Topic 7 ( INFORMATION SYSTEMS) Flashcards
oA branch of CS that creates computer or machines as intelligent as humans.
oA subfield that studies the thought processes of humans and Loading…
recreate the effects of those processes through information systems.
oThe goal is to create intelligent systems that are capable of certain intelligent behaviors.
Characteristics of human intelligence
The ability to use sensors (eye, ear, touch and smell)
The ability to be creative and imaginative:
The ability to learn from experience, reason and be adaptive
The ability to document process and knowledge
The ability to make complex calculations
Applications of AI in various industries
-Healthcare: diagnostics, drug development, and personalized treatments.
◦Microbots, Minimally invasive surgery
-Finance: algorithmic trading, fraud detection, and personalized financial
-Retail: targeted marketing, demand forecasting, and customer service chatbots.
-Transportation: autonomous vehicles, traffic optimization, and predictive maintenance
Turing test
A test of machines’ ability to exhibit human intelligence
A human and a computer both pretend to be a human, and a human interviewer has to identify which is the real human.
Major types of AI technology
◦Expert systems
◦Neural networks
Expert system
● Computer systems that attempt to mimic human experts by applying expertise in a specific domain.
●Work with heuristics
Expert system
Goes from user to Unser interface through queries and then to inference engine.
Reverse would start with expert knowledge, transferred to a knowledge base, then formed into an inference engine -> user interface and finally to the user through a solution.
The components of expert system
●Knowledge base
●Inference engine
●User interface
Ex/ MYCIN: bacterial infection detection
DENDRAL: bacterial molecular structure
Cadet: cancer detection
PXDES: lung cancer detection
Artificial neural networks
A system that simulates the underlying concepts of the biological brain.
Biological neuron
Dendrites: inputs
Cell body: process inputs
Axon: output
Synapses: connections between neurons
Neural network: simulating a single neruon
• Takes the Inputs
• Calculate the summation of the Inputs
• Compare it with the threshold being set during the training stage
Neural network applications
Speech recognition (Google Assistant, Siri)
● Image recognition
●Financial trading: predict stock prices ●Natural Language Processing
Concerns with AI: enviromental costs
- Environment impact: huge data set (cooling system, power up)
- Data quality: noise, missing values, incorrect
- Data privacy: purchase history, viewing history
- Algorithmic discrimination: data bias - imbalance healthcare
Carbon footprint
- Each query emits 4.32 grams of CO2.
-15 ChatGPT queries equate to CO2 emissions of watching one hour of video streaming.
-139 queries are roughly equivalent to the emissions from one load of laundry washed and dried on a clothesline.
-For frequent flyers, 92,593 queries would match the carbon footprint of a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Seattle
- Each query emits 4.32 grams of CO2.
-15 ChatGPT queries equate to CO2 emissions of watching one hour of video streaming.
-139 queries are roughly equivalent to the emissions from one load of laundry washed and dried on a clothesline.
-For frequent flyers, 92,593 queries would match the carbon footprint of a round-trip flight from San Francisco to Seattle