Topic 3- Cell structure Flashcards
surrounded by double membrane- nuclear envelope
contains pores enabling molecules to enter/leave nucleus
has nucleolus- site of ribosome production
in nucleus
wrapped around histone proteins in complex called chromatin
series of flattened sacs enclosed by membrane
ribosomes on surface
folds and processes proteins
membrane bound sacs
produces and processes lipids
golgi apparatus
fluid filled, flattened curved sacs
vesicles surround edges
modifies and packages proteins and lipids
produces lysosomes
bound by double membrane- envelope
inner membrane folds to form cristae
fluid matrix contains enzymes needed for cellular respiration
hollow cylinders containing ring of microtubules
involved in cell division
contain digestive enzymes
bound by single membrane
protein trafficking
produced on ribosomes
folded and processed in RER
transported to golgi in vesicles
modified in golgi
packaged into vesicles
transported around cells
cell wall prokaryotic
made of peptidoglycan
provides cell with strength and support
slime capsule
helps cell retain moisture and adhere to surfaces
plasmid prokaryotic
circular pieces of DNA
flagellum prokaryotic
tail like structure
rotates to move the cell
hair like structures attach to other bacterial cells
70S ribosomes
prokaryotic cell
composed of two subunits
site of protein synthesis