Topic 2 - Religion and Social Change Flashcards
2 ways in which religion can be seen as a conservative force
- It upholds traditional beliefs, like defending traditional customs, institutions, moral views etc.
- It functions to conserve or preserve things as they are. Meaning it works to stabilise society
Example of traditional conservative beliefs
e.g. Catholic Church forbids abortion and gay marriage.
Example of patriarchal domestic division of labour
Church of England marriage ceremony from 1602 - bride vows to ‘love, honour and obey’ whilst groom vows to ‘love and honour’.
Max Weber (1905) studied…
… The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism
a form of Protestantism founded by John Calvin during the Reformation
What did calvinism help do in Northern Eurpoe in 16th and 17th centuries
Helped to bring about major social change esp. the emergence of modern capitalism
Weber’s argument on past vs modern capitalism, and what does he call it?
Past societies used capitalism for greed and wealth for luxury consumption, but modern capitalism is based on systematic, efficient rational pursuit for its own sake, rather than for consumption
What does it mean by the spirit of capitalism having an ‘elective affinity’?
A term used by Max Weber to describe the relationship between Protestantism and capitalism, to the Calvinists’ believes and attitudes.
3 distinct beliefs of calvinism
- Predestination
- Divine transcendence
- Ascetism
in calvenism
What is predestination?
God predetermined which souls would be saved from birth - the elect. God’s decision is already made and cannot be altered through deeds e.g. pilgrimages or prayer, as Lutheran Protestants believed.
in calvenism
Divine transcendence?
God was so far above and beyond this world and so incomparably greater than any mortal.
Calvinists feel ‘an unprecedented inner loneliness’.
When combined with the idea of predestination, they have a salvation panic. The don’t know if they had been chosen to be saved.
in calvenism
3 features and example
abstinence, self-disciple and self-denial
e.g. monks lead an ascetic existence, refraining from luxury, wearing simple clothes and avoiding excess to devote themselves to God.
2 advantage to work ethic for calvinists
- cope with their anxieties about salvation
- reinvested it in their businesses, which grew and prospered
thus brought in capitalism
Compare Hinduism, Confucianism and Calvinism in the 16th and 17th centuries
- Like Calvinism, Hinduism was an ascetic religion, enunciating the material world. But they favoured other-worldly asceticism, directed towards the spiritual world.
- In ancient China, Confucianism was this-world for other reasons, not through being ascetic.
5 evaluation points
Evaluate Weber’s ideas towards religion as a force for change
- Weber’s work - ‘ a debate with Marx’s ghost’. Marx believes economic or material factors drive force of change, but Weber argues it needs specific factors and beliefs too
- Karl Kautsky (1927) argues that Weber overestimates the role of ideas and underestimated economic factors on capitalism. He argues capitalism came before Calvinism.
- R.H.Tawney (1926) argues that technology caused capitalism, not religious ideas.
- Capitalism didn’t develop in every country where there were Calvinists, like Scotland. But Gordon Marshal (1982) argues that this was from a lack of skill and labour, supporting how materials and religion both play a part according to Weber.
- Others argue Calvinists were one of the first capitalists as they were rejected from political office and many professions by law, so relied on businesses. But Weberians argue that other religious minorities were also excluded but didn’t become successful capitalists.
Who was interested in religion and social protest?
Steve Bruce (2003)
Outline the American Civil Rights Movement
- 1950s to 1960s
- slavery ended in 1865 but blacks still were denied legal and political rights
- e.g. segregated amneties (buses, shops, toilets)
- began in 1955 when Rosa Parks sat at the front of the bus
- in 1964 segregation was outlawed
- Bruce describes the Black Clergy (monks of the Russian Orthodox Church) as the backbone of the movement, led by Dr Martin Luther King
- Its role was decisive- giving support an moral legitimacy to civil right activists.
