Topic 1 - Plan Provisions Flashcards
Key Dimensions of Medical Benefit Plans
Any Medical Plan can be defined by its position on these dimensions:
- Definition of covered services and conditions under which those services will be covered
- Degree to which the individual participates in the cost of the service
- Breadth of the network and the degree to which the provider participates in the risk related to the cost of the service
Think - Plan Benefits, Cost Sharing, Network
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Services Covered by Medical Policies
- Facility Services - Acute Care Hospital, ER, Outpatient facilities, psychiatric facilities, alcohol and drug treatment programs, skilled nursing facilities, Home health care
- Professional Services - Surgeries, Office Visits, Home Visits, Hospital Visits, Emergency Room Visits, Preventive Care, etc
- Diagnostic Services
- X-Ray and Lab Services
- Prescription Drugs
- Durable Medical Equipment
- Ambulance
- Private Duty Nursing
- Wellness Benefits
- Nurse Help Lines
- Disease Management Benefits
Think - Facility, Prof, Diag/Lab, Rx, Other (mnemonic maybe)
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Purposes for Having the Insured Share in the Cost of the Medical Plan
- Control Utilization - Studies have shown drastic reduction in utilization when a plan is subject to deductibles, copays, or coinsurance
- Control Costs - Requiring cost sharing lowers the premium and therefore leads to more affordable coverage
- Control Risk to the Insurer - Requiring cost sharing results in a benefit program that more truly represents an insurable risk
Mnemonic - UCR (Think UCR, Usual, Customary, and Reasonable)
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Types of Provider Reimbursement
- (D)iscount from billed charge - No incentive for utilization modifications
- Fee (S)chedules and maximums - Fails to affect utilization and simply reduces costs
- Per (D)iem reimbursements - negotiated amount per day of hospital stay, varies by level of care
- Hospital (D)iagnosis Related Groups, DRGs - Set payment based on the patient’s diagnosis, regardless of length of stay or level of service
- (A)mbulatory Payment Classifications - Similar to DRGs. Used for Outpatient charges
- Case Rate or (G)lobal Payments - Single reimbursement is negotiated to cover all services associated with a given condition. Commonly used for maternity and transplant cases
- Bonus (P)ools - Pays the provider a bonus if utilization is below target or quality-of-care criteria are met. Funded through witholds
- (C)apitation - Provider performs defined range of services in return for a monthly payment per enrollee
- (I)ntegrated Delivery System - Insurer employs the providers of care (Common in Staff Model HMOs)
(Provider Cost Sharing - Dig ‘Da Discounts
Think - You should be able to remember this one
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Provisions Included in Medical Plans
- Overall Exclusions (Another List)
- Mandated Benefits - Due to regulations
- Coordination of Benefits - determine the payment when a service is covered under multiple benefit plans
- Subrogation - assigns the carrier the right to recovery from any injurying party (common in worker’s comp claims)
- COBRA Continuation - Employers with at least 20 employees must offer continued coverage for 18 to 36 months beyond a person’s normal termination date
Might need a mnemonic
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Common Exclusions for Medical Plans
- Services deemed not to be medically necessary
- Services deemed to be experimental
- Serviced related to cosmetic surgery
- Other services, such as hearing and vision
- Transplants
- Services for which payment not required
- Serviced required due to an act of war
- Services required as a result of a work-related injury
- Services provided by a provider related to the patient
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Criteria for Provincial Medicare plans to Quality for Federal Contributions (Canada)
Must meet the principles of the Canada Health Act:
1. (C)omprehensiveness - All medically-required hospitals and physician services must be covered under the plan
2. (U)niversality - All legal residents of a province must be entitled to the plan’s services on uniform terms and conditions
3. (A)ccessibility - Reasonable access by residents to hospital and physician services must not be impeded by charges made to those residents
4. (P)ortability - The plan may not impose a waiting period in excess of 3 months for new residents, and coverage must be maintained when a resident moves or travels within Canada or is temporarily out of the country
5. (P)ublic Administration - Plan must be administered on a non-profit basis by a public authority
(Extra-billing and user charges are not prohibited, but will result in reduction in federal grants to the province)
Mnemonic: CUAPP - Candians Universally Appreciate Public PLans
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Benefits Covered by most Canadian Provincial Medicare Plans
- (H)ospital Services - Room and board in a public ward, + physician services, diagnostics, anesthesia, nursing care, drugs, and supplies
- (P)physician Services - includes services of a general practitioner, specialist, psychiatrist, and others
- Services of (O)ther Professionals - Optometrists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, and Podiatrists
- Services of a physiotherapist if in a hospital facility
- (R)x - Prescription drugs for social assistance recipients and residents over age 65 in most provinces
- (P)rostheses and therapeutic equipment
- Other diagnostic services, such as (L)abratory tests and x-rays performed outside a hospital
- (D)ental Care - medically-required oral and dental surgery performed in a hospital
- (O)ut-of-province coverage - includes expenses incurred in other provinces and outside Canada
Mnemonic: H PROD P O L (Hospital PRODucts Plus Osteopath and Lab)
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Concerns about the Canadian Medicare system, from recent reports
