Topic 2 & Some Topic 8 Part 1: Molecular Biology/ Metabolism & Cellular Respiration Flashcards
DP2- U3- Metabolism & Cellular Respiration
A. Metabolism
1.Define metabolism.
The sum total of all chemical reactions that occur within an organism.
A. Metabolism
2.Outline the three common patterns of metabolism.
1: Most chemical changes happen not in one large jump but in a sequence of small steps (biochemical Pathways)
2: most metabolic pathways involve a linear change of enzyme-catalyzed reactions
3: Some metabolic pathways involve a cycle of enzyme-catalyzed reactions where the end product of one reaction is the reactant that starts the rest of the chemical pathway. Ex. Calvin cycle
A. Metabolism
3.Explain how enzymes affect activation energy and illustrate using a graph.
what is Ea, how do enzymes effect, transition point?
- Activation energy is the initial input of energy that is required to trigger a chemical reaction.
- When the substrate binds to the enzyme’s active site, it lowers the activation energy threshold by binding the substrate to the active site, the bonds in the substrate are weakened, thus lower Ea and are easily broken.
- The transition state is the point (also seen on the graph-vertex) where the reactants are all converted into products the amount of energy needed to reach the transition state Is overall lowered when using an enzyme/catalyst.
- However, the amount of energy released by the reaction is unchanged
- Enzymes speed up the rate of reaction to be 1 mill x faster
know the graph too
A. Metabolism
4.Contrast competitive and non-competitive enzyme inhibition providing an example of each.
defn, effect on ROR if inihibtor is increased, max ROR effect, ex.
Defn: An inhibitor is a molecule that binds to an enzyme and slows down or stops an enzyme’s function
* An inhibitor that fits into the active site and prevents the substrate from entering
* The higher the concentration of the inhibitor, the slower the ROR. this is because there are more inhibitors per enzyme- so the chances of the substrate binding are slim.
* Even with competitive inhibition, the same max ROR will be achieved if more substrate is added– this is because the number of enzymes are still the same.
* Ex. Antabuse for combating alcoholism.
It competes with the aldehyde oxidase enzyme by preventing the acetaldehyde from being converted to acetic acid
* ethanol (oxidation) –> acetaldehyde (adehyde oxidase+antabuse INHIBITOR) –> X acetic acid X
* The buildup of acetaldehyde follows resulting in a strong feeling of nausea and other strong hangover symptoms
* Antabuse is administered as a daily pill and its effectiveness relies on the user
* An inhibitor that fits onto the allosteric site causes a conformational change in the enzyme’s active site therefore the substrate cannot attach and react.
* The higher the concentration of the inhibitor, the slower the ROR. this is because there are fewer functional active sites available.
* The max rate of reaction is reduced. With fewer functional active sites the enzyme has reduced its ability to process the substates, even if the substrate concentration is increased.
Ex. ACE inhibitors for helping control blood pressure
* The RAA system causes vasoconstriction (tightening blood vessels) when blood pressure drops (such as after heavy bleeding)
* the production of angiotensin can make the vasoconstriction problem worse in those with hypertension or heart failures.
* ACE inhibitors are medications, given to those with hypertension etc., that inhibit angiotensin-converting enzymes– they prevent increased blood pressure and vasoconstriction by directly influencing the production of angiotensin II.
A. Metabolism
5.Distinguish different types of inhibition from graphs at specified substrate concentration.
Competitive inhibition- same max rate, different rate of reaction initially:
* The substrate and the inhibitor are competing to bind to the active site
* Slows the rate of reaction (uninhibited has a steeper logarithmic slope compartvley)
* However, the max rate of the uninhibited enzyme can be achieved with the competitive inhibitor once the substrate concentration significantly exceeds the amount of inhibitor.
* Thus, it takes a much higher substrate concentration to achieve the same max rate of an uninhibited enzyme.
Non-competitive inhibitors- different max rate and rate of reaction:
* Both the substrate and inhibitor are not competing for the same site on the enzyme
* The binding of the non-competitive inhibitor reduces the number of enzymes that can catalyze the reaction regardless of the substrate concentration- since it changes the conformation of the active site.
* The enzymes that are not binded to the inhibitors work normally to produce the same rate of reaction and substrate concentration curve.
