Topic 2B Flashcards
a complex structure of RNA and protein, bound to the cytosolic face of the RER in the cytoplasm, on which proteins are synthesized
what experiment demonstrated support for the hypothesis of an RNA intermediary that carries genetic info from DNA to ribosomes?
Brenner, Jacob, Meselson; T2 to infect E. Coli cells by hacking cellular machinery to produce viral proteins. Even though T2 NA never associated with bacterial ribosomes, the infected cells produce a burst of RNA shortly after infection and before viral proteins are made
what are three difference between DNA and RNA?
RNA has a ribose sugar (reactive hydroxyl group attached), uracil base replaces thymine in RNA, 5’ end is triphosphate, not monophosphate (DNA)
RNA transcript
the RNA sequence synthesized from a DNA template, complementary to template except has U instead of T
RNA polymerase
the enzyme that carries out polymerization of ribonucleoside triphosphates from a DNA template to produce an RNA transcript
nontemplate strand
the untranscribed partner of the template strand of DNA used in transcription
the RNA transcript and the DNA template strand are:
a regulatory region where RNA polymerase and associated proteins bind to the DNA duplex
TATA box
a DNA sequence present in many promoters in eukaryotes and archaeons that serves as a protein-binding site (promoter) for a key general transcription factor; 5’-TATAAA-3’
RNA polymerase moves along the TEMPLATE STRAND from:
3’ to 5’ direction, opposite to direction of synthesis of RNA transcript
a DNA sequence at which transcription stops and the transcript is released
different genes in the same double-stranded DNA can be transcribed from opposite strands, what determines which strand is transcribed?
the position of the promoter
housekeeping gene
a gene that is transcribed continually because its product is needed at all times and in all cells
most genes are transcribed…when?
only at certain times, under certain conditions, or in certain cell types
for genes that have regulated transcription, what does the regulation of transcription usually depend on?
whether the RNA polymerase and associated proteins are able to bind with the promoter
sigma factor
a protein that associates with RNA polymerase that facilitates its binding to specific promoters
in bacteria, promoter recognition is mediated by:
one protein-sigma factor
in eukaryotes, promoter recognition requires:
the combined action of at least six proteins-general transcription factors (bound at promoter), at least one type of transcriptional activator protein (bound at enhancer)
general transcription factors
a set of proteins that bind to the promoter of a gene whose combined action is necessary for transcription
transcriptional activator protein
a protein that binds to a sequence in DNA (enhancer) to enable transcription to begin
a specific DNA sequence necessary for transcription
transcriptional activator proteins help control:
when and in which cells transcription of a gene will occur, is also essential for allowing transcription of any eukaryotic gene to begin
mediator complex
a complex of proteins that interacts with the Pol II complex and allows transcription to begin
recruitment of the mediator complex and RNA polymerase requires:
DNA to loop around to bring factors into close proximity, allowing transcription to proceed
Pol II
the RNA polymerase complex responsible for transcription of protein-coding genes (eukaryotes)
the stage of translation in which methionine is established as the first amino acid in the new polypeptide chain