topic 19 - prudential supervision Flashcards
International prudential regulation
- The UK’s regulators do not operate in isolation, their work is driven by regulatory requirements at an international level
- The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision sets standards of banks globally
- The EU sets out detailed requirements for banks, building societies and investment firms within the member states
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
- a multinational body acting under the auspices of the Bank for International Settlements, and based in Basel, Switzerland.
- Role is to strengthen the regulation, supervision and activities of banks to enhance financial stability
Capital adequacy
- Ensuring that a business holds sufficient reserves of capital to ensure it is sustainable
- Regulations broadly state that should a business run into difficulties, the business must have sufficient capital to make it very unlikely that deposits will be placed at risk
- This capital is from shareholders and related sources rather than deposits form customers. Shareholders are expected to bear the risks
- minimum requirements for capital adequacy are set to protect a bank’s depositors so they do not lose money
extent to which a business’s assets exceed its liabilities
Solvency ratio
capital as a % of the risk-adjusted value of assets
The ease and speed with which an asset can be converted into cash and thus into real goods and services – without significant loss of capital value
Capital Requirements Directive
- Total loss-absorbing capacity (TLAC)
- Additional capital requirements for banks deemed systematically important or too big to fail
Solvency II
- A directive focused on the capital adequacy of insurers
Investment firms prudential regime (IFPR)
- Most larger firms are now subject to IFPR, whose rules can be found in the MIFIDPRU sourcebook
- It reflects the FCA’s approach to capital requirements following Brexit – Jan 2022
- Contains rules on own funds, concentration risk, basic liquid assets requirements, and disclosure and reporting.
Who is responsible for the prudential regulation of deposit-takers and insurers?
Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA).
Capital adequacy requirements are based on the principle that in the event of a firm making a loss:
its shareholders, not its depositors, should bear the loss.
What is a bank’s solvency ratio?
Capital as a percentage of the risk adjusted value of assets.
How did Basel II seek to ensure that capital adequacy requirements more accurately reflected the risks represented by a firm’s assets?
Under Basel II, instead of simply calculating their capital requirement as a percentage of the total value of their assets, firms were required to categorise each asset according to the risk it represented and hold more capital in relation to the riskier assets
Under Basel III, banks must work towards a minimum solvency
ratio of what level?
Basel III introduced new measures with regard to a bank’s capital
and asset liability management. Which of these measures is
aimed at protecting the long-term financial stability of a bank?
The net stable funding ratio.