* Therefore, the rate of reaction is heavily decreased (because of the conformational change) and so is the Vmax
* The Vmax is achieved at around the same time as the uninhibited enzyme, however, it is just lower.
know the graphs
A. Metabolism
6.Explain end-product inhibition using the conversion of threonine to isoleucine as an example.
End-product inhibition: prevents a large build up of products by using a product to bind to the allosteric site of the initial enzyme– creates a conformational change.
Example: threonine to isoleucine
* Bacteria synthesizes isoleucine from theonine in a series of 5 enzyme catalyzed steps– creates 4 intermediates
* As this enzyme catalyzed reaction continues to occur in the body– to many products may be formed for the body’s use– unnecessarily using energy to create
* Therefore, as the concentration of isolecuine increases, some of it binds to the allosteric site of threonine deaminase which is the first enzyme used in the pathway.
* As such, the isoleucine acts as a non-competitive inhibitor to the threonine deaminase resulting in the pathways to be turned off- regulating the production of more isoleucine
* If the concentration of isolecuine later falls (as a result of its use) then the allosteric sites of the theornine deaminase are emptied and the enzyme catalyzed reaction to create more isoleucine from threonine recommences.
* This is an example of a negative feedback loop- when a stimulus causes a response that reduces the initial stimulus)
graph on doc
A. Metabolism
8.Calculate and plot the rates of reaction from raw experimental data.
did this in the lab
B. Cellular Respiration
9.Define cell respiration
The controlled release of energy from organic compounds in cells to form ATP
* The controlled release of energy: controlled through enxymes (metabolic pathways and cycles, and through end-product formation)
* ATP is not transferred from cell to cell and all cells require a continuous supply of energy.
-These are the reasons why cell respiration is an essential process for all cells.
* If it was not controlled much of the energy from ATP that is used in cells is ultimately converted to heat and lost to the environment- causing death.
B. Cellular Respiration
10.Outline the function of ATP
where is it used, where/how formed/deformed, advantage
- ATP is used for energetic processes like muscle contraction, active transport, DNA/RNA replication, protein synthesis, vesicle transport, etc.
- ATP is stored in the special nucleotide which is found in the bonds between the phosphate groups. Their phosphate groups are negatively charged but crowded together- this mutual repulsion makes the triphosphate chain of ATP potential energy.
- Advantage is that energy is immediately available. By cellular respiration, the ADP and phosphate can be converted back to ATP after it is broken for energy usage.
- It is formed by a phosphorylation reaction- addition of a phosphate group to an organic molecule, in this case, adding a phosphate group to adenosine diphosphate to create adenosine triphosphate
-This is an endergonic/ endothermic anabolic reaction- input of energy and stores that energy in the ATP molecule. - It is broken down by a dephosphorylation reaction- removal of a phosphate group from an organic molecule
-Example of an exergonic/exothermic catabolic reaction because it reaction that releases energy
-By the end a net of 36 ATPs (on average) are produced from one molecule of glucose (if there is oxygen).
B. Cellular Respiration
11.Outline anaerobic respiration
defn, anaerobes?, fermentation 2 types
• Anaerobes are organisms that derive all their ATP without oxygen
• Anaerobic respiration is respiration in the absence of oxygen- anaerobes use this
• fermentation is the anaerobic way to breakdown glucose for ATP production
• Two main types of fermentation: alcoholic fermentation and lactic acid fermentation
• Yeast uses alcoholic fermentation and humans use aerobic respiration but resort to lactic acid fermentation when there is not enough oxygen in their cells
B. Cellular Respiration
12.Outline the use of anaerobic cell respiration in yeast
bread: yeast effect, how does it respire, why dough rise, diff. product
Bioethanol: defn, produced, how it it kept at optimum, plant to sugars how?, yeast and plants effect, how purfied
Yeast and Bread
* Yeast is used to make bubbles of gas in bread so it is lighter
* The dough is kept warm after kneading so the yeast is encouraged to respire
* The oxygen in the dough is soon used up so the yeast is forced to respire anaerobically instead of aerobically
* The CO2 produced by the anaerobic cell respiration cannot escape from the dough and then forms bubbles causing the dough to swell and rise
* Ethanol is also a product of anaerobic cell respiration but it evaporates during baking
Bioethanol and Yeast
* Bioethanol (ethanol produced by organisms) is a renewable energy source.
