Topic 4 Breathing Flashcards
how should you refer to the chest?
- bone structure that protects internal organs
intercostal muscles
- muscles between the ribs
- move ribcage up and down when they contract / relax
- sheet of tissue + muscle at bottom of thorax
- raises and lowers to change vol of thorax
- windpipe that connects mouth and nose to lungs
- can only pass through here
what happens once air passes through the nasal cavity?
- air is smelt /warmed/filtered/moistened
- air meets pharynx (junction at back of oral cavity)
what is the pharynx?
- junction between two tubes
- epiglottis is flap that separates trachea from other tube
- below epiglottis = larynx (voice box)
- large tubes branching off trachea w/ one bronchus for each lung
bronchi split -> smaller tubes connected to alveoli
tiny air sacs where gas exchange takes place
pleural cavity
- fluid filled space between pleural membranes
- pleural fluid reduces friction and is lubrication between lungs and inside of chest
- pleural membranes form air tight seal round lungs
what happens during inhalation?
- diaphragm muscles contract so diaphragm lowers
- external intercostal muscles contract so ribcage moves up and out
- this increases volume inside thorax
- decrease in air pressure
- air enters lungs
what happens during exhalation?
- diaphragm muscles relax so diaphragm raises
- external intercostal muscles contract so ribcage moves down and inwards
- this decreases volume of chest cavity
- increase in air pressure
- air forced out
how are alveoli adapted for gas exchange?
- large sa to vol ratio -> fast rate of diffusion
- moist surface -> gases dissolve for fast diffusion
- lots of capillaries surround them keeps conc gradient high for fast diffusion
- one cell thick so short diffusion distance
CORRMMSS breathing in humans affected by exercise
c) intensity of exercise
O)humans of the same s) gender and age s) who are all moderately active
R) I will test a range of mild, medium and high intensity exercise each three times and find a mean
(No of star jumps)
After exercise I will count how many breaths (m1) the test subject takes in a minute (using a stopwatch) (M2) after they stop exercising