Topic B Introduction to Pathology Flashcards
What is pathology?
It is a study of how disease affects the function of the body.
What is disease?
abnormally functioning organs or organ system resulting from a disruption in the normal state of the body internal environment (homeostasis).
what are some predisposing factors of disease?
- Age
- Genetic/heredity
- Gender
- Race
- Lifestyle,
- smoking/alcohol
– chemical, cigarettes
– Food, eg. barbeque
Signs vs symptoms
A sign is the effect of a health problem that can be observed by someone
A symptom is an effect noticed and experienced only by the person
who has the condition.
Signs and symptoms are the body’s ways of letting a person know that not
everything is running smoothly.
describe the inflammatory response
- Damage tissues carries bacteria into the wound
- wounded cells release chemicals that stimulate mast cells
- mast cells stimulate the release of histamine which will increase capillary blood flow and permeability causing fluid to leak out (swells) & exert pressure on nerve endings (pain), it cause itchiness too.
- Prostaglandin will also be released which dilates blood vessels, increasing blood flow (causes red & hot sensation to be felt)
- Phagocytes (white blood cells) leave the blood vessels and ingest bacteria and dead cells
what are some Anti-inflammatory agents? give one eg
Help reduce pain and swelling
• Eg. Antihistamine block effect of histamine
• Eg. Aspirin blocks production of prostaglandin
Antibiotic is also needed – kills bacteria
what are the six classification of Disease?
1.Infectious disease 2• Cancers 3• Immune disorders 4• Genetic disorders 5• Mental disorders 6• Conditions caused by trauma or injury
what are some causes of Infectious diseases? give one eg
Caused by pathogens, or disease-causing agents such
as bacteria, virus, parasites, fungi that can grow and
multiply in the body and cause disease.
• Eg. Covid-19
• Eg. H1N1 (swine flu)
• Eg. SARS
all of which:
– Damaging local tissue OR
– Produce substance that are toxic
what is cancer?
Characterized by uncontrollable cell growth and
proliferation (rapid increase in number) and undergo
apoptosis (cell death), and form tumors, or neoplasms
(abnormal tissue)
The neoplasms compete with healthy tissues for
nutrients, often causing angiogenesis (blood vessel
growth) to feed the cancer cells
• The cancer cells function solely to grow and divide,
nothing else & cause disruption in tissue and organ
structure and function
• Two major types of cancer: Benign and malignant tumors
what are Benign tumors?
Growth than are non-cancerous
• Meaning no ability to spread, or metastasize, to
other part of the body
• But they compete for space with healthy tissues
what are malignant tumors?
• Growth than are cancerous
• Have the ability to spread to other parts of the
body, causing tissue and organ damage in
various locations
what are the 2 causes of cancer?
• 1. Mutations from carcinogens, that affects the DNA
• Example of carcinogens
– Ultraviolet (UV) light
– Chemicals (nitrites in bacon and lunch meat)
– Viruses (human papillomavirus, HPV)
• 2. Mutations may turn on oncogenes (genes that
code for uncontrollable production of cellular growth
what are the causes of immune disorders?
Caused by inability of the body’s immune system to effectively protect and defend itself and leads to disease
Immune disorders are generally caused by:
– Hypersensitivity (to pollen, dust, mold etc)
– Immunodeficiency disorders (eg. AIDS)
– *Autoimmune disorders (eg. Type 1 diabetes)
what is hypersensitivity and what are some symptoms?
An overreaction of the immune system to an allergen
eg. Dust, pollen, mold, bee stings, antibiotics etc.
Symptoms: hives/congestion, running nose, itching,
excess tearing, inability to breath, anaphylactic
shock/anaphylaxis ( a severe, systemic
reaction that cause tightening of
airway, agnominal pain, hives, slurred
speech, wheezing. )
what is an immunodeficiency disorder? give one eg
Deficiency in immune system’s ability to defend the body
• Eg. AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) caused by HIV virus. The virus cause the immune system to be deficient, leaving the body open to pathological conditions
what is an autoimmune disorder? give one eg
An inability of the immune system to distinguish between its own tissue (self) and foreign tissue or cells (non-self)
Hence. an attack on body cells, tissues and organ can result.
• Eg. Type 1 diabetes
– In healthy, islet cells of pancreas secret insulin to control blood sugar
– In type 1 diabetes, the body’s immune system sees the islet cells as
foreign and attacks them – cannot secret insulin – type 1 diabetes
what is a genetic disorder and what causes it? (give eg)
- Abnormalities caused by a mutation in the genetic code, presence of abnormal chromosome or altered chromosome structure
- Cause: inherited, occurred spontaneously or exposure to mutagen (agent that cause genetic mutation)
– Eg. UV rays - can alter the genetic code in skin and cause cancerous cells to develop
what is a mental disorder and what are the causes and egs
- Conditions of the mind and include disorders associated with behaviour or psychological well-being
- A broad category with various etiologies (causes), some are unknown
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Eating disorders
what is trauma and how does it affect the body? give some eg of trauma
Trauma is defined as a wound or shock produced by an injury
• The injury can cause abnormal function of the body part. Hence must make sure the injury does not threaten life. Eg. Control excessing bleeding, prevent or manage shock, prevent infection
Causes of trauma: • Burns • Physical abuse • Accidents • Drowning • Wounds inflicted by foreign objects • Exposure to toxic agents
What is Diagnosis and Differential diagnosis (DD)?
Diagnosis (Dx) = interpretation of data collected and process of determining the cause or nature of the problem
• DD = this is used when there is more than one possible disease present
Eg. Blur vision
Dx = myopia
DD = cataract
What is the process of a diagnosis?
- History taking – signs and symptoms – medical examinations –diagnostic/lab tests – compare results with normal findings and interpret – diagnosis, treatment and prognosis
- Once diagnosis is made, a treatment plan can be developed.
What are the four types of treatment plans?
- Palliative treatment
- Curative treatment
- Therapeutic treatment
- Preventive treatment
what is palliative treatment?
Used when a disease cannot be cured. The goal is to make the patient more comfortable during the terminal stages of the disease
what is curative treatment?
A treatment regimen designed to cure the patient of the disease
what is therapeutic treatment?
Involve a long-term care to restore normal body function. Eg. Physical therapy for injured limb, chemotherapy, radiation therapy.
what is preventive treatment?
Steps to prevent disease from happening. Help people to live a longer, healthier life (eg. Immunization/vaccination, health screening etc)
Becoming increasingly significant