* It is produced by sugar cane and maize using yeast
* Fermenters are used to keep the yeast at its optimum condition
* Plant starch and cellulose are broken down by enzymes into sugars
* When yeast carry out anaerobic respiration on the plant material, the sugars in the plant material are converted to ethanol and carbon dioxide
* The ethanol produced by the yeasts is purified by distillation and water is removed to improve combustion.
B. Cellular Respiration
13.Outline lactate production in humans when anaerobic respiration is used to maximize the power of muscle contractions.
- Anaerobic respiration is used in certain human activities such as weight lifting and sprinting
- Rapid generation of ATP in anaerobic respiration enables humans to maximize the power of muscle contractions
- anaerobic respiration creates lactate- there is a limit to the concentration of lactate the body can tolerate thus tolerating how long anaerobic respiration can be done for.
- Afterwards lactate must be broken down- this requires the use of oxygen. It can take several minutes for enough oxygen to be absorbed for all lactate to be broken down. The demand for oxygen that builds up during a period of anaerobic respiration is called the oxygen debt.
B. Cellular Respiration
14.Contrast anaerobic respiration with aerobic respiration.
aerobic respiration= w/oxygen, greater yield of ATP,
anaerobic respiration= w/o oxygen, rapid supply of ATP as oxygen is not required
B. Cellular Respiration
15.Analyze results from experiments involving respirometer respiration rate data.
* Respirometers measure the rate of respiration by measuring the consumption of oxygen
* Aerobic respiration uses 6 molecules of oxygen gas and creates 6 molecules of carbon dioxide gas. Therefore there is no change in volume but the carbon dioxide is absorbed thus the volume of gas in the respirometer decreases.
Material Function:
* Absorbent cotton & rayon: chemically absorbs the CO2 produced by the respiring organism by the cotton being saturated in KOH (not enough to kill the peas), thus increases the efficiency of the CO2 absorption. The rayon is used to protect the respiring organism from that strong base.
* Potassium hydroxide (alkai) solution: hydroxide solutions are used to absorb cotton dioxide in the air
* Respiring organism (peas): suitable living organism that will respire aerobically
* Capillary tube with a rubber stopper: help read the change in gas for respiring organisms. One entrance allows for control of exposure to air
* Plastic beads: testing the cellular respiration effect
Simple method:
* Capillary tube with rubber stopper inserted in a glass container.
* Layer of saturated KOH cotton is placed in the bottom with the rayon layered on top
* One sample has the germinating seeds and one has the plastic beads. Another can be tested with half non germenating peas and half plastic beads. Ensure they are all of the same volume with water displacement in a graduated cylinder.
* Add petroleum jelly to the edges of the rubber stopper to ensure it is sealed for any leaks. If there are leaks the water would not move accordingly.
* The three respirometers are then placed in a narrow width of a water bath ontop of masking tape so the end of the capillary tubes are above water
* Leave for 7 minutes for equilibrium of respirators to the temperature of the water
* Then submerge the tubes entirely into the water bath
* Read the movement of the water air bubble throughout the capillary tube
* The germinated beads should have a difference. The plastic and half and hald should not change due to no cellular respiration.
Temperature effect:
B. Cellular Respiration
16.Outline the ethical considerations of using invertebrates in respirometer experiments.
- Germinating seeds can demonstrate most aspects of respirometer use rather than an animal.
- The placing and confinement of an animal in a respirometer tube could harm or damage the animal.
- Exposure to the alkali (that absorbs carbon dioxide) must be completely avoided as it may harm the animal.
- The habitat and place the animal was taken from should be noted and then it can be returned to the natural habitat.
B. Cellular Respiration
17.Explain oxidation and reduction and how it pertains to cell respiration.
Redox reactions are reactions that involve the transfer of electrons
* The energy in a molecule is contained in the arrangement of electrons in the bonds which hold the molecule together.
