Topic 8 - Anatomy of the Face and Scalp Flashcards
Describe the vasculature of the parotid gland
- Arterial - posteior auricular and superficial temporal arteries
- Venous - retromandibular vein
Describe the attachments of the medial pterygoid
- Deep and superficial parts
- Attachments
- Deep - lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- Superficial - maxillary tuberosity and palatine bone
- Both - ramus of mandible
Describe the function of the depressor labii inferioris
Lowers bottom lip
Describe the attachment and function of the frontalis muscle
- Attached to the epicranial aponeurosis
- Function = raise eyebrows/wrinkle forehead
List the branches of the facial artery
Cervical branches:
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
- Tonsillar artery
- Submental artery
- Glandular artery
Facial branches
- Inferior labial artery
- Superior labial artery
- Lateral nasal branch
- Angular artery (terminal branch)
Describe the venous drainage of the face
- Angular vein runs down side of nose, forms the facial vein
- Facial vein drains most of face, drains to internal jugular vein
- Other veins
- Maxillary vein (follows artery)
- Superficial temporal vein - drains forehead and scalp
- Superficial temporal + maxillary = retromandibular vein
- Posterior auricular vein + retromandibular vein = external jugular vein
Describe the location and structure of the masseter
- Most superficial
- Deep and superficial parts
- Attachment:
- Deep - zygomatic arch
- Superficial - maxillary process of zygomatic bone
- Both - ramus of mandible
Describe the arterial supply of the scalp
- Branches of the external carotid artery - superficial temporal, posterior auricular and occipital arteries
- Ophthalmic artery (branch of internal carotid) - supraorbital and supratrochlear
Describe the function of levator anguli oris
Elevates angle of mouth medially
Describe the venous drainage of the scalp
- Superficial - follows arteries
- Superficial temporal, occipital, posterior auricular, supraorbital, supratrochlear
- Deep - pterygoid venous plexus, between temporalis and later pterygoid muscles, drains to maxillary veins
Describe the function of levator labii superioris alaque nasi
Elevates upper lip and wing of nose
Describe the function of orbicularis oris
Purses lips
Describe the positions of the medial and lateral pterygoids
Medial is inferior, lateral is superior
Describe the attachements of the lateral pterygoid muscle
- Superior and inferior heads
- Attachements
- Superior - greater wing of sphenoid bone
- Inferior - lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone
- Both - neck of mandible
Describe the embryological origin of the muscles of mastication
1st pharyngeal arch
Describe the embryological origin of the muscles of facial expression
2nd pharyngeal arch
Describe the location of the sublingual glands
- On floor of oral cavity, under tongue
- Borded laterally by mandible, medially by genioglossus muscle
Why is the aponeurosis clinically significant?
In scalp wounds, if the aponeurosis is torn through (especially in coronal plane due to pull of occipitalis and frontalis muscles) the wound will gape
Describe the parasympathetic innervation of the sublingual gland
- Superior salivatory nucleus from chorda tympani
- Synapses at submandibular ganglion
- Increases salivation through secretomotor and vasodilator fibres
How are superficial scalp wounds usually treated?
Don’t gape, easily treated e.g. with glue
Describe the sensory innervation of the parotid gland
Auriculotemporal and great auricular nerves
What is the action of the temporalis muscle?
Elevates and retracts mandible
Which nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?
Mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve
Describe the parasympathetic innervation of the submandibular gland
- Superior salivatory nucleus from chorda tympani
- Follows lingual branch of mandibular nerve to submandibular ganglion
- Increases salivation through secretomotor and vasodilator fibres
What is the function of the muscles of mastication?
Move the temporomandibular joint
List the structures which pass through the parotid gland
- Facial nerve - splits to give 5 terminal branches in the parotid gland
- External carotid artery - gives off posterior auricular artery and splits into terminal branches (maxillary and superficial temporal arteries)
- External Jugular - formed by retromandibular and posterior auricular veins in parotid gland
Describe the function of platysma
Draws the cornes of the mouth down and out, lifts the skin of the neck up