Topic 2: Genetic Variation, Markers, HWE Flashcards
What is genetic variation? (3 things)
Genetic variation refers to the differences:
1. Among the genomes of members of the same species
2. Among genomes of individuals in populations of the same species
3. Assessed as variation in phenotype, protein sequence, and DNA sequence
What is a polymorphism?
When a phenotypic character or a gene (locus) has more than one state in a population (more than one allele exists)
What is a genetic marker? What is a requirement of using genetic markers?
A KNOWN genetic polymorphism associated with a specific locus on a chromosome that can be identified with a simple assay.
We MUST asses homologous loci within and across individuals.W
What are the criteria for genetic markers? (6)
- Do not need to know the mode of inheritance
- Does the marker provide dominant (only one allele observed, or cannot determine allelism), or codominant data(both alleles observed0?
- What is the marker mutation rate
- Abundance in genome
- Information content per locus
- Ease of expense of genotyping
What are molecular markers?
DNA or protein segments used as markers to study forensics, mating systems (parentage), population structure, gene flow, speciation, hybridization, and systematics
They are used to study complex (quantitative) traits in natural populations
What were population genetics originally used to investigate?
Used to investigate allele frequency changes over time for conspicuous phenotypic polymorphisms. This addressed questions related to selection and hybridization
Few traits are inherited in a mendelian fashion
What is an important thing to be noted about phenotypic markers?
Very few morphological markers are determined by a single gene and inherited in a simple fashion, most of them are polygenic and are continuously distributed
How do you calculate genotype freqency?
Number of individuals with that genotype divided by the total.
How do you calculate allele frequency using genotype counts?
2(homozygotes) + (heterozygotes) divided by 2(total)
How do you calculate observed heterozygosity?
Number of heterozygotes divided by total individuals
What are the advantages of assessing phenotypic variation?
Trait is directly linked to selection, easy to genotype (discreet), and field work provides other data collection
What are the limitations to assessing phenotypic variation?
Mode of trait inheritance difficult to determine in the wild, limited scope because most traits are polygenic, limited genetic variation (2 alleles), and unable to distinguish between homozygous dominant and heterozygous dominant as they look the same.
What are proteins? What are they made of?
Proteins are polypeptide chains of amino acids encoded by codons in DNA.
There are 20 different amino acids each with a different R group (reactive), and am amino group (NH2) and a carboxyl group (COOH). They are joined together by peptide bonds formed by condensation reaction of the amino group and the carboxyl group with the removal of water.
What are the four protein structures?
- Primary: chain of amino acids
- Secondary: regular substructure, alpha helix and beta sheets
- Tertiary: 3D folding
- Quaternary: aggregation of polypeptides
What are 5 advantages of examining protein variation over phenotypic variation?
- Variation is genetically determined (no effect of the environment)
- They show mendelian inheritance (known mode of inheritance)
- They are ubiquitous (all organisms have proteins)
- They are generic
- Amino acid sequences may show more variation than phenotypes
What is the method by which you analyze protein variation?
Protein gel electrophoresis, where you can run proteins down a gel towards a positive charge and see how much and how large they are in relation to other controls.
What does replacement of an amino acid do? How many amino acids are there that can change the charge of a protein?
Can effect the charge and or the shape of the protein. There are 4 main amino acids that can change the charge of a protein (aspartic acid, arginine, lysine, glutamic acid), and these can be charged or uncharged depending on the pH of the buffer in which they occur
How are allozymes made?
Mutations in DNA that cause changes in the protein structure of an enzyme are called allozymes. These are variant forms of an enzyme that are coded by different alleles at a locus. These will migrate differently on a gel, thus you can tell them apart
How do you determine whether a loci is polymorphic?
If you look at enough copies of a gene in a population, you will almost always find more than one allele per locus (some rare), therefore every gene is technically polymorphic, however some alleles are so rare that they should not be considered (example is any with a frequency of 0.01).
Instead, the way to determine whether a locus is polymorphic is to find the most common allele at that locus and if it has a frequency LESS THAN 0.95 then it is considered to be polymorphic.
How do you determine the proportion of polymorphic loci?
Take the number of loci that were determined to be polymorphic and divide them by the total number of loci analyzed.
What are the three measurement of variation used in this topic?
Proportion of polymorphic loci
Number of alleles (allelic diversity)
Gene diversity (expected heterozygosity)
What is allelic diversity?
Measured as the number of alleles observed in a sample (often denoted as k)
May be expressed as an average in population over loci, or average at a locus over populations.
How do you calculate average allelic diversity over populations for one loci?
You count the number of possible alleles in each population for the loci, then divide by the number of populations. This gives you average alleles for those loci per population
How do you calculate the average allelic diversity of a population over multiple loci.
Add up the number of alleles in each loci, then divide by the total number of loci. This gives you average alleles per locus
What is expected heterozygosity? What is it also called?
It is a measure of genetic diversity based on HWE. You calculate it from allele frequencies using Hardy-Weinberg equations.
What are the assumptions made by HWE?
No migration
No mutation
Infinitely large population (NO DRIFT)
Random mating
No natural selection
If all these assumptions are held then there could be no evolution
How do you calculate expected heterozygosity and what is it?
It is the probability that an individual in a population will be a heterozygote at a locus.
Calculate it by doing 1- the sum of the homozygosity (1-pi^2)or the sum of the heterozygotes (2pipj)
How do you calculate average expected heterozygosity of a population?
You sum the heterozygosity at all loci of interest then divide by the number of loci.