Factors affecting attraction: self-disclosure Flashcards
What is the first factor that affects attraction to romantic partner?
self-disclosure; as humans we like to share our thoughts & attitudes with individuals especially with romantic partners
What is self- disclosure?
-revealing personal information about yourself
- displays trust and individual gains greater insight into one another which can strengthen a romantic bond
Who devised the social penetration theory?
Altman & Taylor (1973)
What is the social penetration theory?
- This is the process that moves a relationship from relatively shallow and non intimate to deep and intimate
- A & T outline self-disclosure as a pivotal factor in looking at how a relationship develops
What are the two elements of self- disclosure outlined by theory?
- breadth & depth
- As both of these increase romantic partners become more committed to each other
What metaphor does Altman and Taylor use to illustrate process in a romantic relationship?
- layers of an onion
Explain layers of onion metaphor ( start of relationship)
- disclose a lot about ourselves at the start but what is revealed is superficial ‘on the surface’ like the outer layers of an onion
-Breadth of disclosure is narrow > many topics ‘off limit’ at early stage/ may threaten
Explain layers of onions metaphor (as relationship develops)
- However, as relationship develops partners will ‘peel back the onion’ removing more & more layers
- With this analogy it is seen that further down the layers correlates with a higher ability of partners to reveal more intimate & high-risk information
What is depenetration?
- term used by A & T to describe how dissatisfied partners self-disclose less as they gradually disengage from relationships
What dies Reis and Shaver (1988) outline?
- reciprocal exchanges as a key feature in ensuring a relationship continues to increase in breadth & depth
- must be a balance of self-disclosure for relationship to be successful
What research is there to support self-disclosure derived from social penetration theory?
- Sprecher & Hendrick (2004)- studied heterosexual dating couples > found strong correlations between relationship satisfaction & self-disclosure for both partners
-Men & women who used self-disclosure were more satisfied & committed in their relationship - Sprecher (2013) found that relationships are closer when partners take turns to self disclose
>increases validity of theory
What is a counterpoint for the research support for self-disclosure research?
- research is correlational
-assumed that greater self-disclosure creates more satisfaction > correlation does not tell us if it is a valid conclusion to draw
alternative explanations > more satisfied =more disclosure
> perhaps self-disclosure & satisfaction are both caused by a third variable e.g. amount of time partners spend together
= reduces validity
What is the strength that research into self-disclosure has real-life application?
- can help people who want to improve communication in their relationships >can use self-disclosure to strengthen their bond
- Hass & Stafford ( 1998) found that 57% of gay men & women said that self-disclosure was the main way they maintained & deepened their relationship
- this could be vital for partners who struggle to communicate in aiding their relationship
What is a limitation of the concept of self-disclosure?
- there are cultural diff between self-disclosure, in particular breadth & depth
-Tang et al (2013) reviewed research into sexual self-disclosure (couples discuss sexual practices) - concluded that men & women in the US self-disclose more sexual thoughts & feelings than men & women in China
-level of satisfaction in China no different from the US despite lower levels of disclosure - differences in collectivist and individualist cultures in regards to what they are willing to share
=limited explanation cannot generalise findings from western cultures