topic6 alternative proteins Flashcards
what could semivegetarian consume?
dairy products, eggs, chicken and fish(no red meat)
what could Pesco-vegetarian consume?
dairy products, eggs, fish(no chicken)
what could lacto-ovo-vegetarian consume?
dairy products and eggs
what could Lacto-vegetarian consume?
only dairy products
what could ovo-vegetarian consume?
only eggs
no animal products of any kind
different types of alternative proteins?
Legumes, pulses
High protein grains
Seeds and nuts
Seaweed and algae
cereal grain is low in lysine but high in thiamin
legumes is low in Methionine but high in lysine
for complementary proteins, One food may be lower in a specific essential amino acid while another food may be higher
Don’t necessarily need to combine different proteins at same meal. As long as calorie needs are met and a variety of plant proteins are consumed throughout the day
fatty acid need and vegetrian diet
Vegetarians typically consume less omega-3 fatty acids such as EPA and DHA than those who eat animal foods
ALA is found in plant-based source such as?
flax(亚麻), chia seed, walnuts and canola oil
ALA is converted to EPA and DHA however in limited amounts, true or false
good source for omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA
salmon, omega-3 fortified eggs
non-heme iron usually found in plant based foods, how to better absorb non heme iron?
vitamin c
Zinc not typically a concern for vegetarians
Iodine can be low in a vegetarian diet
in north america, iodine is low in soil
calcium intake can be varible
如果吃了含钙量多的食物:brocoli, tofu, fortified orange juice
vitamin concerns for vegetarians
VD and VB12
B12 is generally not found in plant-based foods,B12 is found in fermented foods however not enough to meet nutritional needs
Vitamin D is of concern especially living in Canada with limited sun exposure
health benefits of vegetarian diet
Lower body mass
Reduction in CVD
Lower risk of type 2 diabetes
Overall lower risk of cancer
Beans, soybeans, peas, pulses干豆
good things of legumes
a. Inexpensive protein source,
b. Rich in:1. Complex carbohydrates (raffinose and stachyose)棉子糖和水苏糖 2.Dietary fibre3.protein
c. Low in fat
Preparing Legumes
- Soaking of beans:Soft water is preferred
- Use of alkali but not recommended: May
make beans too soft and Destroys thiamin
3.Canned beans offer convenience
Two main methods of soaking beans
- Overnight soaking in cold water
- Soaking for 1 hr in water that was brought to a brief boil
Soybeans:Protein of high biological value
Texturized soy protein also called TVP or texturized vegetable protein
Soy products
Texturized soy proteins
Whole soybeans
Soy milk
Fermented soy product: miso味增tempeh豆豉soy sauce
soy product that have the most protein content and the least
tempeh, most
beyond meat burger actually has more kcal than the real meat burger
About 1 cup or less of some grains contain the protein equivalent to 1 oz of meat or cheese
grain with teh highest protein content per cup
buckwheat 23.8, Sorghum高粱 21.5
nutritive values of seeds
Fe, Ve, potassium, Protein, fibre
what are macroalgae?
visible to the eye and include seaweed and other multicellular algae
classification of macroalgae
red (especially high in protein and may be purple/blue/brownish red)
examples of macroalgae
- Nori 紫菜
- Dulse红藻
- Kelp海带
what is nori used for?
red seaweed used to wrap sushi rolls, high in B12 and EPA omega-3
what is dulse used for?
red seaweed not as high in protein compared to Nori, also a source of EPA omega-3
what is kelp used for?
brown seaweed, some varieties are used in miso soup
seaweed and processed food
1.Agar(明胶) and carrageenan(卡拉胶) are often used as a plant-based gelatin alternative:thicken, stabilize or suspend 悬浮 foods
Uses of carrageenan
chocolate, ice cream, puddings
Uses of agar:
breads, processed cheese, mayo, icing and frozen diary products
what is microalgae?
Single-celled microorganisms visible through a microscope
nutritive value of microalgae
High in protein, EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids
Not all algae can be consumed, give me few examples of edible microalgae
- Dunaliella杜氏盐藻 /盐藻
- Chlorella 小球藻
- Arthrospira (Spirulina)螺旋藻
nutritive value of dunaliella
green, high in protein, richest source of beta-carotene, used as powders mixed into beverages
nutritive value of chlorella
high in protein, used as powders and extracts added to foods
nutirtive value of Arthrospira (Spirulina)
blue/green, high in protein and used as powders and liquid extracts
Naked Juice Company and spirulina
Could contain amino acid phenylalanine and therefore people with PKU (Phenylketonuria) should avoid it—->Individuals with PKU have a decreased ability to metabolize the amino acid phenylalanine可能含有氨基酸苯丙氨酸,因此PKU(苯丙酮尿症)患者应避免食用—-> PKU患者代谢氨基酸苯丙氨酸的能力下降
High in protein, vitamins and minerals
Beneficial for the environment
Common food in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam and Africa
insects:Entomophagy: the consumption of insects
The most consumed insects are: beetles, caterpillars, bees, wasps, ants, grasshoppers, crickets, dragonflies, flies and other insects
how to eat insects? Consumed whole, ground or as a paste
High in protein, low in fat, renewable, and sustainable