- churches provided meeting places for stuff like hymn singing source of unity in the face of oppression
- Black Clergy shamed the white into changing the law by appealing to their shared Christian values of equality
- Though the impact on Southern states was limited, it reached a wide audience
4 ways civil rights movement used religion as an ideological resource
- Taking the moral high ground
- Channelling dissent
- Acting as honest broker
- Mobilising public opinion
- Taking the moral high ground
Black clergy pointed out the hypocrisy of White clergy who preached ‘love thy neighbour’ but supported racial segregation
Channelling dissent
Religion provides channels to express political dissent. E.g. Martin Luther King’s funeral was a rallying point for the civil rights cause
Acting as honest broker
Churches can provide a context for negotiating change because they are often respected by both sides in a conflict and seen as standing above ‘mere politics’.
Mobilising public opinion
Black churches in the South successfully campaigned for support across the whole of America.
“other-worldly asceticism” meaning
“this-worldly asceticism” meaning
Which do calvinists adopt?
“other-worldly asceticism” - leaving worldly life and joining a monastery or convent to serve God
“this-worldly asceticism” - glorify God by working diligently in their secular occupations
Calvinists are this-worldy, see work as a religious duty. Idleness was considered a sin.
Does Bruce see religion as becoming involved in secular struggle thru civil rights movement?
How did CRM achieve its aims?
- shared same values as wider society
- shaming those in power
Outline The New Christian Right
- politically and morally conservative, Protestant fundamentalist movement.
- gained prominence since the 1960s due to its opposition to the liberalising of American society
- take America ‘back to God’
- illegalise abortion, homosexuality, divorce and gay marriage
- teaching of ‘creationism’
- it’s made effective use of the media and networking i.e. televangelism (where church-owned television stations raise funds and broadcast programmes aimed at making converts and recruiting new members.)
Define creationism
The view that the Bible’s account of creation is literally true
Define televangelism
Where church-owned television stations raise funds and broadcast programmes aimed at making converts and recruiting new members
2 reasons for unsuccessfulness of NCR aims
- Its campaigners find it hard to cooperate with those from other religious groups, even when campaigning on the same issue i.e. abortion. (own additional research)
Reasons for this include:
( - Theological differences
- Differing priorities
- Different strategies
- Fear of domination
- Historical tensions)
- It lacks widespread support and has met with strong opposition from groups who stand for freedom of choice
Bruce describes it as a failed movement for change despite its enormous publicity because…
(4 reasons)
- American society having liberal and democratic values
- very few support the idea of theocracy (rule by religious leaders).
- Americans are comfortable with legalising immoral activities, like pornography
- unwilling to accept other people’s definitions on how they should lead their lives
What do Marxists mean by ‘religious autonomy’?
This means they can be partly independent of the economic base of society. Meaning religion can sometimes be a force for change and stability and have a dual character.
Marx sees religion as the ‘____ of a heartless world’ because…
heart of a heartless world’, suggesting that it can humanise a world made inhuman by exploitation, even if the comfort offered is illusory.
Who proposed the idea that religion has a dual character and what does he mean?
Friedrich Engels (1895)
Although it inhibits change by disguising inequality, it may challenge the status quo (current situation).
For instance it sometimes preaches liberation from slavery.
Who proposed the idea of ‘the principle of hope’ ?
Ernest Bloch (1959)
What does the principle of hope mean?
Our dreams of a better life that contain images of utopia (the prefect world). These images can exhibit deceiving promises such as rewards in heaven. However they may help people see what needs to be changed in the world.
Religious beliefs +effective political organisation + leadership = social change.
What are the aims of liberation theology and when and where did it emerge?
- catholic church in Latin America, 1960s
- strong commitment to the poor and opposition to the military dictatorships of the time
3 factors that leas to liberation theology
Deepening rural poverty and the growth of urban slums throughout Latin America.
- Human right abuses following military take-overs, like torture and death squads murdering political opponents like in Argentina, Brazil and Chile.
- Growing commitment among catholic priests to an ideology that supported the poor and opposed violation of human rights.
‘base communities’ included activities to change status quo like…
… developing literacy programmes, education the poor about their situation, raising awareness and being supportive
What did Pope John Paul II (1980s) do which caused the loss of the movement’’s influence?
