topic 7.3: measures of development Flashcards
Human Development Index (HDI):
the UN’s method for measuring how developed a country is. Includes: decent standard of living, long and healthy life, and access to knowledge
Standard of Living
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
: the total value of the goods and services produced by country’s citizens and companies within the country in a year
Gross National Product (GNP):
the total value of the goods and services produced by a country’s citizens and companies both domestically and internationally in a year
Gross National Income (GNI):
the total value of goods and services globally produced by a country in a year
Per capita:
per person
Formal Sector:
businesses, enterprises, and other economic activities that have government supervision, monitoring, and protection, and are also taxed
Informal Sector:
any part of a country’s economy that is outside of government monitoring or regulation; sometimes called the informal economy
Why is looking at economic wealth at the national scale of analysis limited?
It masks the variation that exists within
Access to fossil fuels and other natural resources:
having quick and easy access to fossil fuels is key for economic success
How does each of the following indicate levels of development? Also, how does each change as a country develops?
Fertility rates (TFR)
: TFR goes down as a country developed because women start to work and don’t have as much time for children and because IMR gets better so moms trust their children will make it to adulthood
How does each of the following indicate levels of development? Also, how does each change as a country develops?
Infant mortality rates (IMR):
goes down as a country develops because technology and knowledge get better, plus sanitation is improved
How does each of the following indicate levels of development? Also, how does each change as a country develops?
Life expectancy:
is longer because better access to technology and knowledge
How does each of the following indicate levels of development? Also, how does each change as a country develops?
Access to Knowledge
Literacy rates:
the number of men AND women, over the age of 15, that can read and write. It includes women as well. This number will show you if a country values the education of women
Is a score close to 0.0 good or bad for GII?
Adolescent Birth Rate:
teen pregnancy
Adolescent Birth Rate:
How does this change as a country develops? Why?
Goes down because girls stay in school longer which delays marriage and children
Adolescent Birth Rate:
How is the U.S. doing with this?
Not good
Maternal Mortality Rate:
women who die in childbirth
Maternal Mortality Rate:
How does this change as a country develops? Why?
Goes down with better technology, knowledge, and sanitation
Maternal Mortality Rate:
How is the U.S. doing with this?
Not good
Secondary education graduation rates, females
How does this change as a country develops? Why?
Goes up as the education of women is valued
Secondary education graduation rates,
How is the U.S. doing with this?
Secondary education graduation rates,
How is the U.S. doing with this?
Not good, only about 25%
Secondary education graduation rates,
What country is doing the best with this?
Labor-market participation:
working full time
Female labor force participation
number of females working full time
**Be careful with this number, it is not just about how many women are working, but also, the types of jobs they are doing