Study of ancient climates, prior to the widespread availability of instrumental records.
derived from natural sources such as tree rings, ice cores, corals, and ocean and lake sediments.
These proxy climate data extend the archive of weather and climate information hundreds to millions of years.
represent wood that grew in the spring and early summer
One light ring plus one dark ring equals?
one year of the tree’s life.
Tree rings usually______ in warm, wet years and they are thinner in years when it is cold and dry.
grow wider
represent wood that grew in the late summer and fall.
dark rings
are very sensitive to changes in climate.
Scientists analyze the chemical composition of each layer in the calcium carbonate to reconstruct monthly, annual, and longer records past temperature and salinity.
Allow us to generate continuous reconstructions of past climate, going back at least 800,000 years.
ice cores
The _________ of each annual layer tells how much snow accumulated at that location during the year.
It provides the only direct record of atmospheric composition (direct gases, total gas content, and isotopic ratios) available in the field of paleoclimatology.
ice cores
are washed or blown into lakes can accumulate in sediments and provide a record of past vegetation.
Pollen grains
reflect the vegetation that was present around the lake and, therefore, the climate conditions favorable for that vegetation.
Different types of pollen in lake sediments
are mineral deposits formed from groundwater within underground caverns.
may be annually banded or contain compounds that can be radiometrically dated.
Stalagmites, stalactites, and other forms
used to determine past climate conditions.
Thickness of depositional layers or isotopic records
used as a foundation for climate scientists by providing crucial information such as rates of past climate change and how vegetation and animal populations responded to the change.
paleoclimate data