Topography of cerebral hemispheres Flashcards
What does the frontal lobe contain and their functions
- Contains several cortical areas–> involved in control of voluntary muscle movt.
- precentral gyrus= primary motor area
- premotor area or supplemental motor area (responsible for programing for motor movements except speech)
- broca’s area
- most anterior part of lobe = complex cogntive processes like reasoning and judgement, decision making
What does parietal lobe contain and their functions
postcentral gyrus= primary sensory area (BA3,1,2)–> receives sensory feedback from body
sensory association areas (BA 5,7)–> capable of more detailed discrimination and analysis
what does the temporal lobe contain and their functions
- associated with auditory processing and olfaction
- wernicke’s area–> BA 22
- Heschl’s gyrus–> anterior transverse temporal gyrus= primary auditory area
- 2 secondary auditory/auditory association areas–> important contributions to comprehension of speech
What does occipital lobe contain and their functions
Primary visual area (BA 17)–> recieves input from the optic tract via thalamus
Secondary visual area (BA 18,19)–> integrate visual information, giving meaning to what is seen
Visual agnosia
Where is the angular gyrus in the broadman’s area
BA 39
lies near the superior edge of temporal lobe
What is the function of angular gyrus
involved in the recognition of visual symbols
-fibres of many different types travel through the angular gyrus, including axons associated with hearing, vision and meaning
What is the arcuate fasciculus
group of fibres connecting broca’s area to wernicke’s area in temporal lobe
conencts to angular gyrus
what does damage to the angular gyrus in the dominant hemisphere result in
Anomia (pt unable to recall names of everyday items), alexia with agraphia, left-right disorientation, finger agnosia (inability to interpret sensations) and acalcula
Where is the broca’s area
BA 44,45
Found in the hemisphere that is dominant for language
What is the broca’s area responsible for
- involved in coordination or programming of motor movements for the production of speech sounds
- essential for the execution of motor movements involved in speech, does not directly cause speech
- neurons in Broca’s area generate motor programming patterns when they fire
What is the result of damage to broca’s area
Apraxia–> inability to translate conscious speech plans into motor plans
Broca’s Aphasia
What is broca’s aphasia
- expressive aphasia
- have trouble speaking fluently but their comprehension is relatively preserved
- Can understand someone talking, but can’t speak properly
Where is the Wernicke’s area located
BA 22
Found in hemisphere dominant for language
What is the funciton of Wernicke’s area
Critical role in the ability to understand and produce meaningful speech
What is Wernicke’s aphasia
- receptive aphasia
- type of fluent aphasia
- pts have difficulty comprehending written and spoken language
- poor auditory processing, fluent speech
What is the frontal eye field
Area of cerebral cortex that conrals eye movements
BA 6
What is the frontal eye fields involved in
-prominently involved in voluntary conjugate saccades to contralateral side and in pursuit movements
what is saccadic eye movement
rapid ballitic movements of the eye that abruptly change the point of fixation