Endocrine Topic 6 - Thyroid Gland Flashcards
How is hyperthyroidism treated?
- Thionamides - carbizamole, propylthiouracil
- Carbizamole - drug of choice, absorbed well from gut, converted to methimazole via 1st pass metabolism, half life = 12-15 hours
- Propylthiouracil - less active, shorter half-life, higher dose needed - 2nd line or in pregancy
- Beta-blockers e.g. propanolol - reduces sympathetic symptoms, no hormonal effect
- Potassium iodide - reduced TH released acutely
- Radioactive iodine
- Surgery - thyroidectomy (partial or total)
Describe the location of the thyroid gland
- Anterior neck, C5-T1
- Behind sternohyoid and sternothyroid muscle
- Visceral compartment of neck (with trachea, oesophagus and pharynx) - bound by the pre-tracheal fascia
What are the risk factors for hypothyroidism?
- Female
- Age
- Genetic predisposition (autoimmune)
- Drugs e.g. lithium
What change occurs in the follicles when they become active?
Epithelial cells - Cuboidal/squamous to columnar when active
Describe the pathophysiology of autoimmune hypothyroidism
- Infiltration of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, autoantibodies blocking TSH receptor/attacking thyroid peroxidase/Tg
- Progressive destruction of thyroid follicular tissue
How is thyroid hormone release stimulated?
- Thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) secreted by hypothalamus, stimulates thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) release from the anterior pituitary
- TSH binds to G protein coupled receptor on follicular cells, activated cAMP and phospholipase C
- cAMP mediates actions - increased Tg iodination, microvilli number and length, endocyotsis of colloid droplets, TH release, iodine influx, cellular metabolism, protein (including Tg) synthesis and DNA synthesis
- Increases TH stores, within 1 hours increases TH release
Describe the innervation of the thyroid gland
Sympathetic trunk, doesn’t control hormone secretion
Why is propylthiouracil used to treat hyperthyroidism in pregnancy?
Carbimazole (usually drug of choice) has adverse effects on newborns - skin conditions
How is hyperthyroidism diagnosed?
- Biochemical proof of suppressed TSH and high free thyroid hormone
- Anti-TSH receptor/Tg/TPO antibodies
- ESR - inflammation
- Ultrasound - increased vascularisation of thyroid (Grave’s)
- Radioactive iodine uptake test with PET scan
How is hypothyroidism treated?
- Levothyroxine
- 1.7-2.0 micro g/kg/day on empty stomach
- Avoid taking with PPI, ferrous sulphate or calcium - chelate, won’t be absorbed (incomplete gastric absorption)
- Start low in elderly/cardiac disease - increase HR quickly, could have ischaemic heart disease
- Long half-life
- Travels bound to protein, metabolised to triiodothyronine (T3)
- Goal = normalise symptoms and TSH (normal level is disputed)
Describe the action of thyroid hormone
- Nuclear receptors - cytosolic T3 transported to the nucleus, binds to thyroid receptors alpha and beta, proteins synthesised
- T3 acts as ligan for TR - transcription factor, alters gene expression
- Determinants of brain and somatic development (foetal)
- Skeletal (increases in bone tumours), cardiovascular (increases HR), increases metabolic rate
What are the functional units of the thyroid gland?
- Follicles - epithelial structures
- Single layer of cuboidal epithelium with basement membrane, colloid in centre
- Store thyroglobulin (iodinated glycoprotein) - storage form of T3/4
What are the risks for hyperthyroidism?
- Autoimmune disease
- Female
- Pregnancy
- Drugs e.g. amidarone
How does thyroglobulin become converted to active hormone?
- Colloid enveloped by microvilli on cell surface (endocytosis) to form colloid vesicles within cells, fuse with lysosomes
- Enzymes in lysosomes break down iodinated thyroglobulin, releasing T3/4
- T3/4 pass across basal cell membrane into capillary (T4>T3)
What causes hypothyroidism?
- Primary - high TSH, low T4
- Autoimmune Hashimoto thyroiditis
- Iodine deficiency
- Drugs e.g. lithium
- Congenital hypothyroidism
- Post-radioactive iodine
- Post-thyroiditis
- Secondary - low TSH, low T4
- Pituitary or hypothalamic disease
Define goitre
Swelling of the neck due to enlargement of the thyroid - hypothyroid, hyperthyroid or euthyroid with nodular disease