Topic 4 (Moon's effects on Earth) Flashcards
If the earth rotated north to south the stars would appear to set…
Set north
How would the sky look like after 3-hour exposure photograph if the earth did not rotate?
The stars would be stationary
After 3 hours how many degrees do the stars move
45 degrees
Does polaris move in the night sky?
Explain why most stars seem to move from east to west in the night sky in new york state
Earth rotates from west to east
The star Sirius is observed in the evening sky during the month of January. After 4 hours Sirius will appear to have moved how many degrees
60 degrees
on december 21 at which latitude will the observer find the sun directly over head?
23.5 degrees South
The sun’s apparent daily movement is caused by…
earths rotation on its axis
At which location would the sun produce an angle of 23.5 relative to an observers head at noon june 21
90 degrees north or 43 degrees south
At 40*N latitude, for how many days a year is the sun direcly over head at noon
0 days
In new york State, to see the sun at noon, one would look
In New York state when the sun is 23.5 degrees up in the sky, what month is it (most likely)
To a person located 43 degrees North latitude the sun appear to rise due east on
March 21
From september 21 to december 20 in the united states, the direction the sun sets is
Moves from west towards south
Which motion causes the apperant rising and setting of the moon each day as seen from a location in new york state
Earth rotating on its axis
As earth revolves in orbit from its january position to its position in july, the angle between its axis and orbital plane will…
Remain the same
As a Foucault pendulum swings for 6 hours it will…
Appear to change positions due to earths rotation
How long is the time between2 full moons?
29.5 days
When we can see little of the moon, but it is getting larger each day, what phase is it in?
High tides occor when…
The sun moon and earth are alligned
The Coriolis effect provides evidence that the earth
Rotates in its axis
Why can some stars only be seen in the summer?
The earth revolves around the sun, blocking the view of those stars
To an observer on earth, the planet Venus does not appear at one fixed point, because…
Venus rotates around the sun, as well as earth
The new moon phase occors when the moon is positioned between Earth and the Sun. However, these positions don’t always cause a Solar Eclipse because…
The moon’s orbit is tilted 5*