Topic 1: The Nature of Religion Flashcards
Name the five major relgious traditions
What is religion?
A social-cultural system of designated behaviours, practices, morals, world views, texts and ethics that allows humanity to worship a supernatural power or God.
Define monotheism
Worship of a single God
Define polytheism
Worship of many Gods
Define pontheism
The idea that god is in everything and the natural worldq
Define trancendence
An existence above or apart form the material world
Define immanence
The idea that gods or spiritual forces pervade the universe and are present in every aspect of life
What is supernatural dimension?
The belief in the existence of beings or powers beyond the realm of the natural world who are greater than humankind. This being/power is believed to be responsible for the creation of the world and for providing the moral framwork for human life.
Out of the five major religions, which are monotheistic religions?
Out of the five major religions, which are polytheistic religions?
Define beliefs
The key tenets, doctines or values which underpin the religious practice of a religion for the believers
Define believers
The adherents who follow and accept these beliefs, customs and traditions as a way of understanding creation and answering the fundamental concepts of life.
What is the purpose of sacred texts and writings?
Contians the sacred stories which explain how people are connected to the supernatural dimension. Contians the truth of a particular religion and provides guidance to believers.
What are ethics?
The system of standards which regulate moral decision making. They clarigy what is right and wrong.
What are rituals and ceremonies and what are their purpose
Practical expresssions of aspects of a religion which allows believers to connect with the tradition of their religion. Involves prescribed words and actions along with the use of symbols.