Topic 1b - Energy Resources Flashcards
What is a renewable energy resource?
A renewable energy resource is one that is being (or can be) replenished as it is used - made at same rate as usage, so never runs out.
What is a non-renewable energy resource?
An energy resource which is not being produced at the same rate at which it is used => will run out.
What are 4 examples of non renewable energy resources?
- Coal
- Oil
- (Natural) Gas
- Nuclear fuels (uranium + plutonium)
What are 7 examples of renewable resources?
- Wind
- Tidal
- The Sun (Solar)
- Water waves
- Bio-fuel
- Hydroelectricity
- Geothermal
How are renewable energy resources different to non-renewable energy resources? (3)
- Not as much damage to the environment as non-renewable
- Doesn’t provide as much energy as non-renewable
- Can be unreliable as most are weather dependent
What are the 3 main uses of energy resources?
- Transport
- Heating
- Electric
How are energy resources used for transport and which are renewable and non-renewable? (3)
- Petrol and diesel - fuel created from oil used to power vehicles (non-renewable)
- Coal - used in some old fashioned steam trains to boil water to produce steam (non-renewable
- Some vehicles in modern day, run on biofuel (renewable)
What are some non-renewable energy resources used for heating? (3)
- Natural gas - burned to heat water, which is pumped into radiators in the home
- Oil - some homes are heated by burning oil in a tank
- Coal - burnt in fire places
What are some renewable energy resources used for heating? (2)
- Geothermal power - a geothermal heat pump can be used to heat buildings
- Solar power - solar water heaters use electromagnetic radiation from the sun to heat water which is then pumped into radiators in the building
How are energy resources used for transport?
Renewable + non-renewable can be used to generate electricity used in transport and heating, e.g, electrically powered vehicles, electric heaters etc.
What do wind turbines do (wind power)? (2)
- Generate electricity when exposed to the weather, as each one has a generator inside.
- Electricity = generated directly from the wind turning the turbines.
What are the pros of wind power? (5)
- No pollution (minimal amount during manufacturing)
- No permanent damage - if removed everything returns to how it was prior to the instalment
- Reliable 70-85% of the time
- Initial costs are high, but there are no fuel costs and minimal running costs
- Renewable
What are the cons of wind power? (3)
- Need 1500 wind turbines to replace 1 coal-fired power station - ruins the view/scenery
- Noisy
- Reliability problems - not enough or too much wind
What do solar cells do? (2)
- Generate electric currents directly from the sun’s radiation
- The electric currents directly from the sun’s radiation can be plugged straight into electrical components just like batteries
What are the pros of solar cells? (3)
- Initial costs are high, but after that energy is free and running costs are almost nothing
- Reliable in sunny areas and in the daytime
- Renewable
What are the cons of solar cells? (2)
- Often best if not a lot of energy is required, or in remote areas where energy is minimal
- Usually used on small scale, e.g, powering individual homes
How are tides produced?
By the gravitational pull of the sun and the moon.