Topic 14: Chemical Bonding and Structure (HL) Flashcards
Formula for Formal Charge
FC = (number of valence electrons) - 1/2(number of bonding electrons) - (number of non-bonding electrons)
How to calculate partial charge based on electronegative values?
Based on electronegative values.
For each element in a compound do:
PC = (electronegative value for M)/(electronegative sum of values for the whole compound)
Then for the higher PC multiply it by the number of electrons in the bond(s) ie. 2e.
Then this value - 1 gives the partial charge
What is the molecular geometry based on five electron domains with no lone pairs?
trigonal bipyramidal
Between equatorial and axial position the angle is 90° between two equatorial it’s 180°
What is the molecular geometry based on five electron domains with one lone pair?
trigonal bipyramidal
Between equatorial and axial position the angle is <90° between two equatorial it’s <180°
What is the molecular geometry based on five electron domains with two lone pairs?
trigonal bipyramidal
Between equatorial and axial position the angle is <90°
What is the molecular geometry based on five electron domains with three lone pairs?
trigonal bipyramidal
Between two axial positions the angle is 180°
What is the molecular geometry based on six electron domains no lone pairs?
Bond angle 90°
What is the molecular geometry based on six electron domains with one lone pair?
What is the molecular geometry based on five electron domains with two lone pairs?
Bond angle 90°
Sigma bond
In the formation of a sigma bond, there is a direct head-on overlap of the atomic orbitals along the internuclear axis and the electron density is located along this axis.
Pi bond
In the formation of a pi bond, there is a sideways overlap of the atomic orbitals and the electron density is located above and below the internuclear axis.
Delocalisation involves
electrons that are shared by more than two atoms in a molecule or ion as opposed to being localized between a pair of atoms.
Ozone - bonds and shape
V-shaped (bent) molecule with a bond angle of 116.8° and its two O-O bond lengths are equal.
bond order
e.g. for O-O bond in ozone
BO = (total number of O-O bonding pairs)/(total number of O-O positions)
How are the bonds in ozone broken?
The bonds in ozone can be broken by UV radiation (hv) . The bond order in ozone (1 .5) is lower than the bond order in oxygen (2) , so the O=O double bond in oxygen is stronger. Radiation of shorter wavelength is required to break the stronger bond in oxygen. The reason is that the energy, E, of a photon of light is inversely proportional to the wavelength λ, so the greater the energy, the shorter the wavelength and vice versa.
Valence Bond Theory (VBT)
- considers that atoms approach each other to form a molecule
- bond formed results from the overlap of atomic orbitals
- the greater the degree of orbital overlap, the stronger the bond
Molecular Orbital Theory (MOT)
- atomic orbitals overlap, but the overlap results in the formation of new orbitals, called the molecular orbitals.
- the two atomic orbitals combine to form two new molecular orbitals:
1) bonding molecular orbital sigma, which is of lower energy
2) anti-bonding molecular orbital sigma star, which has higher energy.
Mixing of atomic orbitals to generate a set of new hybrid orbitals that are equivalent.
Hybridization type can be determined from the number of electron domains around the central atom rather than the molecular geometry
Hybrid orbital
Results from the mixing of different types of atomic orbital on the same atom.
Formation of sp3 hybrid orbitals in methane
Carbon: [He]2s2.2p2
Hydrogen: 1s1
The tetrahedral nature of methane involves the hybridization of its one 2s and three 2p orbitals on the C atom in an excited state
Step 1: One of the electrons in the 2s orbital of the ground-state configuration of carbon is promoted to the vacant 2pz
orbital, to form an excited-state.
But methane has a tetrahedral molecular geometry with H-C-H bond angle of 109.5°, but the three 2p orbitals are at 90° to each other.
Step 2: The four atomic orbitals 2s, 2px, 2py, and 2pz
combine to form a set of four new sp3 hybrid orbitals.
The shape of each sp3 hybrid orbital will have 75% of the characteristics of a p orbital (dumbbell shaped) combined with 25% of the spherical s orbital.
Step 3: Overlap of each carbon sp3 orbital with a hydrogen 1s atomic orbital.
Any molecule with a tetrahedral electron domain geometry on its interior central atom (based on four electron domains) would be predicted to have sp3
Formation of sp2 hybrid orbitals in ethene
Step 1: One of the electrons in the 2s orbital of the ground-state configuration of carbon is promoted to the vacant 2pz
orbital to form an excited-state
Step 2: To account for the approximate 120° bond angles (based on three electron domains) , the next step involves hybridization of three of the atomic orbitals 2s, 2px and 2py. These combine to form a set of three
new sp2 hybrid orbitals. The 2pz
orbital remains
Step 3: formation of a sigma bond along the internuclear axis by the overlap of two sp2 hybrid orbitals, one on each carbon atom. A pi bond is formed from the sideways overlap of the two pz unhybridized atomic orbitals, with the
overlap regions above and below the internuclear axis
Step 4: overlap of each remaining sp2
orbital on carbon with a hydrogen 1 s atomic orbital.
Any molecule with a trigonal-planar electron domain geometry will be predicted to have sp2
Formation of sp hybrid orbitals in ethyne
Step 1: One of the electrons in the 2s orbital of the ground-state con?guration of carbon is promoted to the vacant 2pz
orbital to form an excited-state.
Step 2: To account for the 180° bond angle (based on two electron domains) , the next step involves hybridization of two of the atomic orbitals 2s and 2px. The remaining 2py
and 2pz
orbitals remain unhybridized.
Step 3: formation of a sigma bond along the internuclear axis by the overlap of two sp hybrid orbitals, one on each carbon atom. Two pi bonds are formed from the sideways overlap of the two py and two pz unhybridized atomic orbitals, with the overlap regions above and below the internuclear axis
Step 4: overlapping of each remaining sp orbital on carbon with a hydrogen 1 s atomic orbital
Any molecule with a linear electron domain geometry on its interior central atom would be predicted to have sp hybridization.