Knowledge Organiser: Economic development and policies Flashcards
What happened in April 1921?
Reparations payment set at £6.6 billion
What happened in January 1923?
France and Belgium invade Ruhr
What happened mid 1923?
Hyperinfaltion begins
What happened in October 1929?
Wall Street Crash & Stressman dies
What happened between 1933-1936?
First 4 year plan
What happened between 1936-1939?
Second 4 year plan
What happened in 1942?
Central Planning Board- in charge of distribution of raw materials, desicion making for factories and transport
What hppened in 1948?
Marshall Plan
What happened in March 1948?
Ludwig Erhard becomes Director of Economic Administration
What hapened in April 1948?
FRG joins Organisation for European Economic Co-operation
What happened in 1950?
FRG joins the European Payment Union
What happened in 1951?
FRG joins the General Agreemeant on Tariffs and Trade
What happened in 1952?
FRG joins the International Monetary Fund
What happened in 1955?
FRG joins NATO
What happened on 25th March 1957?
FRG signed Treaty of Rome
What happened in 1966?
FRG experiences economic recession
What happened in 1973?
Oil Crisis