Topic 2: Internet Flashcards
What does FTP stand for?
File Transfer Protocol
Define File Transfer Protocol
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard that provides a simple way of transferring files between computers over a packet network such as the Internet.
How is an FTP connection established?
FTP client software establishes a connection with the FTP server by sending a username and password.
What is the process by which FTP exchanges data?
The client sends packets of data and the receiving server checks that none have been lost. If no errors have occurred, a message is sent back to the client requesting the next packets of data.
Why is FTP a better way of sending large files than an email attachment?
An email account is likely to have a limit on the size of attachments to a single email message (20Mb for Gmail, for example).
The upload to the email server may time out, as email is not primarily designed for this kind of use, whereas FTP is designed for transmission of large files.
FTP with encryption is more secure than unencrypted email.
Packets can be resent over FTP if the connection is lost temporarily. Email is ‘best effort’ - if the connection is lost the message won’t be sent.
State two typical uses of FTP.
Uploading of files to a web server.
Exchanging of large files between organisations - for example, from a magazine layout files from a publisher to a printer.
Uploading surveys from a company’s local offices to HQ
Making a file publically available on an FTP server to anyone who wants to access it.
State two required components of an online shopping service.
Skilled IT staff to build and maintain the ecommerce system
An electronic catalogue/database of products with search facility so customers can find required products
Shopping basket, checkout summary of order, and method of secure payment
Database of orders made providing records for customers and management
Email confirmation of the order sent to the customer
Name two advantages of e-commerce for consumers.
Ability to order goods 24/7
Greater choice of goods
No travelling required
Allows people with disability to do own shopping
Name two advantages of e-commerce for retailers, compared with a physical store.
Low start up and running costs Able to sell 24/7 Online catalogues are easy to update Fewer staff needed Potentially access to a global market place
What is distributed computing on the Internet?
A group of computers are networked together and they each work on solving the same problem by sharing data, processing, storage and bandwidth.
Name three advantages of distributed computing.
Performs huge calculations that would be impossible on just one computer.
Cheaper and more practical than building a super-computer.
Continually works on a problem over a long period.
Breaks down large problems into manageable workloads
Easy to extend – just add more computers (‘highly scalable’)
If one machine fails, the tasks are unaffected.
Name three disadvantages of distributed computing.
Security issues if client software is not trustworthy.
Increase in communication costs due to bandwidth use.
May impact the performance of client computer’s normal daily operations.
Name an example of a distributed computing project.
SETI@home: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. World’s largest distributed computing project with over 3 million users. Analyses signals from radio telescopes, looking for transmissions that indicate the existence of other advanced lifeforms in the universe.
Einstein@home is an astrophysics project run by the Univ. of Wisconsin. It looks for spinning neutron stars (pulsars) by analysing gravitational wave signals from outer space. So far, the project has found more than 50 stars.
Atlas@Home is a simulation of partical physics experiments run within CERN’s Large Hadron Collider near Geneva.
Explain the difference between a moral issue and an ethical issue.
A moral issue usually involves the potential to cause harm or offence to someone.
An ethical issue usually involves causing a loss of trust between people or organisations.
Moral and ethical issues overlap and so they are not always possible to tell apart.
Name 2 moral issues associated with the Internet.
Spreading false information about someone, such as ‘fake news’.
Bullying on social media.
Distribution of offensive racist, violent, or pornographic content.
Name 2 ethical issues associated with the Internet.
Sending spam emails.
Plagiarism (can be a legal issue if copyright is violated).
Companies using software to spy on their employees.
Website companies selling customers’ profiles to other advertisers.
Explain what is meant by the Internet causing social issues?
Social issues affect the functioning of society in some way. For example, how people interact, how people spend their time, and the availability of jobs. The Internet has both positive and negative impacts on these issues.
Name 2 concerns for society that are associated with the Internet.
Concerns associated with the Internet include:
Privacy issues (companies profiling people without their awareness)
Privacy issues (governments monitoring citizens’ activities online)
Online gambling addiction
Online gaming addiction
Social isolation
Loss of community cohesion
Companies moving call centres overseas – loss of jobs
Companies locating their ecommerce businesses overseas to avoid paying taxes
E-commerce may mean fewer high street shops – town centres shrink
What do SETI@Home, Einstein@Home and Atlas@Home have in common?
SETI@Home, Einstein@Home and Atlas@Home are distributed computing projects that all use the BOINC client software (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing). BOINC is an open source distributed computing platform.
State two advantages of a wireless (WiFi) network compared with a wired network.
- Cheaper and easier to set up a wireless LAN because no need to lay cables.
- Ability to connect on a variety of portable devices, such as tablet, laptop, and phone.
- Can connect anywhere a signal can be received
- Ideal for networks in old listed buildings where cables would not be allowed to be installed
- WiFi standards (802.11) are implemented worldwide (although so is ethernet over cables)
State two disadvantages of a wireless (WiFi) network compared with a wired network.
- Power consumption is high, which drains batteries in portable devices
- WiFi is relatively insecure unless the latest encryption is used (WPA2 with AES)
- Wi-Fi networks have a limited range (e.g. 150 ft)
- Buildings may have black spots. Walls in older building can be too think for WiFi to pass through.
- Can get interference if wireless network signals are over overlaping
- Transmission speed slower than cable.
State two advantages for employees of mobile access to the internet
- Can access email while travelling
- Able to respond immediately without needing to go back to the office, so work more productively
- Can work in real-time with colleagues using audio and video conferencing.
- More flexibility to change plans – flights, trains, hotels - at short notice.
State two disadvantages for employees of mobile access to the internet
- Can make it difficult to keep home-work balance
- Can be expensive to use mobile phone data plan
- Poor connectivity in ‘black spots’
- Increased security problems from hacking
- Battery life on mobile devices is limited
- Some attachments cannot be worked on from a mobile phone
- Work progress can be hampered by distractions when in a busy environment
Name two disadvantages of e-commerce for consumers.
- Risk of credit card fraud.
- Fake websites - goods do not exist.
- Fake websites - steal credit card details.
- Can’t fully assess the quality of the goods / can’t try it on.
- Growth of ecommerce can mean fewer shops on the High Street.
- Impersonal shopping - lack of social interaction.
Name two disadvantages of e-commerce for companies.
- Cost of maintaining a company website / need to maintain more secure network.
- Need for trained staff.
- Competitors can see your prices and target your company.
- Security issues e.g. hackers stealing bank account details.