Topic Evaluations Flashcards
not unitary - KF, Tulving
case study evidence -HM
research support - Baddeley, serial position
neurological evidence - tulving scans
clinical evidence - HM, Clive Wearing
problems w clinical - lack control
clinical evidence - KF
dual task performance - Baddeley
central exec - too vague, EVR
validity issues - McGeoch and McDonald, no CV
limited explanation - rare conditions
real-world application - Baddeley and hitch rugby
Retrieval Failure
research support - Darley et al
context effects - Baddeley, have to be very different
recall v recognition - Godden and Baddeley replicated
Misleading Info
real world application - cognitive interview
low ecological validity - Foster, Yuille and Cutshall
demand characteristics - Zaragoza and McCloskey
unusualness - pickel
research support - Christianason and Hubinette
methodological limits - limited control, manipulation
Cognitive Interview
research support - meta analysis more accurate
quality not quantity - Kohnken 81 v 61
time consuming - Kebbel and Wagstaff
Types of Conformity
research support - aschs study
individual difference -nAffiliators, Perrin and Spencer
child of its time - Perrin and Spencer, probation
artificial - demand characteristics, trivial
limited application - gender bias Neto, culture bias
ethical issues - deceived, distress
demand characteristics - banauzizi and movehedi
lack of research support - reicher and halsam
real world application - abu ghraib
individual difference - Fromm
low internal validity - Orne and Holland, Perry
good external - Hofling et al 21/22
ethical issues - deceived, no protection
Situational Variables
research support - bickman uniform
low internal validity - orne and holland
cross culture replication - Meeus and Raj, Smith and
Situational Explanations
research support - Blass and Schmitt
limited explanation - Rank and Jacobson, milgram
culture differences - Kilham, Mantell
Dispositional Explanation
research support - Milgram and Elms
limited explanation - germany, scapegoating
methodological issue, Greenstein, social desire
Resistance to Social Influence
research support - Asch 5.5 Milgram 10
locus of control - Holland 37 internal 23 ex
contradictions - Twenge et al
Minority Influence
research support - Moscovici, Wood et al
research support - Martin
artificial tasks - doesn’t relate such as jury
Social Change
research support - Nolan et al
contradictory - DeJong, Foxcraft
barriers to social change - Bashir, stereotypes
well controlled - lab, broken down
real world application - phobias/gambling
environmental determinism - ignores free will
animal studies - not general and unethical
Social Learning Theory
cognitive factors - not simplified
real world application - explains culture difference
rely on lab studies - contrived expected behaviour
underestimates biological - environment only, testosterone
Cognitive Approach
scientific methods - reliable, as controlled
real world application - reforms in police, understanding in mental illness
machine reductionism - ignore human emotion
Biological Approach
scientific methods - objective techniques, tech advances
real world application - clinical depression
biological determinism - phenotype influenced by environment, free will
Psychodynamic Approach
explanatory power - influences, significant in childhood
real-world application - psychoanalysis, dream analysis
untestable concepts - unfalsifiable, unconscious level, subjective cases
Humanistic Approach
not reductionist - doesn’t break, holism
positive approach - human into psych, people as good
western cultural bias - freedom and growth individualist, other cultures don’t identify
Caregiver Infant Interactions
filmed observations - CV controlled, analysed later
difficult to observe - lack coordination, can’t determine
developmental importance - isabella research not replicated, feldman says robust phenomena
Schaffers Stages
external validity - ordinary activities, parents so natural, no alien environment or others
asocial stage - immobile, anxiety difficult to see, reports may be inaccurate
real life application - day care in asocial and indiscriminate not specific attatchment
generalisability - considerable data all from same demographic, collectivist cultures
Role of the Father
real world application - agonising decisions, reassures fathers and same sex
confusion over question - some primary, secondary, difficult to answer
conflicting evidence - longitudinal show distinct role but mccallum and golombok said same sex not different
observer bias - stereotypes of fathers, unintended conclusions
Animal Studies
theoretical values - apply to real life, close contact, quality of attatchment in life
practical value - howe understand neglect, attatchment in zoos
ethical issues - monkeys human like, knew suffering
generalisability - imprinting in birds can’t relate, mammalian show more attatchment
questionable observation - guiton said chickens on gloves but leant to mate, lorenz said permanent
Learning Theory
counter evidence (animal) - lorenz imprinted before fed, harlows study no food importance, cloth mother other milk provider
counter evidence (human) - schaffer and emerson show form attatchment to mother even though others fed, food not always main factor
other factors - research, quality associated with reciprocity and synchrony (isabella), no reason if feeding formed
social learning - new developments, hay and vespo says reach through hug or reinforce with praise, doesn’t rely on cupboard love
Bowlbys Theory
internal working model - hazan and shaver, the love quiz assesses working model, positive correlation, bailey et al, 99 mothers, poor attatchment, childhood reflects
social releasers- brazelton, observed and found synchrony, observation to experiment, ignore signals, distressed and fetal position
monotropy - schaffer and emerson, multiple attachments in 27%, challenges need for one
alternative explanation - individual experience, kagan ‘temprament hypothesis’, genetically inherited traits, some more sociable/anxious, bowlby ignored, may influence attatchment type
Types of Attatchment
reliable - highly controlled, several observers, 94% agreement, inter observer reliability strong, trustworthy
predictive validity - mccormick, securely attached achieve better, less bullying and better health, meaningful indicator, influence on later life
another type - main and soloman, analysed via tape, inconsistent meant insecure-disorganised, meta analysis found 15% type D
lack of ecological value - conducted in artificial setting, unfamiliar to both, may act different, don’t know if behaviour natural
Cultural Variations
large sample size - high internal validity, 1990 infants and figures, reduces anomalies, simonella and jin had large comparisons, trustworthy
represent countries - not studying between variations but in countries, many rearing styles and cultures within, CVs such as location or poverty, distributions in Tokyo similar to western, rural had over representation
cultural bias - imposes test for context, imposed etic, one cultural context in another, examine in many countries, britain and america lack of affection avoidant, germany, independent
Maternal Deprivation
limited explanation - confusion over types, Ritter said deprivation and privation, loss of attatchment or failure to form attatchment, orphans studied by goldfarb may be prived, long term damage not due to deprivation
flawed evidence - bowlby carried out interview, research open to bias, may have anticipated, goldfarbs children experienced trauma
critical v sensitive - prolonged separation affected if in 2 half years, koluchuva, twin boys suffered abuse from 18months to 7 years, recovered fully
research support - levy et al, seperate rats from mother had effect, gao et al, poor quality care meant psychopathy
Romanian Orphan Studies
real life application - can improve conditions, understand effects of care, how to prevent effects, social workers, reduce disinhibited attatchment
few CVs - previous studies had trauma, neglect etc, difficult to detangle effects, romanian handed over by loving parents, institutional measured
lack of adult data - most recent data from early 20s, can’t answer long term effects, mental health and relationships, don’t know long term effects
Influence of Early Attatchments
research support - review of evidence, attatchment predicts later and wellbeing, type of attatchments tells how strong link is, avoidant mild, disorganised mental disorder, secure attatchment advantageous
methodology - assessed retrospectively, not longitudinal, ask participants about relationship, relies on honesty, impacted by social desirability, difficult to know if child or adult attatchment assessed
reductionism - confounding variable and other explanation, mccarthy, attatchment in infancy, valid, association affected for example traumatic incident, genetically influenced