Topic 3 Flashcards
Structure of Franco’s government: Cabinet
- made up of senior ministers
- reflected different groups that supported the regime; Falange, monarchists….
Structure of Franco’s government: Cortes
- appointed by Franco and his most senior advisors, not the people
- could offer advice to Franco
- had no power independent of Franco
How did corporation system work?
- members appointed by Council of State
- employers and worker organised into syndicates representing different economic areas
Who did the corporation system represent?
army, church, local areas, rural and urban workers
What was the Initial policies?
- gave control of primary education to Catholic Church
- contrast to republic: legalised divorce, gave women right to vote
What was the Civil Code?
- made women into virtual slaves to their husbands and fathers
- men controlled; custody of children, bank accounts, contracts
What was the Press Law?
- 1938
- gvt could regulate and restrict media
- gvt had power to appoint and dismiss staff
- could shut down publication
Franco’s New State: Social successes
- social stability- strikes & industrial unrest reduced
- falling levels of unemployment- 750,000 before war and 150,000 by 1944
Franco’s New State: Political successes
- support from Falange
- support from conservatives- likes that Autarky prioritised Spain’s interest
Franco’s New State: Economic failures
- agricultural production was lower than 1936
- couldn’t export products, reduced marker
- 1947-48: period of famine as agriculture was poor
Franco’s New State: Social failures
- living conditions decline for urban and rural workers
- high inflation meant higher prices for all goods
- underemployment- not employed to their full potential
Problems Franco had to overcome?
- wanting to replace multi-party democracy
- strengthening relationship between church and nationalists
- freedom press had
- left-wing opposition
- politcal enemies
Methods o control Spain: Using Civil War- what they did
- punish people who fought for Republicans
- Franco’s supporters were rewarded
- made propaganda to show war was started by communists
- many people did not know what happened to family members that were imprisoned
Methods of control Spain: Using Civil War- impact
- repression and terror in Nationalist zone
- Franco shown as good leader to Nationalist
- Franco’s power is shown
- Republicans at lost and no family to rely on
- Republicans blamed and hated
Methods of control Spain: political terror & repression- what they did
- Law of Political Responsibilities
- Law of Repression & Banditry
- 1947- Somaten- compromised 100,000 armed men who were entrusted with police powers
- Civil Guard had presence in any major town and city
- by 1940, 500,000 people had passed through camps
What was the Law of Political Responsibilities?
- 1939
- criminalised any person who has been involved in radical political activities
- placed Falange militia and police under military control
- people who had been left-wing since 1934 would be criminalised
- military courts could put you under house arrest and execute prisoners
What was the Law of Repression & Banditry?
- 1947
- gave gvt power to deal with threat of insurgency
- layed down harsh penalties for anybody suspected of aiding resistance fighters
Methods of control Spain: political repression and terror- impact
- 50,000 convicted of breaking law
- law allowed Franco to consolidate power
- widespread arrests and executions generated fear
Methods of control Spain: censorship, propaganda, and cult of personality- what they did
- Press Law of 1938
- gvt had power to shut down any newspaper or publisher it viewed as politically incorrect
- had power to prevent publication of books
- foreign books were banned
- produces sort films in theaters before films- bigger audience as people did not have tv
- Franco used media to create highly idolised and heroic image of himself
What was the Press Law of 1938?
- limited what newspapers could publish
- gave gvt power to dismiss editors
Methods of control Spain: censorship, propaganda, and cult of personality- impact
- manipulated public to see him as idolised figure
- wanted public to view him as powerful figure
Methods of control Spain: Education- what they did
- gave control of education to the church- believed education should have been their job
- made school compulsory for children to attend school age 6-13
- until 1973 schools segregated by gender
- 1970 general law of basic education
-improve literacy rates: 23%-12% without literate education
Methods of control Spain: Education- impact
- rise in female students
- women in secondary and university
- women’s opportunity for higher paying jobs
Methods of control Spain: Church- what they did
- supported family allowances by giving money to head of household
What does Autarky mean?
a country is economically self-sufficient
What is corporatism?
businesses, employers, trade unions have a say on gvt policy
What is the Treaty of Friendship?
secret pact between Hitler and Franco in 1939
What wad the Seccion Femenina?
women’s section of the Falange
Why did the Falange have influence?
They were the only group allowed in Spain
How long did women have to be in the Seccion Femenina?
6 months