Topic 15: psychosocial aspects of hospitalization Flashcards
What is the recent trend of hospitalization?
- Increasing tendency for hospital treatments for any and all problems other than psychiatric
Explain the hospitalization experience for doctors and patients
- Doctors: aim of work based around detecting patient problems and selecting appropriate treatment = patient is there and all facilities present = good experience
- Patients: more complicated than staff as limitations in hospital life = psychosocial disruption = may be severe to need psychiatric help
Explain the psychological effects of hospitalization
- Range of lengths of stays in hospital = experiences vary = difficult to generalize impact of hospitalization
FACTORS EFFECTING: - Physical environment
- Social environment
Describe the factor of physical environment
- Big change to their homes
- Very few studies investigating physical environment on patient conditions
- More knowledge of spatial needs of animals in zoos = die if too much/little space
- Architect building hospitals guided by people not hospitalized = designers or hospital personnel not patients
- Changing of environment = likely to cause anxiety + more sensitivity
Describe the factor of social environment
- Privacy intruded compared to normal life = confined to bed = large number of strangers in each other’s space
- Compared to sense of personal space in outside world invaded in hospitalization = staff in and put moving you + touching you
- Routine predetermined = big adjustment
- Study shows home-treated less psychosocial distress than hospitalized = defined routine decide for self + own environment + not dependant on others for basic functions = feel in control
What causes psychological reactions as a result of hospitalization?
- Due to social changes:
1) Invasion of privacy
2) Loss of independence + individualism
3) Reduced social contact
Describe psychological reactions as a result of hospitalization
- Study carried out by Rachman + Philips = 5 types of distress
1) Fear
2) Increased irritability
3) Loss of interest in outside world
4) Unhappiness
5) Preoccupied with own body processes - Anxiety is related to uncertainty concerning nature of condition
- Study also suggests need for social reassurance from family + professionals
Describe the communication aspect of hospitalization
- Patients dissatisfied despite rating technical skills highly
- 40-50% criticize communication aspect
- Studies where professionals feel they put extra effort to communicate however patients still critical = gap in communication
- May be due to unwillingness of patients to ask for info
Why may patients be unwilling to ask doctors for information?
- Fear of ridicule
- Feeling would be done
- Not want to cause trouble
- Feeling that complaining or asking info is inappropriate behavior
Describe the studies about the communication aspect of hospitalization
- Studies show good explanations of what admission entails reduce patient anxiety for painful + distressing treatments that can uncover serious conditions e.g. endoscopy + cardiac catheterization + barium x-ray
- Study by Ley = 3 wards communication satisfaction assessed
1) Extra visits every 10 days + discuss medical progress/clarify info + complaints about environment/food
2) Extra visits every 10 days + discuss complaints about environment/food
3) No extra visits - RESULTS:
1) 80% satisfied
2) 41% satisfied
3) 48% satisfied
Describe the psychological effect of surgery
- Depending on procedure + condition + likely outcome
- Also depends on patient expectations + coping style
- Patient reaction to the procedure can influence outcome + recovery
- Patients with high pre-surgical stress = adverse psychological reactions post-surgery = poor recovery
5 types of psychological interventions
1) Psychological support = discuss fears + come to terms with issue
2) Provide information = sensory or procedural info
3) Skills training = stress coping techniques
4) Modelling = films of other similar patient
5) Cognitive behavior techniques = identify how emotion making you feel + challenge