ToRR: Duck's phase model Flashcards
Who proposed a phase model of relationship breakdown?
Steve Duck (2008)
What does Duck argue about the process of a breakup?
- ending of a relationship is not a one- off event but a process that takes time & goes through 4 distinct phases
What is each phase marked by?
- each phase is marked by one partner (or both) reaching a ‘threshold’- a point at which their perception of the relationship changes
When does the road to break up begin?
- once a partner realises they are dissatisfied & distressed about the way things are going
What is the first phase and the threshold of this phase?
- Inter-psychic phase
Threshold= ‘I can’t stand this anymore’, indicating a determination that something has to change
What happens at the intra-psychic phase?
- focus of this phase is on cognitive processes occurring within the individual
- partner mulls their thoughts of dissatisfaction & their reasons for dissatisfaction privately & may share with a trusted friend
- weigh up pros & cons & evaluate these against alternatives
What is the second phase and threshold of this phase?
- Dyadic phase
Threshold= ‘I would be justified in withdrawing’ come to a conclusion
What happens at the Dyadic phase?
- focus is on the interpersonal processes between two partners
- series of confrontations in which the relationship is discussed & dissatisfactions are aired (e.g. lack of equity, complaints)
- self- disclosure becomes more deeper >express thoughts that they had been withholding in the intra-psychic phase
What are the two possible outcomes of the dyadic phase?
- a determination to continue breaking up the relationship
- or renewed desire to repair it
if the rescue plans fails from dyadic phase a new threshold is reached > social
What is the third phase and the threshold of this phase?
- social phase
- Threshold= ‘I mean it’ dissatisfied partner concludes this
What happens at the social phase?
- focus is now on wider processes involving the couples social networks> break up made public
- partners seek support & try to forge pacts > mutual friends expected to choose a side
- some friends provide reassurance & reinforcement
- some may hasten the end of relationship by providing previously secret info
What is the fourth phase and the threshold of this phase?
- Grave dressing phase
- Threshold= ‘it is now inevitable’
What happens at the Grave dressing phase?
- focus of this phase is the aftermath
- partners spin a favourable story about the breakdown for public consumption
- allows partners to save & maintain rep (social credit), showing other partner in a bad light
- also involves creating a personal story than you can live with (rewriting history)
What is a strength of Duck’s phase model?
- it suggests ways in which relationship breakdown can be reversed
- model is useful as it recognises that different repair strategies are more effective in the breakdown than others
- Duck recommends that people in intra-psychic phase > focus their worrying on positive aspects of their partner
-insights can be used in relationship counselling to help people through difficult times, real-life app
What is a counterpoint to the strength of Duck’s phase model?
- model is based on relationship breakdown in individualistic cultures (US)
- Moghaddam et al > relationships in individualist cultures are voluntary & frequently come to an end
- relationships in collectivist cultures are less easy to end & involved the wider family
-model not useful for all culture