Topic C - Operating Online Flashcards
Where is data stored in cloud storage?
Stored remotely on servers.
What is 2 uses of cloud storage in our personal lives?
For portable data storage uses syncing files across multiple devices.
Sharing files with others.
What is 2 uses of cloud storage in our professional lives?
Remote data backups.
Remote working.
What is cloud computing?
Accessing the resources (processing, storage, etc,) of a server over the internet.
What is cloud computing used for in our personal lives?
For accessing software applications across multiple devices at a low cost.
What is cloud computing used for in our professional lives?
For accessing software with low maintenance needs and to support cloud computing.
What is the 2 benefits of using cloud storage / computing to individuals?
Software can be accessed flexibly.
Data can be synced between multiple devices and theft of equipment won’t lose your data.
What is the 3 disadvantage of using cloud storage/computing to individuals?
Can be security concerns and it requires a stable, fast internet connection.
What is the 3 benefits of using cloud storage/computing to businesses?
Reduced upfront costs.
Access can be flexible to your business needs.
Less IT staff are required for maintenance.
What is the 2 disadvantages of using cloud storage/computing to businesses?
Security can be a concern.
Productivity is damaged if the network/internet goes down.
Why are VPNs used in businesses?
To allow a user to connect to their work LAN while working remotely.
What do remote desktop technologies allow a user?
To access their work desktop from outside the business offices.
What 5 factors are there to consider when choosing an online system?
Security Cost Ease of use Features Connectivity
What are social media websites?
Allow you to visit or (like) pages dedicated to topics of interest.
What are blogs/microblogs?
Websites where you can write posts about news and opinion on a topic of interest.
What are vlogs?
Share an opinion on a topic of interest through videos.
What are wikis?
A website where the content is created by a community of users who share a common interest.
What are chatrooms?
Websites that allow for online communities to communicate via short text messages on a shared topic of interest.
What does instant messaging allow you to do?
Allows you to have a text based real time conversation between two people or a small group.
What are podcasts?
Audio or video files that are shared over the internet to share information on a particular topic.
What are forums?
Websites where users can post messages which can then be responded to by other forum users to take part in a discussion.
What are 5 factors that are implications of online communities (personal use)?
User experience Meeting needs Costs Privacy Security
What are 8 factors that are implications of online communities (organisations)?
Employee and customer experience Customer needs Cost Implementation Replacement or integration with current systems Productivity Working practices Security