Topic 7: Chromosome Alterations Flashcards
___________: contain a single chromosome within an arbitrary region that is not bound by any membranes
chromosomal territories
how do we visualize our chromosomes?
with a karyotype! (an individual’s complete set of chromosomes- can now be made into a picture!)
chromosomes 1-22 are ________
chromsome 23 is a ___________
sex chromosome (X or Y)
chromosomes are divided at the centromere into _______________
chromosome arms (usually unequal lengths)
short arm = (________)
p arm
long arm = (________)
q arm
_________ chromosomes have a centromere near the middle
______ chromosomes have a centromere nearer to one end
_________ chromosomes have centromeres at one end
_________ chromosomes have a terminal centromere
________ condensation results in the banding patterns on chromosomes
_______: regions of lesser compaction, actively transcribed chromatin
_________: regions of higher compaction, less gene transcription
_________: when chromosomes and sister chromatids fail to separate properly
chromosome numbers that are a multiple of the haploid number (2n, 3n, 4n…) are ______
if we add or remove a chromosome, it alters the euploid number and generates an _______
____________in germ-line cells causes aneuploidy
nondisjunction in germ-line cells results in the failure of homologous chromosome separation in ________
meiosis I
________ (2n+1): three of one chromosome instead of a homologous pair
trisomy (trisomic)
_______ (2n-1): a single copy of the chromosomes instead of a homologous pair
nondisjunction in germ-line cells results in the failure of sister chromatid separation in _______
meiosis II (typically follows after a normal meiosis I)
aneuploidy alters gene dosage, which two men worked on this concept? and with what plant?
Albert Francis Blakeslee and John Belling worked on the Jimson Weed
true/false: aneuploidy changes the gene dosage of ALL the genes on the affected chromosome
in diploid organisms, gene dosage is ____%
monosomic: ______%
trisomic: _________%
true/false: plants aren’t as tolerant to changes in gene dosage compared to animals
false! they are!
where are the three most common chromosomes for trisomy in humans? How many total opportunities for trisomy are there?
trisomy 13, 18, 21
potential for 24 different kinds of trisomy (often see them in sex chromosomes!!)
when does trisomy 21 (Down Syndrome) occur? in what meiotic stage?
what is trisomy 21 linked to?
reaches synapsis in prophase I, then stops (90% of trisomy 21 cases were a result of meiosis I nondisjunction)
linked to the age of the mother
children have two copies of maternal C21, and one copy of paternal C21
what are two examples of gene dosage differences in humans with missing/extra sex chromosomes? (female)
turner syndrome (X0)
triple X syndrome (XXX)
X-inactivation mosaicism occurs from ______ nondisjunction: occurs during embryogenesis early in development
mitotic (example: Turner syndrome)
____________ disomy: both copies of the homologous chromosome pair are derived from the same parent
uniparental (requires nondisjunction of the same chromosome in both the eggs and the sperm!! (super rare!!))