Topic 4 Flashcards
-Give examples of reaction coordinates commonly used to study free energy changes in biophysical systems -Explain why the use of biased potential could offer a strategy for dealing with the timescale problem in MD. -Give a basic overview of the umbrella sampling and metadynamics methods. -Describe the pros and cons of umbrella sampling with each other and with other methods covered in this course -Be aware of how these techniques may be used to study biophysical systems.
What is biased sampling?
- Where a biasing potential is used that can be used to force the system to explore unfavourable configurations, leading to enhanced sampling of phase space
- This means we are more likely to overcome kinetic barriers that trap us in local minima of our PES for our entire simulation time
What is a key condition of biased sampling?
Need to know something about pathways as a starting point as this is what we are defining
What are reaction coordinates and briefly give two examples? (also known as collective variables and order parameters)
- Characterise a process in terms of a small set of properties of a system that are a function of atomic coordinates.
- Also known as collective variables and order parameters
- Distance/separation, r
- Dihedral angle
- Give an example of how distance can be used as a reaction coordinate
- Potential mean force (PMF), which is the free energy along a chosen reaction coordinate, can be simulated using the distance between an Na+-Cl- ion pair in electrolyte solution.
- Give an example of how bond and dihedral angle can be used as a reaction coordinate. What is the output of using two coordinates in this way
- Investigate free energy change of valine dipeptide as it is rotated.
- One can even make 2D plots, investigating multiple rotation sites to see how energy changes couple to one another.
- Give an example of how radius of gyration (Rgyr) can be used as a reaction coordinate. What must be assumed?
- Rgyr gives an indication of the expansion/contraction of a globular structure through the average of the distance each atom is from the centre of mass. More expanded = higher Rgyr
- The transformation of a β hairpin peptide to unfolded random coil state’s free energy landscape can be investigated
- Choosing appropriate set of reaction coordinates is difficult so must guess generally
Choosing appropriate set of reaction coordinates is difficult so must … generally
Choosing appropriate set of reaction coordinates is difficult so must guess generally
- How could the example given in investigating the hairpin peptide free energy change through Rgyr be improved?
- Could introduce a second reaction coordinate, number of hydrogen bonds, which introduces cut-off indicators for hydrogen bond probability
Give an advantages and disadvantages of using multiple reaction coordinates
- A combination of variables allows important structures across high energy barriers to be sampled, giving a larger indication of the greater free energy landscape.
- If our single reaction coordinate output poorly maps experimental results, a second coordinate can be introduced to form a 2D plot that may give a different minimum energy pathway to before.
- However, in combination, outputs of these reaction coordinates can lead to many different structures which must all be considered
- Certain structures may even be resritcted via specific choice of a given set of coordinates
- Large computational cost
- Give an example of how root mean squared distance (RMSD) can be used as a reaction coordinate
- WHat must one be careful of?
- RMSD is the difference between atomic positions at time t and the starting positions of the simulation, t0.
- Can be averaged over all atoms of interest, e.g. carbons in a protein backbone chain
- Similarly, with Rgyr, must be careful with choice of reaction coordinate to pair with as may not be unique function of rN.
- Free energy is a … function so the free energy change is independent of the …. This means we can create unrealistic … if …/… are not of importance to us.
- Free energy is a state function, so the free energy change is independent of the path. This means we can create unrealistic pathways if mechanism/kinetics are not of importance to us.
- Outline the basic principles of umbrella sampling
- System is restrained (through tethering to a spring) to a small region along the reaction coordinate ξ using a biasing potential.
- If the system deviates too far from this small region, an energy penalty restores the region.
- This is repeated at different target values of ξ. The system is forced to explore small unfavourable regions along a certain channel until full reaction coordinate is explored.
- All simulations are stitched together to produce an unweighted underlying free energy profile.

- Biasing potential V is usually a …
- Total forcefield potential then = … + …

- Biasing potential V is usually a harmonic potential
- Total forcefield potential then = U(r) + V(f1(r), s)

What factors control the overlap sampling between adjacent simulations and how fine grained our sampling of our free energy profile is in umbrella sampling?
- Force constant
- Too low: biasing insufficient to explore high energy regions (wide harmonic)
- Too high: insufficient overlap between windows (narrow (harmonic)
- Frequency of window spacing
- Choosing these values is largely trial and error
- How is the free energy of our reaction (FES -F[ξ]) coordinate related weighted ensemble distribution?
- Each biased simulation used to plot a histogram showing weighted ensemble distribution, which is an estimate of F(ξ) at that moment using given reaction coordinates.
- We force the system to span the full range of ξ, then stitching simulations together to find full FES.

What is the WHAM algorithm?
- The weighted histogram analysis method is used to stitch simulations together iteratively in umbrella sampling.
- Unbiased distribution solved with arbitrary values of free energy associated with that potential.
- Values fed back in to each other until FEP is converged and best estimate for unbiased distribution is obtained.
Give an example of a biological system that umbrella sampling could be used for?
- Free energy and mechanism of binding a ligand to its target DNA
- Use steered MD (pulling) simulation to define a reaction coordinate.
- Assuming this is done well, use umbrella sampling along ξ to compute the PMF (free energy profile)
There is poor overlap between these histograms, indicating not all values of r are sampled well. How should this simulation protocol be modified to give better overall sampling?

Do additional simulations, increasing sampling in-between values of r

Still poor sampling in central region. How can this be improved further?

- Inserted peaks move to the right of left of poorly sampled space, indicating a high energy region of tethered phase space, hence why not exploring it.
- Must to additional simulations at that space, with a higher K threshold.

What is metadynamics and how does it differ from umbrella sampling?
- In umbrealla sampling we forced the system to explore unfavroubale regions of phase space with a biasing potential, which restrained us in places difficult to sample, but penalised when too high/unfavourable
- Metadynamics instead adds biasing potentials to penalise the system from visiting already sampled regions (i.e low energy phase space), forcing it to move to less favourable positions
- Where umbrella sampling used … as its … potentials, instead, metadynamics uses … … , which are added to the potential as the simulation proceeds. Metdynamics is …, meaning we don’t need to estimate the underlying … … … (and biasing potential) in advance with metadynamics as we did in … …. However, we do still need a reaction coordinate.
- Where umbrella sampling used harmonics as its biasing potentials, instead, metadynamics uses Gaussian functions, which are added to the potential as the simulation proceeds. Metdynamics is adaptive, meaning we don’t need to estimate the underlying energy landscape (and biasing potential) in advance with metadynamics as we did in umbrella sampling. However, we do still need a reaction coordinate.
How does metadynamics allow sampling of the full reaction coordinate?
- Start at some configuration, depositing gaussians as we sample
- Eventually will be pushed out into a new local minimum
- We can tweak how often these depositions occur as well as the height and width of them.
- Metadyanimcs can be … … … but is useful for getting a quick scan of the … …
- Metadyanimcs can be slow to converge but is useful for getting a quick scan of the energy landscape.
Give an example of Metadynamics and US being used
- Selective filtering of K+ channels to invesitgaet switching mechanism between non/conductive states
- First did Metadynamics using collective variables relating to reaction coordinates of distance of 2 permeating molecules to distance along channel.
- Took pathway from this and did US on configurations along pathway, biasing system to only sample along those configurations