topic 2: construction premises Flashcards
() can be incredibly dangerous places, with countless hazards that can cause serious injury or even death.
Construction sites
examples of hazards on the Construction sites
falls from height, electrocutions, struck-by and caught-in
incidents, etc
() must be a top priority on every construction site.
() , in architecture, is a drawing that shows the existing and proposed conditions of a parcel of land and the arrangement of buildings, parking, drives, landscaping, and any other structure that is part of a development project.
A site plan
A site plan also shows the (6) of the site.
access, drainage, privacy, slopes, tree cover, and utility lines
is the process of creating a site plan according to the zoning code of the area.
Site planning
- Site Access
- Site Offices
- Workers Accommodation
- Storage Considerations
- Temporary Services
- Plant Considerations
- Fencing Considerations
- Safety and Health
The suitability of the roads to transport all requirements for the suggested construction site and also for general
circulation should be examined
site access
- The () is the hub of the construction site. This is where workers will sign in and sign out.
- The team will often get briefed on tasks for the day, check documents and schedules, and maybe even get inductions here.
site offices
Includes the type and expected numbers of staff at the construction site, determining the location for offices to provide quick and easy access for visitors, and also giving a good view of the construction site
workers accommodation
Considers the
* quantity of materials
* type of materials
* suitable weather and security protections
* provision of sufficient storage space and working area around the storage
storage considerations
Considers the:
* type of temporary services,
* location of the required services
* time in which the gives services are needed
The coordination between various services at the site is fundamental
temporary services
Considers the:
* Plant type
* Time
* Location of its requirements
If the plan is stationary, then specify a suitable area for its placement and provide good hard standing.
- The contract may specify the type of the required fencing.
- The record of vandalism of the area may help whether fencing is needed or not.
fencing considerations
The considerations discussed should meet the minimum requirements of the applicable health and safety regulations
safety and health considerations
() is a safety standard that safety signs must meet across Europe. () : 2011 requires signs to be available for the prevention of accidents, information on health hazards, fire protection andemergency evacuation
ISO 7010
() is the UK’s selection of symbols designed to go on safety signs in line with BS ISO 3865 series for design principles. The standard is used to make all symbols recognized internationally.
BS EN ISO 7010
- Mandatory Signs
- Prohibition Signs
- Warning Signs
- Fire Safety Signs
- Emergency Information Signs
- Danger Signs
These signs are specific to an action that must take
place in certain areas of your construction site.
These could have actions such as ‘headgear must be worn’, ‘protective clothing must be worn’, ‘foot protection
must be worn in this area’ and so on.** These hazard
safety signs usually have a white background and
black text with a blue circle** that depicts the
() action.
Mandatory signs
() are specific to actions that are not permitted. These could be actions such as ‘you cannot use your mobile phone’, ‘you cannot smoke in this area’, ‘high voltage’, ‘you cannot enter’ and so on. These safety signs are usually black text on a white background and a red circle with a line through an image displaying a particular action
prohibition signs
(), also known as hazard signs, are specific ** to warn people of a particular hazard or potential hazards and ultimately improve safety.** In Australia, most warning signs use the hazard symbol of a black triangle and text on a yellow background addressing the danger. One example of a () is ‘slippery
when wet’
Warning signs
These workplace signs help workers find the location of emergency related facilities and equipment. These could be facilities such as emergency exits, first aid kits and so on. An () sign usually has white text on a green background.
emergency information signs
These signs are specific to warn of hazards or
potential hazards or dangerous goods that are likely to be life-threatening. () signs have **black text and a red oval on the top with the word ‘DANGER’ **written in white
danger signs
Danger Alarm, Prohibition, Do Not, You Must, Stop It If You Are
Warning, You Have Been Warned, Be Careful, Be Aware
Mandatory, You Must Do, Obey
Emergency Escape, First Aid, No Danger, Follow This Sign To Reach Safety
Here is The Fire Equipment
Red (fire-fighting signs)
() refer to the rate or means of entry and exit to a workplace of work area. Routes that provide access and egress should be controlled, safe, suitably constructed, kept free of obstructions, and well-maintained
temporary fire protection requirements (9)
- Fire Department Access Roadways
- Fire Hydrants
- Premises Identification
- Combustible Debris
- Oily Rags
- Combustible Material Storage
- Temporary heating equipment
- Smoking
- Vehicle parking
The () is responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Fire Protection Plan and communicating it to all subcontractors.
general contractor and/or building owner
All construction sites shall be readily accessible by fire department apparatus by means of roadway having an all weather driving service of not less than 20 feet of unobstructed width
Fire Department Access Roadways
Where underground water mains and hydrants are required for the building(s) under construction, they shall be installed, completed, and in service prior to combustible construction material arriving on site.