He condemned liberation theory and told priests to focus on pastoral activities rather than political struggle
Liberation theology
What does Casanoava (1994) emphasise?
it played a vital role in resisting state terror and brining about democracy
2 Neo-Marxists on religion always being a conservative force
Otto Maduro (1982) - sees it as a revolutionary force that can bring change, i.e. the liberation theology’s ideas radicalised the Catholic clergy in defence of peasants and workers, making them see that serving the poor was a christian duty
Lowy (2005) - questions Marx’s view that religion always leads to social inequality
Who contrasts liberation theology and pentecostal churches?
David Lehmann (1966)
How does David Lehmann (1966) contrast liberation theology and pentecostal churches?
- Liberation theology offers an ‘option FOR the poor’ of community conciousness raising and campaigning for social change led by ‘revolutionary priests and nuns in their jeans and scandals’.
- Pentecostalism offers an ‘option OF the poor’ for individuals to become less poor through their own efforts led by church pastors, ‘uniformly respectable in their suits, white shirts and black ties.’
Liberation theology = radical solution
Pentecostalism = conservative solution
What are millenarian movements?
are social and religious movements that emerge around the belief in an imminent (near) and transformative event that will bring about a new age or era of profound change. The term “millennium” refers to a symbolic period of a thousand years, often associated with an idealized, utopian state or the return of a messianic figure.
Jesus’ return to Earth impact according to Worsley (1968)
- expect an imminent world transformation by supernatural means
- will create a heaven on Earth.
- transformation will be collective as the whole group will be saved.
- such movements largely appeal to the poor as they promise immediate improvement.
Who was interested in millenarian movements?
Peter Worsley (1968)
Did European colonialism led to economic exploitation and cultural and religious domination?
Outline cargo cults
- The islanders felt wrongfully deprived when ‘cargo’ (material goods) arrived in the islands for the colonists.
- A series of cargo cults sprang up during the 19th and 20th centuries asserting that the cargo was meant for the islanders but had been diverted by the colonists for themselves, and that this unjust social order was about to be overturned
- These movements often led to widespread unrest that threatened colonial rule.
- Worsley notes that the movements combined elements of traditional beliefs with elements of Christianity — such as ideas about a heaven where the suffering of the righteous will be rewarded, Christ’s imminent second coming to earth, the Day of Judgment and punishment of the wicked.
- He describes the movements as pre-political — they used religious ideas and images, but they united indigenous populations in mass movements that spanned tribal divisions.
- Many of the secular nationalist leaders and parties that were to overthrow colonial rule in the 1950s and 1960s developed out of millenarian movements.
Similarly, from a Marxist perspective, Engels argues that they represent the first awakening of ‘proletarian self-consciousness’
What’s hegemony according to Antonio gramsci (1971)?
Hegemony refers to the way that the ruling class use ideas such as religion maintain control.
through the consent and voluntary acceptance of the subordinate classes, who internalize the dominant ideology, making the social order appear natural and legitimate.
Counter hegemony
hegemony is never guaranteed as society could form an alternate vision of how society should be organised - a counter hegemony.
Gramsci sees religion as having a dual character that can challenge or support the ruling class. Popular forms of religion can help workers see through the ruling-class hegemony by offering a better fairer world.
Some clergy can act as organic intellectuals meaning..
leaders, educators to support working-class organisations like trade unions.
Who applies Gramsci’s ideas through two case studies: coal miners vs textile workers in Kentucky from 1920s to 1930s?
Billings (1990)
Differences between coal miners and textile workers beliefs (in terms of status quo)?
Coal miners struggled for recognition of their working conditions, but textile workers accepted the status quo.
Differences in levels of militancy can be understood in terms of hegemony and the role of religion. Billings identifies three ways:
- Leadership: miners benefited from leadership of organic intellectuals - many of which were trade unionists themselves
- Organisation: miners used independent churches to hold meeting and organise, whereas textile workers lacked such spaces
- Support: churches kept miners’ moral high with supportive sermons, prayer meetings and group singing. But textile workers met with opposition from local church leaders
Differences in levels of militancy can be understood in terms of hegemony and the role of religion. Billings identifies three ways:
- Leadership: miners benefited from leadership of organic intellectuals - many of which were trade unionists themselves
- Organisation: miners used independent churches to hold meeting and organise, whereas textile workers lacked such spaces
- Support: churches kept miners’ moral high with supportive sermons, prayer meetings and group singing. But textile workers met with opposition from local church leaders