TOPIC 14 - Advocacy scenarios Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of advocacy scenarios in strategic foresight?
The primary purpose is to influence decision-making and policy development by promoting a specific vision or preferred future to persuade stakeholders and policymakers to adopt strategies or actions that align with the scenario creator’s goals.
How do advocacy scenarios differ from exploratory scenarios?
Unlike exploratory scenarios, which map out a range of possible futures without bias, advocacy scenarios are explicitly designed to support specific outcomes or goals and are used to persuade stakeholders towards a preferred direction.
What are the key characteristics of advocacy scenarios?
Advocacy scenarios are visionary, goal-oriented, persuasive, and evidence-based, employing narrative techniques and integrating data to support their narratives.
What is the first step in the development process of advocacy scenarios?
The first step is research and analysis, which involves in-depth research on the current situation, trends, and driving forces that could impact the future.
How are advocacy scenarios communicated to ensure they are engaging and accessible?
They are communicated using storytelling, visuals, and other media to make the narrative engaging and accessible to a wide audience.
What is a major application of advocacy scenarios in environmental planning?
They are used to promote sustainable practices and policies by illustrating the potential consequences of environmental neglect versus the benefits of stewardship.
What challenge must advocacy scenarios overcome to be effective?
They must balance persuasive aims with factual accuracy and plausibility to avoid being dismissed as mere propaganda.
How do advocacy scenarios contribute to corporate strategy?
Companies use them to champion innovation or shifts in industry standards that align with their strategic interests.
What ethical considerations arise with the use of advocacy scenarios?
The use of narrative to influence policy or opinion raises ethical considerations regarding manipulation and transparency.
How do advocacy scenarios facilitate social change?
They advocate for policy reforms or actions addressing social issues, demonstrating the positive outcomes of proposed changes.
What is the significance of consensus-building in advocacy scenarios?
Consensus-building aims to create a best-for-all visionary scenario, emphasizing collaborative efforts to shape outcomes rather than being shaped by external forces.
How does broad stakeholder involvement impact the development of advocacy scenarios?
It ensures that multiple, often adversarial, stakeholders are included in the process, which helps in understanding diverse perspectives and needs.
What role does communication and PR play in advocacy scenarios?
They exist to be publicized, to raise public awareness, create recommendations for action, help develop consensus on opportunities and threats, and serve as a rallying device for public participation and problem-solving.
What is the first step in both future-adaptive and future-advocacy scenario planning?
The first step is scanning and sensemaking, which involves understanding the current environment and identifying trends and driving forces.
How do future-advocacy scenarios identify the preferred future?
They involve listening to all stakeholder needs and preferences to find a future that everyone agrees on, making this one “ideal” scenario.