Fire Hydrants
The address numbers of the property or project location shall be clearly visible and legible from the street or road fronting the property at the fire apparatus access point or as otherwise approved.
Premises Identification
Wood, cardboard, packing material, form lumber, and similar combustible debris shall not be accumulated within buildings. Such debris and waste material shall be removed from the building(s) at the end of each shift of work.
Combustible Debris
() and similar material shall be stored in metal or other approved containers equipped with tight-fitting covers.
Oily Rags
Combustible construction materials shall be stored a minimum of 20 feet from buildings under construction or undergoing alteration.
Combustible Material Storage
Temporary heaters , such as those that are LPG fueled, shall be** listed and shall be installed, used, and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.** Heating devices shall be properly secured and kept clear from combustible materials. Refueling operations shall be conducted in an approved manner.
Temporary heating equipment
() is prohibited anywhere inside or on the roof of new buildings under construction or in the project work area of buildings undergoing alteration. A **suitable number of ‘No Smoking’ signs shall be posted to ensure that smoking is controlled. **
All vehicles shall be parked a minimum of 20 feet from new buildings under construction.
Vehicle parking
The most common types of electrical hazards that cause injuries fall into three categories:
fire, shocks, burns
As the conductor heats, any objects with a flash
point lower than heat being generated will cause
a ().
Electricity is the number one cause of () in the
construction industry.
- One of the dangers with electricity is that a person can unknowingly complete a circuit and cause harm to themselves.
- The human body is made up of more than 75% water and easily conducts electricity
Electrical () are caused by having enough
current pass through the body tissue to literally
cook the tissue.
Electrical () can also be caused by arc blast
confined spaces
- Toxic Atmosphere
- Oxygen Deficiency
- Oxygen Enrichment
- Flammable or Explosive Atmospheres
- Flowing Liquid or Free Flowing Solids
- Excessive Heat
Deteriorating () may be the first evidence of a deteriorating safety and health program.
** Good housekeeping shall be maintained at all times** thru cleanliness of buildings, yards, machines and equipment, regular waste disposal and orderly processes, operations storage and filling of materials.
Premises of Establishments (RULE 1060 OSHS)
- Seiri (sort/eliminate)
- Seiton (systematize/organize)
- Seiso (sweep/clean/polish)
- Seiketsu (sanitize/standardize)
- Shitsuke (self-discipline/training)
- Promotes:
- Safety
- Quality improvement
- Efficiency
- Productivity improvement
- Workers feel good in their second home
- Easy knowledge of process abnormalities
- Work improvement
- Company image —
- cleanliness/orderliness/beautification
Step 1
Look around your workplace and dispose of all
unnecessary items
Step 2
Set aside items with Disposal Notice Decide if they’re
necessary or not
Step 1
Eliminate unnecessary items from your workplace. Think of what things should remain
in the workplace, taking into account the flow of work, from the point of view of safe
and efficient operation.
Step 2
Decide with your colleagues where to put things. The principle is to put most frequently
needed items close to the user.
Step 3
Make a list of things with their location and put it on locker/cabinets and inform
everyone in the workplace.
Step 4
Indicate the places where fire extinguishers are located, passages of forklifts/carts, and wherever necessary, warning signs for safety precautions, etc.
The following are suggested for () (Sweep) operation:
* Do not wait until things get dirty.
* Clean your workplace, including machines and equipment tools, and furniture, regularly so that they do not have a chance to get dirty.
* Put aside 3 minutes every day for () (Sweep)
seiso (sweep)
* Maintain a workplace that is free from germs and stain.
* Make a schedule for thorough cleaning of your workplace.
* () is significant for works with food products, pharmaceutical products, electronic components, etc