Topic: Nature Vs Nurture Flashcards
Refers to inborn characteristics
Refers to environmental influences that help to shape development and behaviour.
Genetic materal
Genes are the basic unit of genetic material.
Dominant genes
The dominant gene will always display its characteristics over a recessive gene
Parents pass their DNA down to their offspring
How many chromosomes do we have?
Twin studies
Twins are used to study nature vs nurture as they both have the same nature but can be placed in different situations of nurture and observed.
Sensitive/critical period
A period of life when certain experiences must happen for normal development to proceed
A predetermined biological sequence of behaviours which occur at certain ages
Relatively permanent change in behaviour due to experience
Babinski reflex
Foot twists in and toes fan out when sole of foot is stroked from heel to toes
Closes both eyes from a puff of air or flash of light
Hand tightly closes when palms are touched
Throws head back, arches back, flings arms and legs out then pulls them close to the centre of body in response to a sudden noise or loss of support
Turns head, opens mouth and begins sucking when cheek is stroked