Topic 4 Flashcards
Atmospheric Compositions
atmosphere contains?
Gases (permanent and variable)
Water droplets (clouds and precipitation)
Microscopic solid particles (aerosols)
permanent gases
nitrogen, oxygen, and argon
variable gases
water vapor
trace gases
carbon monoxide, methane ozone, CFCs, etc
Gases form a constant proportion of the atmosphere, and have long residence times (thousands to millions of years).
Permanent gases
Gases vary in atmospheric concentration in both time and space.
variable gases
Extremely important variable gas with short residence time (~10 years).
water vapor
Invisible gaseous phase of water.
water vapor
Atmospheric concentration highest near ocean surface in tropics
Atmospheric concentration lowest in deserts and at high altitudes
(near 0%)
An important greenhouse gas with concentration of 0.0386% (386ppm) and residence time of 150 years.
Carbon dioxide
sources of carbon dioxide
- Plant and animal respiration
- Volcanoes
- Organic decay
- Combustion
carbon dioxide sink
- Photosynthesis (plants)
- Oceans
A beneficial and harmful variable gas.
Ozone concentrations in the stratosphere (~10-30 miles above sea level) are?
relatively high