Topic 3 - Effective vocab and semantic instruction Flashcards
PEEL *(2021) (C&D, 2016)
The bank of words you can meaningfully use
The study of the meaning in language, usually at word level
A comprehensive vocab program
Build and foster word consicousness
Teach word-learning stratergies
Teach indivdiual words
Plan for and encourage independant reading
Build and foster word consicousness
Supports the development of interest and awareness in words, and emcompassing learning literacy devices, word classes and stratergies.
example - Word Jar
- indvidual or whole class
- actitvies such as characdes, use three times, draw a pic and add to word journal
- manipuate word, investivate syllables.
Teach word-learning stratergies
Modelloing different ways to decode the word, teaching cues and strategries to use during guided and independant reading.
Example: Word picture journal
- to enocurgae using the pictrues in text to decode words (especially in guided reading texts).
- teacher models trying to decode, and looks at pictures for clues.
- create a picture journal of these words and draw a picture tonhelp remind you.
- can do for reading sessions/curric integrations or word list
Plan for and encourage independant reading
Complicated in the early years. in the early years this can be scaffolded during shared and guided reading sessions. Repeating texts can encourage the independance.
Guided reading suing visual cues and learnt strategies.
teacher GRRMS
Teach indivdiual words
Explicitly teach groups of words that are useful for stduents long-term.
Example: Vocab sequence:
1. read word within text, emphaisse new word
2. provide stduents with a stduent friendly defintions, together create it
3. stduents say new word and act it
4. whisper menaing to partner
5. repeat word, clapping out syllables.
6. add new word to class word wall, refer to it.