Topic 3: Consultation and confrontation, 1930–42 Flashcards
When was the Second Round Table conference?
Sept-Dec 1931
What happened at the Second Round Table conference?
Gandhi supports ‘young hooligans’ and Purna Swaraj
Could not accept dominion status (opposed 1st conference outcome)
Not successful
Why was the Second Round Table conference unsuccessful?
Hindus & Muslims couldn’t agree
Gandhi (Congress) worried that as princely and Muslim alliance would outweigh Congress’ recommendations
Not United
What was the 1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact?
End civil-disobedience
Gandhi attend second London conference
19,000 congress supporters released from jail
Confiscated property returned to owners
When was the Communal Award?
Aug. 4th 1932
What was the Communal Award?
expanded the separate-electorate formula reserved for Muslims to other minorities
When was the Yeravda Pact (Poona Pact)
Sept. 24th 1932
What was the Yeravda Pact (Poona Pact)
agreement between Hindu leaders in India granting new rights to untouchables (low-caste Hindu groups).
Withdrew separate electorates but gave increased representation to the untouchable Castes for a 10-year period.
When was The Third Round Table Conference?
Nov-Dec 1932
Why was The Third Round Table Conference unsuccessful?
Only 46 delegates attended
None from Congress or Labour
Nothing agreed and no conclusion
What did the 1935 Government of India Act do?
Divided into 11 provinces
Dyarchy abolished
Separate electorates
Burma separate
2 new states
Viceroy appointed by British Gov.
Who opposed the 1935 Government of India Act and why?
Congress opposed Act
- Wanted full independence
- Wanted central gov. (strongly Hindu)
- Objected reserving seats for minorities
Muslim League objected Act
- Not enough power
- No guaranteed protection of Muslim rights
In which Provinces did Congress have overall control of, after the 1937 elections?
United & Central Provinces
Why was the Muslim League so unsuccessful in the 1937 elections?
No strong leadership till 1935
Jinnah could not find enough candidates for all reserved Muslim seats
What happened in 1939?
Viceroy Linlithgow declared war on behalf of India
Without consulting india
When was the Lahore Resolution?
March 1940
What was the Lahore Resolution?
Jinnah called meeting in Lahore
Approx. 100,000 Muslims attended
Set out what the Muslim league considered were the basic principles of any new constitution of India.
Areas where Muslims are the majority should be grouped to form separate independent states.
What was the 1940 August Offer?
‘Representative’ Indians would join Executive Council
War Advisory Council established
Assurance gov. Would not adopt any new constitution without prior approval of Muslim India
Muslim League at centre of any decision making about India’s future
When was the Forward Bloc Party created?
In 1939 by Bose
What was agreed in the 1941 Atlantic Charter?
Roosevelt & Churchill agreed that all peoples after war would have self-determination
Churchill said that this didn’t apply to British empire
Churchill agreed to cripps mission
When was The Cripps mission?
March 1942
What was The Cripps mission?
After war, an elected body would create frame for new indian constitution
Provisions for Indian states participation in the constitution making body
right not to accept new constitution - agree on a new constitution giving them status as indian Union.
British to remain in control for the duration of the war.