Topic 8 Flashcards
To benefit from range of tax adv, what must a scheme do
Register scheme with hmrc
The pensions act 2006 attempted what?
To bring all under one simplified set of rules
What are the limit of pa pension conts
Higher of:
100% of uk earning
To max of £50k-combined bet emp and employer
Eg earn 35k, out in 35k, emp can out in 15k w/o income taxed
Taking benefits froma pension scheme is known as ….
Lifetime allowance limit is?
25% charges to excess funds used to provide income
55% if taken as cash
What is a pension fund w/d?
Alternative to purchasing annuity
Drawdown- income w/d from fund within limits, officially called an unsecured pension- still taxed
Allows holder to take tax free lump sum, then delay taking an income by setting dd at 0%
On a unsecured pension, how much can be withdrawn?
Bet 0 and 100% of GAD rate -gov actuaries dept
This is capped drawdown which applies to most
What is the GAD rate?
Gov actuaries dept rate, broadly the income a level anniuty would have provided for same age and sex
Reviewed every 3rd anniv, but holder can change w/d within limits at any time
What is secured pension income defined as?
State pensions, occ scheme or pension annuities
What is flex drawdown?
If secure ret income at least £20k can take any amount anytime
Each w/d treated as income and taxed accordingly
If planholder dies b4 75 and crystal…
Fund passes to beneficiaries free from IHT
If holder dies after 75 but not crystalised benefits…
A recovery charge of 55% applies
Not IHT, prevent building up pension without intention of taking benefits to escape tax
If holder dies while taking unsecured income….
the fund can be returned to beneficiaries less 55% recover charge
Or fund can provide income for deps- fund wouldnt be taxed
Accrual rate
This is the rate at which you build up pension benefits while a member of a defined benefit scheme
Ie 1/60th
With profits?
Min maturity guaranteed
Bonuses are added assuming profits are sufficient