EU Law - Democratic Deficit Flashcards
Article 225 TFEU
P can request Com submit legislative proposal
How did the Lisbon Treaty try to recognise EU level prerogatives to NPs?
Articles 6 - 7 Protocol on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality
Who argued EU policy is skewed towards interests of owners of capital?
Streeck and Schmitter
What academics argue it is wrong to compare EU to nation states?
Menon and Wetherill
Who argued EU only performs Pareto-efficient functions rather than redistributive functions?
What is the EU citizens’ initiative?
If more than 1 mil citizens from 7+ Members ask Com to propose a law, Com must consider
Three broad examples of institutional reforms
Increase EU P powers, OLP and recognise EU level prerogatives to NPs
Lower court found higher court misapplied law, leading to SL
What is ‘thick-thin’ democracy?
Vertical AND horizontal dialogue, between reps and public, reps and reps, and public and public
What shows executive dominance in EU is a choice by Members?
Danish EU Affairs Committee decide with Minister beforehand how far he can go - other countries could do this too
Who argued any electorally unaccountable institutions in EU are both that way by DESIGN and not unique to EU?
In what way is there executive dominance in EU?
Governance skewed towards Com, CoM and EU Council
Why did Moravscik believe there is no disillusionment of voters?
Most salient issues are still MS competencies, so it’s just that ‘EU politics… is boring’
What academic found lower courts were most keen on applying EU law?
What Articles try to clarify CoM and EU P prerogatives and powers in terms of comitology system?
Articles 290 - 291 TFEU
What Treaty tried to adjust Plaumann decision?
What is the comitology system?
CoM (and now EP) oversee executive activities of Com, including legislative implementation
Why does Moravscik believe the social democratic critique of EU is a myth?
NP and G control CoM, meaning only political extremes are excluded as parties come to a centrist agreement - policies match with EU ‘median’ voter
How is EU law arguably largely implemented?
By technocratic bodies under the Comitology system
What decision showed General Court re-adopting Plaumann test?
Inuit Tapiriit
Inuit Tapiriit
General Court readopted Plaumann
Tries to assist private litigants seeking JR of non-implementing EU regulatory acts
Article 263(4) TFEU
Why is it possible Members WANT EU to be unresponsive to democratic pressures
To maintain their power over EU as democratically legit ones
What is the social democratic critique of EU?
EU produces neoliberal policies, which do not match with voter preferences
Follesdal and Hix
EU is unresponsive to democratic pressures
Menon and Wetherill on redressing the democratic deficit
Shouldn’t become nation-state democracy because would imperil Member democracy
Why did Moravscik believe forcing public participation in EU could be damaging?
Seen as ‘democratising’ Europe, creating Euroskeptical demagogy
Who called EU elections ‘second order’?
Reif and Schmitt
Three procedural reforms at EU level
Law making procedure, comitology system and judicial accountability
Article 17(7) TEU
EU council should propose President of Com by QMV, taking into account elections to EU P
Bellamy and Castiglione suggestion
strengthen EU through NP, with ‘thick-thin’ form of representative democracy, based on civility
What do Bellamy and Castiglione think would be the outcome of their reform ideas?
Creation of a demos through which citizens could promote their failures
What does Article 17(8) TEU allow?
Motions of censure - EU P can fire Com by 2/3 majority
Article 263(4) TFEU
Tries to assist private litigants seeking JR of non-implementing EU regulatory acts
How many parts are there to the democratic deficit?
Who suggests greater professionalism, rules to protect minorities and better scrutiny by private actors?
How do EU P benefit from QMV expansion?
If CoM legislation requires QMV, P can make targeted amendments to get a majority (but not a unanimity)
What is the Passarel procedure?
Council, by unanimity, can move an area from EU P only being consulted to EU P having a veto
Who found EU legitimacy rests primarily on Members, to which EU ministers are accountable?
EU social Partners can adopt Framework Agreements in social sphere, then incorporated in EU Directives
Article 155 TFEU
EU citizens’ initiative
Article 11(4) TEU
Academics on unresponsive to democratic pressures
Follesdal and Hix
Article 17(8) TEU
Com as a body is responsible to the EU P
Positive of Article 11(4) TEU
Gives independent political identity to citizens
In what Article of what Treaty is the ordinary legislative procedure?
Article 294 TFEU
What Treaty removed the ability of CoM to vote in secret?
What academics suggest EU level contestation for EU political leadership (including directly elected Com President) and argument over direction of policy agenda?
Follesdal and Hix
Why is it said EU is unresponsive to democratic pressures?
No ONE EU election
What case showed change in status of EU P by being directly elected?
ISO Glucose Case
Two Articles trying to increase judicial accountability
Article 263(4) TFEU and Article 6(2) TEU
Article 6(2) TEU
Accede to ECHR, trying to increase judicial accountability
Article 155 TFEU
EU social Partners can adopt Framework Agreements in social sphere, then incorporated in EU Directives
Who argues EU is just having a ‘credibility crisis’?
Who argued EU is a ‘multi-governance’ system, so preferences are known over time?
Since what Treaty has the codecision procedure been the ordinary legislative procedure?
What is civicity?
Citizens regarding themselves as people with both common AND distinct interests
What does Majone think the EU would do if politicised?
Move away from Pareto-efficiency towards compensating losers rather than just correcting market failures
Why did Moravscik believe EU P being weak is a myth?
Increase in powers over time (e.g. veto power and codecision procedure)
Why did Moravscik believe EU not a technocracy?
Lacks capacity of modern state, and stringent checks on ‘every day’ legislation
What kind of democracy do Bellamy and Castiglione think exists at EU level?
Thick, based on solidarity
Who argues Member democracy would be imperilled if we were to follow Follesdal and Hix’s suggestions, and why?
