injury’ included physical and psychiatric injury
What case showed an abandonment of ‘type of harm’ approach?
Page v Smith
Bailey and Nolan on Page
Its ‘long term prospects… look slim’
L&O on Page
Difficult to see RF role in remoteness if still good law
Jolley v Sutton LBC, per Lord Hoffmann on Page v Smith
Suggested at least where children are involved, D under duty to take steps to avoid some risks, and would have cost no more to avoid risk that materialised
What judge in what cases suggested that, at least where children involved, D should be liable if under duty to avoid risks, and cost of avoiding risk that materialised was no more?
Lord Hoffmann in Jolley v Sutton LBC
Bradford v Robinson Rentals general
Frostbite, windows open
Bradford v Robinson Rentals judgment
Injury foreseeable due to breach
Vacwell Engineering v BDH Chemicals general
Glass ampoules, water and explosion
Vacwell Engineering v BDH Chemicals judgment
Small explosion foreseeable, so all damage even though extent unforeseeable
What case is inconsistent with Doughty?
Vacwell Engineering v BDH Chemicals
Harris, Campbell and Halson on RT
Two RF tests for liability and remoteness are different
What do Harris, Campbell and Halson argue is the test for RT in liability?
Look at range of risks D MIGHT create IF negligent as a general question
What do Harris, Campbell and Halson argue is the test for RT in remoteness?
Reasonable man has benefit of knowing HOW D acted, which may widen or narrow foresight
What are two problems with attributing Harris, Campbell and Halson tests of RF to courts?
Unforeseeable C rule, and what room is there for foreseeability of harm at remoteness if DoC is relative to harm of a particular type
Bourhill v Young general
P not foreseeable V of motorcyclist negligence
Bourhill v Young judgment
If used Harris, Campbell and Halson approach, hard to see how couldn’t have found a risk he would hit her
What is the unforeseeable C rule?
Deciding from circumstances if C was inside zone of risk
South Australia v Asset Management general
Negligently overprice, crash in property
South Australia v Asset Management judgment
D not liable for loss in value attributable to property crash because scope of liability didn’t extend that far
What case shows courts referring to ‘scope of liability’ in reference to remoteness?
South Australia v Asset Management
Negligently overprice, crash in property
South Australia v Asset Management