Topic 3 - Inter-relationships Flashcards
Describe a depressant
They decrease the activity of the Brain and slow down responses of the nervous system causing slow reactions and poor judgement of speed and distances.
Describe a stimulant
They increase the activity of the brain by increasing the amount of neurotransmitters at some neurone synapses which increases the speed of reactions and makes you feel more alert and awake
Describe painkillers
They decrease the feeling of pain. Work in different ways
Describe how morphine works as a pain killer
It blocks the nerve impulses in the brain
Reaction time is
How quickly you repairs to a stimulus
Why is smoking Tobacco harmful?
- contains carbon monoxide which combines with Haemoglobin in the red blood cells and means the blood can carry less oxygen
- contains carcinogens which are chemicals that can lead to cancer
- it’s addictive
How can alcohol affect you in the short term?
- slows down your reactions (depressant)
- being drunk leads to blurred vision and can also lower inhibitions
How can alcohol affect you in the long term?
- it’s poisonous, drinking too much causes the death of liver cells which forms scar tissue echo h can start to block blood flow through the liver (cirrhosis) The liver is responsible for cleaning the blood
- too much drinking can lead to brain damage
What are pathogens?
Microbes that cause disease
What are the different ways pathogens can be spread?
- water (bathing in or drinking dirty water)
- food (eating contaminated food)
- air (airborne pathogens are carried in the air in droplets produced when you cough or sneeze)
- contact (touching contaminated surfaces)
- body fluids (blood, breast milk, semen)
- animal vectors (vectors are animals that spread diseases eg mosquitos)
What physical barriers stop pathogens entering the body?
- the skin (if it gets damaged blood clots seal cuts and keep micro organisms out)
- the respiratory system (the respiratory tract is lined with mucus which catches dust and bacteria before it enters the lungs and cilia which push the mucus away from the lungs)
What chemical barriers stop pathogens from entering the body ?
- the eyes (produce lysozyme which kills bacteria on the surface of the eye)
- the stomach (hydrochloride acid kills bacteria)
When plants are attacked by pathogens they
Can produce chemicals to defend themselves
Antiseptics are:
- used outside the body
- clean wounds and surfaces
- used in household products
- used in hospitals
Antibiotics are:
- used inside the body
- used to treat patents infected with bacteria or fungi
- don’t destroy viruses