Topic 8: RSI's Flashcards
_________ _________ occurs if tissue has sustained microtrauma and is continuously stressed, it won’t have the opportunity to heal and the inflammatory state can last much longer than the normal acute 4-6 day span.
Chronic Inflammation
Tissues exposed to chronic inflammation possess an upregulation of fibroblasts, as well as increased macrophages and lymphocytes. This results in increased collagen production with simultaneous destruction of mature tissue. This yields a predominance of new, _________ ________ – weakening the tissue overall.
Immature Collagen
T/F: RSI’s have a slow, insidious onset. Pain, inflammation and/or weakness come on slowly, and often people don’t seek treatment right away.
_______s are vulnerable to repetitive strain: When muscles are unable to bear a given load – whether they lack adequate strength or endurance, the load is then passed on.
T/F: Tendons are not as vascularized as muscle and therefore have reduced perfusion and increased healing time.
Individuals with chronic tendon pain tend to have an abundance of type _ and _ collagen
Type 3 and 5 collagen
General term referring to tendon pathology.
Acute or chronic inflammation of a tendon.
Chronic degradation of a tendon without inflammation. Characterized by disrupted collagen fibres within the tendon, increased cellularity, neovascularization (not associated with increased healing).
Inflammation of a tendon sheath (some tendons have sheaths surrounding them, (e.g. biceps long head tendon) that can become irritated and inflamed.
The following describes treatment of tendonopathy in the _______ stage:
Ø Control the inflammation : cold hydro, elevation, lymph drainage
Ø Decrease UMRT
Ø NB : GTO is CI’d at lesion site, but safe for the non affected tendon
Ø Don’t challenge tissue or irritate injury site
Ø Patient education -> REST
Ø Can maintain integrity and mobility of tissue with nonstressful passive movement (pain free)
Acute stage
The following describes treatment of tendonopathy in the ______ stage:
Ø Can start to challenge tissue
Ø Decrease UMRT, myofascial restrictions/ adhesions and TRP’s
Ø Develop strong/ mobile scar – (skin roll/myofascial/direct fascial/ friction)
Ø Castor oil and wax with heat
Ø Work on contributing factors – ie postural dysfunction
Ø Self care program – normalize length/strength imbalances, endurance
Sub-acute and Chronic stage
_________ _______ has been shown to be one of, if not the most effective intervention for tendonopathies
Eccentric loading
________ _______ describes calcium deposits in a damaged tendon.
Calcific tendonitis
A ________ is a cystic tumors developing in a tendon sheath.