Topic 5b Transition metals and alloys Flashcards
1 Which are usually good conductors of electricity, metals or non-metals?
2 What can you say about the melting points of metals compared with non-metals?
They are high.
3 Are most metals shiny or dull when freshly cut?
4 Why do lumps of most metals sink in water?
They have high densities/are denser than water.
5 What gas is produced when a metal reacts with an acid?
6 What catalyst is used in the Haber process?
7 What orange-brown substance is formed when iron reacts with air and water?
rust/hydrated iron(III) oxide
8 What happens to the mass of a catalyst when it catalyses a chemical reaction?
It stays the same.
9 The melting point of a substance is 39 °C and its boiling point is 356 °C. What is its state at room temperature?
liquid (it has melted but it hasnt yet boiled)
10 What non-metal element is used to extract iron from iron ore?
11 In which part of the periodic table is iron placed?
transition metals
12 What can you say about the melting point of a typical transition metal?
It is high.
13 What is oxidation?
gain of oxygen/loss of electrons
14 What colour is rust?
15 What gas element is needed for iron to rust?
16 What colourless compound is needed for iron to rust?
17 Which is more reactive, zinc or iron?
18 Which is more reactive, copper or iron?
19 Is common salt, sodium chloride, needed for iron to rust?
20 When a metal corrodes, is it oxidised or reduced?
21 Are metals shiny or dull when freshly cut?
22 In general, what can you say about the densities of transition metals?
They are high.
23 When metals corrode, are they oxidised or reduced?
24 What two substances are needed for iron to rust?
oxygen/air and water
25 Which metal is used in sacrificial protection of iron: zinc or tin?
zinc (zinc is more reactive than iron)
26 What is the common name for hydrated iron(III) oxide?
27 Which method of rust prevention is most suitable for a car engine: painting, oiling or coating with plastic?
28 Are metal ions positively charged or negatively charged?
positively charged
29 What name is given to the negative electrode in electrolysis?
cathode (PANIC!)
30 What name is given to the liquid through which a current flows during electrolysis?
31 How are the atoms arranged in a piece of solid metal?
regularly/in layers/in a lattice/close together
32 Which metal is more reactive, iron or zinc?
33 Is the corrosion of a metal an example of oxidation, or reduction?
34 What is the corrosion of iron called?
35 Give one reason for electroplating a metal object with another metal.
to improve its appearance/corrosion resistance
36 Why is stainless steel used for cutlery and kitchen sinks?
It does not rust.
37 Which metal has the higher melting point, iron or magnesium?
38 Which metal has the higher density, sodium or iron?
39 Which metal is more suitable for the sacrificial protection of iron; copper or zinc?
40 Between which two groups in the periodic table are the transition metals placed?
groups 2 and 3
41 Which metal is more reactive, copper or gold?
42 Compared with other metals, do transition metals have high density or low density?
high density
43 Iron(II) chloride exists as green crystals. How can you tell that iron is a transition metal?
It forms coloured compounds.
44 Mercury melts at -39 °C. Why is this unusual?
It is a metal/metals are usually solid/have high melting points.
45 Why is stainless steel an alloy?
It is a mixture of metals.
46 What often happens to the strength of a metal when it is converted into an alloy?
It increases/gets stronger.
47 Name the process that uses electricity to put a thin coat of a metal on another metal.
48 What happens to iron if it is exposed to air and water?
It rusts/corrodes.
49 Give one common use of gold.
jewellery/electrical connectors/coins or bars for investment
50 Which is stronger, wrought iron or steel?
- What are the chemical properties of transition metals?
Less reactive than group 1 and 2 metals
They can act as catalysts
They form coloured compounds
What are the physical properties of transition metals?
High melting points
Hard and strong
High density
Good conductors of heat and electricity
Malleable and ductile
What is electroplating?
Electroplating is used to coat a thin layer of one metal on top of another metal to:
Coat jewellery with silver and gold
Stop the base metal corroding
Improve the conductivity of the metal
what is the method of electroplating?
The method used for electroplating is the same as for electrolysis using copper electrodes except the cathode (negative electrode) is the metal object which is being coated.
What can be used to protect iron, a sacrificial layer?
Galvanising and tin coating can be used to protect iron (sacrificial protection)
Explain examples of metals and alloys and their uses.
Aluminium – should be a reactive metal but resists corrosion due to oxide layer. It does conduct electricity, but not as well as copper. It is stronger, cheaper and less dense than copper and is used for overhead cables.
Manalium – an alloy with 95% aluminium and 5% magnesium. It is used for aircraft parts and is less dense and 4x stronger than aluminium alone.
Brass - an alloy of copper and zinc. Copper is a better conductor of electricity, but brass is much stronger and is used for making the pins on plugs.
What do alloys have that pure metals don’t?
Alloys have metal atoms of different sizes. This disturbs the regular structure and means the layers cant slide over each other making them much harder and stronger

What do pure metals have?
Pure metals are soft because the atoms are regularly arranged and can easily slide over each other

What are methods to prevent rusting?
Paint, coat with plastic, coat with oil or grease
All methods keep oxygen or water or both away from the metal
Sacrificial protection : Include a more reactive metal which will corrode in preference.
The elctroplating set up and what is produced at either electrode?

what is bronze made of?
copper + tin
what is brass made of?
copper and zinc
what is steel (iron) made of?
Iron, carbon as well as other metals.
What are the other metals that are in the stainless steel?