TORCH Infections Flashcards
What are some sx of Toxoplasmosis
Intracerebral calcifications (centre), hydrocephalus, chorioretinitis (TRIAD) (also microcephaly)
What is the exposure that causes toxoplasmosis?
Cat Litter
What are the clinical manifestations of CMV exposure in utero
Mental Retardation, cerebral palsy, periventricular calcification, hearing impairment, eye abnormalities (chorioretinitis), hepatosplenomegaly, thrombocytopenia purpura
When in gestation do teratogens affect the fetus (Torch etc)
3 - 8 weeks
Which anticonvulsant is most toxic to fetus
Valproic acid
Where are brain calcifications in CMV
periventricular (unique for CMV)
Where are brain calcifications in Toxoplasmosis
intraventricular. therefore obstructing flow of csf therefore hydrocephalus
what percent of cmv congenital is asymptomatic at birth
Torch infections cause what type of IUGR
how do you test for congenital CMV?
CMV antigen in urine
what kind of hearing loss is associated with CMV?
sensorineural hearing loss
What are infantile symptoms of congenital syphillis
rash, osteochondritis, periostitis, lung & liver fibrosis
What are childhood symptoms of congenital syphillis
Hutchinsons teeth
What are the early congenital syphillis signs
Early rhinitis (3rd - 8 week OL), rash, IUGR, hepatosplenomegaly
How do you prevent syphillis?
prenatal screening