Topic 5f - Nervous system Flashcards
Properties of neurons…?
uneven distribution of ions inside & outside of cell membrane -> membrane potential
Inside of cell is normally…?
-vely charged (high [K+], low [Na+]
Membrane potential maintained by…?
Na+/K+-ATPase pump
What is the refractory period?
time for neurons to recover after AP
Resting potential = ?
~ -70mV
Threshold = ?
~ -50mV
Channels during resting potential…?
resting K+ channel = open
voltage-gated Na+ channel = closed
voltage-gated K+ channel = closed
Channels during action potential…?
voltage-gated Na+ channel = opens -> Na+ rushes into cell
voltage-gated K+ channel = closed
Channels during resting potential restoration…?
voltage-gated K+ channel = open -> K+ move out of cells
Neurotransmitter ACh & GABA…?
ACH: muscle control - excitatory
GABA: inhibitory
What is cephalisation?
concentration of neurons in the head region
White matter contains…?
myelinated axons
Gray matter contains…?
cell bodies of motor neurons & interneurons
Dorsal root =?
signals going into spinal cord
Ventral root = ?
signals leaving spinal cord
Medulla controls ?
ANS - breathing, HR, etc.
Cerebellum controls?
coordination of movement & motor learning
Cerebrum controls?
processing sensory info & speech, memory & higher intellectual function
Corpus callosum contains?
bundles of neurons connecting left & right hemispheres
Limbic system…?
no. of structures in forebrain
controls emotions
Order of Mid & hind brain?
midbrain, hind brain, spinal cord
What comprises hindbrain?
Frontal lobe controls …?
higher intellectual functions & speech motor area
Parietal lobe controls…?
sensory association area
Temporal lobe…?
auditory & memory
Occipital lobe…?