Topic 16: Biogeography Flashcards
How are biomes classified?
biomes are classified by the broad scale distribution of similar vegetation and associated animals
How did the burrowing owls #’s go down?
range existed within the prairie landscape but were greatly disrupted by agricultural expansion.
How are aquatic systems classified?
aquatic systems are divided on physical characters:
- fresh water
- non flowing (lentic) and flowing (lotic)
- marine
- coastal and open water
What is eutrophic?
much higher, elevated amounts of nutrients (leads to algal blooms
What is mesotrophic?
aavd/ideal amount of nutrias (clear lake with some vegetation)
What is oligotrophic?
very low in nutrients (clear lake with NO vegetation- does not have enough nutrients to support)
What is dystrophic?
very high in organic matter (ie humic substances)