Menon and Wetherill, because EU would then have own independent democratic mandate, superseding members
What is an argument against distance at EU level being part of democratic deficit?
Allows Members to pool sovereignty to make more of an impact
Name at least four parts of democratic deficit
Unresponsiveness to democratic pressures, executive/technocratic dominance, distance, lack of transparency and complex, weakening of judiciary and imbalance between Capital and Labour
What Treaty introduced Article 17(7) TEU on President of Com?
Example of EU Social Partner adopting Framework Agreement, then incorporated in EU Directive
Directive 2010/18 on parental leave
Why is domestic judicial control perhaps strengthened?
Lower courts have more power
Plaumann decision
Narrow test for individuals to challenge EU law - closed category affected more than anyone else
What is the main argument against democratic deficit of EU?
The issues are not specific to the EU
What kind of democracy do Bellamy and Castiglione think exists at national level?
Thin, based on singularity
What has the interpretation of Article 17(7) TEU been?
That biggest party in EU P will nominate President of Com
Why did Moravscik believe executive dominance a myth?
National Gs are directly accountable (CoM) and media scrutinise
How is substantive reform trying to be achieved?
Reinforce EU Treaty by references to democratic and social values
Who argued EU is responsive to democratic pressures?
Who highlighted party politics has becomes increasingly professionalised?
Peter Mair
Why did Moravscik believe negative referendums do not show dislike of EU?
More of a sign of ignorance/small politics in nation-state
Who argued the absence of a European ‘demos’ prevents creation of a European ‘democracy’?
Two changes in law making procedures
ordinary legislative procedure and ending Com agenda setting
When was there an issue with EU P needing to accept or reject Com as a block?
Rocco Buttiglione, chosen by Berlusconi
When were the EU P directly elected for the first time?
6 myths Moravscik rebuts post-Follesdal and Hix
EU is a superstate, a technocracy, electorally unaccountable, disliked in negative referendums, lacks public participation and disillusions voters
Marks on redressing the democratic deficit
There is no supranational state (e.g. agree with Moravscik) bc multi-level governance w/ preference over time
Follesdal and Hix suggestions
EU level contestation for EU political leadership (including directly elected Com President) and argument over direction of policy agenda
What case shows a lower court can seek compatibility of a higher court decision??
Article 241 TFEU
Council can request Com submit legislative proposal
Through what Article did Lisbon try to adjust Plaumann?
Article 263(4) TFEU
What politician highlighted how political power is dispersed throughout the EU?
What is QMV?
Need 55% of State to agree, representing 65% of the population
ISO Glucose Case
Law annulled as Council did not wait for P opinion
What meant General Court interpreted Article 263(4) TFEU to be the same as Plaumann?
Ambiguous language
Why did Moravscik believe EU not a superstate
Only deals with 10 - 20% of national decision-making
What academics suggest strengthening EU through NP, with ‘thick-thin’ form of representative democracy, based on civility?
Bellamy and Castiglione
What gave EU P a role in comitology system?
1999 and 2006 Revisions
What are other legislative procedures, e.g. consultation, now?
‘Special’ procedures
Since what Treaty have the EU P had to approve Com and Com president?
Who showed how Eurlex found Com issues 69% of all secondary legislation in force today?
How have there been increased EU P powers?
Directly elected (not in Treaty of Rome); QMV expansion to have more power over CoM; co-decision procedure with veto
Three institutional reforms at EU level
Increasing EU P powers, ordinary legislative procedure and recognising EU level prerogatives to NP
How do Follesdal and Hix critique Majone?
Not clear regulatory policies DON’T produce winners/losers, and many policies ARE redistributive, so need democratic contestation
Who argued EU is an arena for neoliberal policy drift from (national) voters?
Follesdal and Hix
What does an ‘orange card’ mean?
Council or EU P can vote down given measure for breaching subsidiarity
What Treaty introduced Articles 290 and 291 TFEU?
When was the comitology system created and by what?
1987, 1st Comitology Decision 85/272
How do Follesdal and Hix critique Moravscik?
Should be mechanism to ENSURE voter preference matches EU policy, and need debate to ensure citizens make fully-informed decisions
Why is it debatable if references to various values actually help EU democracy?
Unelected judges force particular policy outcomes, and EU citizens already have a variety of documents protecting their rights
What is the ordinary legislative procedure under Article 294 TFEU matched with?
Article 238 TFEU QMV
Article 12 TEU
Outlines prerogatives and roles of NPs
Why did Moravscik believe eu IS NOT electorally unaccountable?
EU P directly elected, major constitutional change dependent on unanimity AND domestic ratification
Who suggests there is a lack of cooperation through multiple demoi at EU level?
Bellamy and Castiglione
What measure is an example of use of orange card procedure?
Monti II Draft Regulation
How is there institutional distance between national citizens and EU?
Electoral control over Council and Com too remote
Who argued the DD was a myth?
Who said that a state without means of change is a state without means of preserving itself?
How is there psychological distance between national citizens and EU?
Citizens find EU hard to identify with as so unlike national democratic institutions
Court to disapply national law despite PS
Why is domestic judicial control over EU weakned?
Because of the principle of supremacy, and courts must obey CJEU rulings
What politician described democracy as the worst system?
If measure is covered by codecision, what meeting is there prior to the measure being considered?
Between CoM, Com and Chair of relevant EU P committee to decide how to change proposed law
Article 11(4) TEU
EU citizens’ initiative
Three broad examples of procedural reforms
Law-making procedures, cosmetology and judicial accountability
Articles 6 - 7 Protocol on the Application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality
Yellow-card and orange-card system - yellow card 1/3 of NPs, orange if majority
What does the codecision procedure mean?
EU P is now a xo-legislator, with a veto power against the Council