Topik Grammer List Flashcards
- 사동(4급 4과)
irregular causative verbs = subject make/let/cause/do sth for someone ~subject performs direct action for someone
- 사동사 irregular causative verbs indicate that the subject performs direct action for someone = subject make/let/cause/do something for/to another.
- 사동사 is often used for some adjectives and verbs
1. N을/를 V-이/히/리/기/우 <= N이/가 V : subject make/let/cause someone do something
-(으)나 마나
no use to- i dont Care-
길을 물어보나 마나예요. It is no use to ask him the direction.
-(으)ᄂ/는/(으)ᄅ 만큼
As~ as much as (doing sth.)
노력하니만큼 결과가 기대된다. As I tried hard, I am looking forward to the result.
웃는 만큼 인생은 행복해진다. Life becomes more fun as much as you laugh.
아마 3급 합격하지 않더라도 계속 공부해야 돼요. Even if you don’t pass level 3, you have to keep studying.
-(으)ᄂ/는 김에
On the way~
마트에 가는 김에 친정에도 갔다. On the way to the supermarket, I visited my parent’s house.
보다시피 요즘 직장인들은 바빠요. As you can see, employees these days are busy.
~and then
강의에 늦었더니 강사님이 야단치셨다. I was late for class and then the teacher scolded me.
-(으)ᄂ/는 탓에
Because~ (negative)
운동 안 한 탓에 살이 많이 쪘어요. Because I did not work out, I gained a lot of weight.
-(으)ᄂ/는 반면(에)
Although ~
택시는 편리한 반면에 지하철보다 비싸다. Although a taxi is convenient, it is more expensive than a subway.
-(으)ᄂ/는 셈이다
going to do~
어떻게 할 셈이야? What are you going to do?
-(으)ᄅ 리가 없다
There is no way~
돈이 부족할 리가 없어요. There is no way the money is not enough.
-(으)ᄅ 만하다
It is worth~
타개책을 시도할 만합니다. It is worth attempting a breakthrough.
-(으)려던 참이다
is about to
학교에 가려던 참이에요. I was about to go to school.
-(으)ᄅ 뿐이다
국적이 다를 뿐이지 같은 인간이에요. We just have different nationalities, but we’re the same human beings.
아이돌치고는 나이가 많다. He is old for an idol.
지금이야말로 역사적인 순간입니다. This is the historical moment.
기다림조차 설렙니다. Even the waiting time is exciting for me.
술은커녕 차도 못 마셨어요. I could not drink alcohol, not even tea.
숙제가 많은 데다가 시간마저 부족하다. I have a lot of homework, but even the time is running out.
-(으)ᄅ까 봐(서)
어려보여도 제가 상사거든요. Because I am your boss even though I look young.
-다(가) 보니(까)
while focusing~ already~
작업하다 보니까 새벽이 됐어요. While I was focusing on my work, it was already morning.
-(으)ᄂ/는/(으)ᄅ 듯이 = -는 것처럼
미친 듯이 춤췄다. I danced like a crazy person.
남편이 레스토랑에 안 오길래 난 바람맞은 줄 알았다. Since my husband did not come to a restaurant, I thought he cancel the plan at the last minute.
not good for~
축구하기에는 날씨가 안 좋아요. The weather is not good for playing soccer.
-는 바람에
공부를 안 하는 바람에 성적이 떨어졌어요. My grade dropped because I did not study.