* The cell can obtain energy from organic molecules by carefully transferring pairs of elections from one molecule to another
* When a pair of electrons is transferred from one molecule to another, the energy is brought with it
* the ‘gain’ of electrons
* loss of oxygen
* gain of a hydrogen
* Results in many C-H bonds
* higher potential energy
* the ‘loss’ of electrons
* Gain of oxygen
* Loss of hydrogen
* Results in many C-O bonds
* lower potential energy
Cellular respiration
* Glucose is oxidized
* Oxygen is therefore reduced
* Large drop in the potential energy of the product side compounds
* This energy is not lost- it is transferred to electron carriers that are reduced- and it happens in steps
Electron carriers: molecules that can accept and give up electrons as required. These carriers link oxidations and reductions in cells.
NAD= Most common hydrogen carrier
* NAD has a positive charge= NAD+. This allows it to accept two electrons via the two hydrogen atoms from the molecule that is being oxidized. One hydrogen atom is split into a proton and an electron. NAD+ accepts the electron and the proton is released. NAD accepts both the electron and the proton of the other hydrogen atom.
* NAD+ + 2H+ + 2e –> NADH + H+
* NAD –> NADH + H+ (know this)
FAD= Less frequently used hydrogen carrier
* Same idea as FAD
* FAD+ + 2H+ + 2e –> FADH2
* FAD –> FADH2 (know this)
B. Cellular Respiration
18.Compare and contrast oxidative and substrate level phosphorylation.
Oxidative phosphorylation: indirect formation of ATP through a series of enzyme-catalyzed redox reactions. Oxidative because it is the oxidation of NADH & FADH2 that make it possible. Seen in the electron transport chain.
Substrate-level phosphorylation: type of metabolism that results in the creation of ATP by the donation of a phosphate (PO3) group from one compound directly to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) by a phosphorylation reaction. Seen in Kreb’s cycle when 4C molecule is being rearranged
B. Cellular Respiration
19.Outline the steps of cell respiration (glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation (link reaction), the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain/chemiosmosis) with respect to the key oxidation/reduction, carboxylation/decarboxylation and phosphorylation reactions that occur, the net ATP production of each step and where in the cell each step occurs.
4 steps + total energy yield
Respiration is composed of (in order): glycolysis, link reaction, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain, and chemiosmosis
Breaking down of sugar in the cytoplasm
-This is because prokaryotes have no membrane-bound organelles
-Anaerobic atmosphere= life on Earth first evolved without free oxygen in the atmosphere and the first cells were prokaryotes
-Energy had to be captured from organic molecules in absence of O2
-Prokaryotes that evolved glycolysis are ancestors of all modern life thus all cells STILL utilize glycolysis
* Does not require oxygen but creates energy= anaerobic respiration
* Starting point for all cellular respiration
* Inefficient, however: 2 ATP for 1 Glucose
* 6C Glucose to 2x3C pyruvates
Steps: (4 steps)
* Glucose is phosphorylated to create fructose 1,6-bisphosphate
-2 ATP to 2 ADP
* Lysis of the fructose- it is split in half to create 2-triose phosphate (TP)
* TPs are oxidated and phosphorylated to create 2-glycerate 1,3-bisphosphate (GBP)- oxidation results in hydrogen atoms being removed
-Hydrogen atoms are used to reduce 2 NAD+ to 2 NADH
* GBP is dephosphorylated (2X for each molecule) to create 2-pyruvate (2 three molecule chain)
-4 ADP to 4 ATP
* NET products: 2 NADH, 2 ATP (2 ATP used in the beginning), 2-pyruvate
* Occurs in the matrix of the mitochondria
* Oxidative decarboxylation
* Fatty acids can be used in aerobic respiration when the acetyl CoA oxidises the chain and breaks it down. Glycolysis is not needed and the reaction is slower.
* Pyruvate attaches to an Acetyl CoA (co-enzyme) and splits vis decarboxylation (2 molecules, carboxyl group, of the pyruvate is left attached to the CoA and heads to Kreb’s cycle, whereas the remaining molecule is turned into CO2 and is waste)
* This process is an oxidation process as there is a removal of an electron
-NAD+ to NADH H+ (to ETC)
Net yield: 2 Acetyl CoA, 2 NADH H+, 2 CO2 (glycolsis creates 2 pyruvates so there is a net yield of 2 per)
STEP 3: KREB’S CYCLE (4 steps)
Krebs cycle reduces electron carriers in preparation for oxidative phosphorylation. Co2 is released as a byproduct
* 4C chain (oxaloacetate) reacts (enzyme-catalyzed reaction) with the 2C chain from the Acetyl CoA (link reaction) to form a 6C carbon chain (citric acid). The empty CoA returns back to the Link
* 6C chain then undergoes a decarboxylartion reaction to create a 5C chain. The removed carbon becomes CO2 with the use of reaction. This is an oxidative reaction (NAD+ to NADH H+ to the ETC)
* Step 2 is repeated again but 5C turns into 4C. Another CO2 is released, so is the NAD+ to NADH H+ to the ETC
* 4C chain rearranges to become the initial 4C chain (oxalocetate). This is done by ADP turning into ATP for a substrate level phosphorylation. Further oxidation produces FAD which turns into FADH2 and NAD+ which turns into NADH H+. Both go to the ETC.
