Topic 4 Flashcards
the amount of living or biological diversity per unit area.
species diversity
variety of species per unit area, number of species present and their relative abundance
habitat diversity
the range of different habitats or number of niches per unit area in ecosystem or biome. conservation of hd leads to conservation of sd and gd
genetic diversity
the range of genetic material in a gene pool or population of a species.
the process through wichih new species form
the process by which two populations become separated by geographical, behavioural genetic or reproductive factors. if gene flow between the two is prevented new species may evolve
the cumulative, gradual change in the genetic characteristics of successive generations of a species , giving rise to species or races different from common ancestor. evolution reflects changes in the genetic composition of a population over time.
refers to heterogeneity or variability of a species, community or ecosystem.
environmental isolation
geographic ranges overlap but niches are different
temporal isolation
animals act at different time of day
behavorial isolation
different courtship rituals
mechanical isolation
physical differences
gametic isolation
sperm and ova is incompatible
forms of geographic isolation
forming of mountains, rivers, lakes, deserts, plate tectonics
layer of magma under the lithosphere
plate tectonics
movement of 8 major plates of the earths litoshphere in realation to each other
two continental or oceanic plates colide and cause mountains or vulcano’s
two plates move away from each other creating new land.
oceanic plate slides under continental plate causing mountains, new land or vulcano (subduction zone)
resistance to being altered
ability of a system to recover after disturbance
mass extinction
caused by a global catastrophic event. event in which 75 percent of earth species disspaear within between a few hundreds thousand, to a million years
background extinction
local, caused by e.g. droughts, floods, habitat loss, disease.
diversity loss due to humans
factors that make species prone to extinction
red list
iucn established to highlight endangered species and to promote conservation of these species
factors determine list grapp qd
Second Law of Thermodynamics
The second law of thermodynamics states that energy moves from from more organized to less organized forms and becomes less useful.
Secondary Productivity
The biomass gained by heterotrophic organisms, through feeding and absorption, measured in units of mass or energy per unit area per unit time.
Secondary Succession
Succession in an environment with some vegetation and soil
Simpson’s Diversity Index
A measure of biodiversity that accounts for the number of species and the abundance of each species
The largest possible group of organisms capable of interbreeding
Species Diversity
The number of different species present in an ecosystem
Static Equilibrium
A state of balance because of no change.
Steady State Equilibrium
A state of balance with constantly fluctuating change (i.e. population of rabbits)
Energy is kept in one place in an ecosystem; indicated with boxes
The observed process of change in the species structure of an ecological community over time
Top Carnivores
The animal at the highest possible trophic level
A transfer of energy from one organism to the other.
A change in the form of energy (i.e. from light to chemical, chemical to heat)
Trophic Level
Producer, Primary Consumer, Secondary Consumer, Tertiary Consumer, etc.