Topic 5A Managing Innovation and Growth Flashcards
Why Innovation is Important
- Innovation is the genesis of many new businesses
- Mechanism for growth; add new products/services!
- On average, only 32% of company profits come from new products
- Innovative firms generate 50% of profits from new products!
- Single best predictor for investement value: degree of innovativeness (study by Cooper)
- Innvative companies generate more money, more profits, more jobs
definition of innovation
The act of introducing novel and useful ideas into value-creating new products, new services, or new processes
Invention or creativity:
- ** **the generation of a novel AND useful idea
the act **implementing **novel and usful ideas into value-creating new products, new services, or new processes
How Innovation Happens:
combine creative ideas with resources and completecies to create a useful, value-creating new product, new service, or new process- and then successful **Commercialize **it.!
sources of Innovation
Innovation←Creativity←Sources of Creativity
The ability to prodce work that is useful and novel
Creativity - individual
Function of:
- Intellectural abilities
- knowledge
- style of thinking
- personality
- motivation
- Environment
Creativity– Organizational
Function of:
- Creativity of individuals within the organization
- Social processes and contextual factors
Creativity– Organizational
Amplified or Thwarted by;
innovation Management System
Discover Ideas
Integrate Ideas
Anticipate Opportunities
- New Strategy Development Process
- New Bsiness Development Process
- New Capabilities Process
- New product Development Process
New Srategy Development Process
- Create the drie and focus for the long term
- Identify and create new technology platforms
New Business Development
- Search for new markets
- Manage product
- portfolios
- Manage for growth
New product development
- Multi-functional teams
- Work on all phases to design & develop new products
New capabilities development
- create new capabilities to support & enable the product developent team (e.e. technologies, flexible manufacturing)