Net yield per glucose: 2 ATP, 6 NADH H+, 2 FADH2, 4 CO2
-The reduced forms of NAD and FAD carry electrons and H+ ions for the electron transport chain which is situated in the folds on the inner membrane, i.e. the cristae.
Oxidative phosphorylation is electron transport plus chemiosmosis
* The electron transport chain (ETC) is a series of electron carriers in the inner mitochondrial membrane including on the cristae.
* Reduced NAD (aka NADH) supplies two electrons to the first carrier in the chain (these electrons come from redox reactions in the link reactions and bring energy)
* As the electrons pass along the chain from one carrier to the next they give up energy.
* Some of the electron carriers act as proton pumps and use this energy to pump protons (H+) against the concentration gradient from the matrix of the mitochondrion to the intermembrane space.
* Reduced FAD (FADH2) also feeds electrons in to the ETC, but at a slightly later stage than NAD.
-Whereas the electron transport from reduced NAD causes proton pumping at three stages, the electrons from FAD cause proton pumping at only two stages.
* This process at the ETC causes H+ ions to accumulate in the inter-membrane space creating a concentration gradient
* This concentration gradient is a store of potential energy.
* ATP synthase, located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, allow the protons to diffuse back across the membrane to the matrix.
* In aerobic respiration, when the electrons reach the final electron acceptor in the chain, it diffuses a pair of electrons back outside of the membrane so it can bind with oxygen and the diffused H+ protons to create water. Continuously does this with all the de-energised electrons.
* ATP synthase uses the energy from this diffusion to produce ATP.
* Oxygen is essential to run the ETC/chemiosmosis as NADH and FADH2 need to be oxidized before they can return to the link reaction and Krebs cycle.
Energy Yield:
Glycolysis: 2 ATP
Kreb’s Cycle: 2 ATP
ETC/Chemiosmosis: 4, 6, 18, 4 ATP
Total: 36 ATP per molecule of glucose
B. Cellular Respiration
20.Outline the role of oxygen in chemiosmosis.
- In order for the electron transport chain to continue functioning, the de-energised electrons must be removed
- Oxygen acts as the final electron acceptor, removing the de-energised electrons to prevent the chain from becoming blocked
- Oxygen also binds with free protons in the matrix to form water – removing matrix protons maintains the hydrogen gradient
- In the absence of oxygen, hydrogen carriers cannot transfer energised electrons to the chain and ATP production is halted
B. Cellular Respiration
21.Outline the structure and function of the mitochondrion.
be able to use a TEM diagram to identify
- Synthesizes large amounts of ATP via aerobic respiration
- All eukaryotic cells possess mitochondria
- Created by endosymbiosis when internalized by prokaryotes
- Structure and its related function below in expectation 22
B. Cellular Respiration
22.Annotate a diagram of a mitochondrion to indicate the adaptions of it to its function.
23 is HL only
- Outer Membrane: controls what enters/exists to enable the optimal conditions for aerobic respiration- contains the contents of the mitochondrian
- Inner membrane: contains the integral proteins that make up the electron transport chain and ATP synthase (electron transport and chemiosmosis)
- Intermembrane space: H+ ions are pumped into the space quickly to generate a high concentration gradient for chemiosmosis
- Cristae: folds in the intermembrane// increase surface area available for oxidative phosphorylation
- Matrix: fluid containing enzymes for the krebs cycle and link reaction
- 70s ribosomes: synthesizes proteins, including the enzymes used in aerobic respiration
- mDNA/naked loops of DNA (not seen in the image): necessary for mitochondria function including protein synthesis