Topics 1.1 and 1.2 (Biological Diversity) Flashcards
What is Competition?
Competition is a symbiotic relationship in which two or more species are competing for resources, mates, food, and water around them.
What are the two types of Competition and include examples.
The two types of competition are intraspecific and interspecific competition. Intraspecific competition is a competition between individuals of the same species. An example of this is when two oak trees are growing too close together and are competing for sunlight.
Interspecific competition is the competition between different species. An example of this is when lions and cheetahs compete for the same antelope and gazelles.
Define Broad and Narrow Niches and include examples.
An organism apart of a broad niche usually has more than one food source, and can adapt easily. These organisms are called generalists. Coyotes are an example of a generalist because they have more than one food source and adapt easily. An organism apart of a narrow niche have only one food source, and cannot adapt as easily as the organisms apart of a broad niche. These organisms are called specialists. Koalas are an example of a specialist because they have one food source and cannot adapt easily to a new environment.
Define symbiosis
A symbiosis is a relationship between two or more different species.
Define predator and include an example.
Predators are animals and insects that naturally prey on other animals or insects. An example of a predator is a wolf, wolves naturally prey on rodents and rabbits.
Define prey and include an example.
Prey species are animals or insects that are caught and killed by another as food. An example of a prey species is a rabbit. Rabbits are hunted and killed for food by wolves, cats, and foxes.
What is Biological Diversity?
Biological Diversity is the number and variety of organisms.
What is a species?
A species is a group of organisms that can breed in nature and produce fertile offspring.
What happens when members of a species start to get too different?
When members of a species start to get too different, it is called speciation which is the development of a new species (often caused by competition or separation).
What are the two types of adaptations? Provide examples.
The two different types of adaptations are structural and behavioral. A bird’s wing is a structural adaptation because it is structurally adapted to fly (Hollow bones, feathers). An example of a behavioral adaptation is that owls are nocturnal which means they hunt at night.
Do Jack rabbits have structural adaptations and if so, what?
Yes Jack rabbits have structural adaptations. These include, long and big ears which gives them great hearing, white fur in the winter that camouflages them, and long and strong back legs so they can run fast.
Why is biological diversity important?
Biological diversity is important because it provides a more diverse food chain, more food choices for food, relationships between different organisms.
What is Neutralism (provide an example)?
Neutralism is a symbiotic relationship between two species that do not affect each other. An example would be coral and algae.
What is Predation (provide an example)?
Predation is where one organism (the predator) kills and eats its prey. An example of this wolves hunting moose.
What is Parasitism (provide an example)?
Parasitism is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is harmed, an example of this is ticks and dogs.
What is Commensalism (provide an example)?
Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one organism benefits while the other is neither harmed nor benefited, an example of this is whales and barnacles.
What is Mutualism (provide an example)?
Mutualism is a symbiotic relationship in which both of the organisms benefit, an example of this is clownfish and sea anemone.