- Waiting for months to see a specialist is common
- Shortages of equipment, speciliasts, and technicians cause waiting for diagnostic procedures
- Waiting for elective and non-emergency surgery is common, due to a lack of operating room time and a shortage of hospital beds
- Emergency rooms are overcrowded, due in part to the unavailability of after-hours clinics
- People who need LTC tend to wait in hospitals because of a shortage of beds in LTC facilities
- Technology-intensive services are not available everywhere
- The demand for services exceeds the supply, resulting in rationing
- Some essential services (such as prescription drugs for chronic illnesses) are not covered by Medicare
Waiting x3, O, L, T, R, E
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Categories of expenses commonly covered by private (supplemental) medical plans in Canada
- (H)ospital Charges - Plans usually play charges for room and board, up to the amount needed to upgrade to a semi-private or private room
- (P)rescription Drugs - these represent approximately 70-75% of the cost of private medical plans. Various plan designs exists, but generally cover all drugs prescribed by a physician
- Health (P)rofessional practitioner - eligible expenses are usually subject to inside limits (such as one treatment per day and a maximum number of treatments per year)
- (M)iscellaneous expenses - these are usually eligible only if prescribed by a physician and include almost any insurable expense not otherwise covered, such as ambulance, x-rays, and protheses
- (V)ision Care - Eye exams by an optometrist are usually included in the medical plan, while glasses or contact lenses may be included in either the meidcal plan or on a stand-alone basis
- (O)ut-of-Canada coverage - most common coverage is for emergency are for short trips outside Canada
Mnemonic - PPMPOV (Private Plans May Pay Only Vision)
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Organizations that sell Dental Insurance
- Insurance Companies
- Dental Services Corporations (Delta)
- Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans
- Dental HMOs
- Dental Referral Plans (Discount Dental Plans)
- Third Party Administrators
Mnemonic: Insurance + 3 Blues
(Insurance, 3 = Third Party, 3 = Dental ‘xxx’, Blues = BCBS)
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Typical Plan Design for Dental Insurance
- Benefits are Divided into Classes:
a) Preventive and Diagnostic (Class I) - Oral exams, cleanings, fluoride, sealants, x-rays
b) Basic (Class II) - Fillings, extractions, endodontics (root canals), periodontics (gum disease treatment), and oral surgery
c) Major (Class III) - inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, and dentures
d) Orthodontics (Class IV) - sometimes added to dental plans with lifetime maximum - Reimbursement varies by class, such as 100% for Class I, 80% for class III, 50% for Class III. Less cost sharing required on preventive services to encourage use
- Calendar Year Deductible ($50 or $100) - often waived for Class I
- Annual plan benefit maximum - ranges from $1000 to $2500 per person
- No OOP Max (Except for ACA compliant pediatric dental subject to ACA OOP Max rules)
Think - Classes, Coinsurance, Ded, Annual Max, OOP Max
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Dental Plan Cost Containment Provisions
These used to limit antiselection risk resulting from elective nature of benefits
- Frequency Limitations - Two cleanings per year, one set of x-rays, etc
- Pre-existing condition limitations - prevent plan from paying for charges incurred prior to insurance effective date, such as replacement of missing tooth
- Lease expensive alternative treatment - insurer reimburses based on the least expensive clinically acceptable treatment plan
- Waiting periods - must be satisfied before coverage begins. Generally applied to Class III and Class IV services, typically range from 3-12 months
- Exclusions - such as cosmetic services, experimental treatments, and services that are typically covered by a medical plan
- Benefits after Insurance Ends - coverage for work started before termination only continues for 31 days
Think - Limitations, Exclusions, Before, and After
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Underwriting and Rating Parameters for Dental
- Group Size - Minimum group size of 5 is usually enforced to avoid antiselection
- Eligible individuals and groups - plans usually cover active employees and dependents. Some insurers don’t cover groups from certain industries
- Participation - Many plans allow for participation as low as 25% of eligible EEs
- ER Contribution - Most non-voluntary plans require a minimum ER contribution of 50% of the single EE Premium
- Other Coverages - if dental is packages with other insurance options, helps prevent antiselection
- New Business - Plans may charge higher rates to groups who are offering dental coverage for the firs ttime, due to pent up demand for dental services by employees in those groups
- Geographic Location - area factors vary by state, service area, or zip code
- Demographics - Claim costs are higher for females and older ages. Common family structures are 2-tier, 3-tier, and 4-tier
- Waiting and Deferral Periods - May have a waiting period before a new employee can join the plan
- Incentive Coinsurance - may be used on plans with no prior coverage. Start with low coinsurance for classes II and III and raise the level each year as the individual utilizes preventive services
- Transferred Business - if the plan is a replacement, then it may pay for claims incurred in the prior year
Mnemonic might be needed!
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Dental Reimbursement Models and Delivery Systems
- Indemnity - traditional FFS Reimbursement. Plan members may use any dentist, but dentist will bill the patient for the balance remaining after the plan makes its maximum payment
a) Scheduled indemnity plans
b) UCR (usual, customary, and reasonable plans) - PPO - a contracted network of dentists agree to discounted FFS reimbursement arrangements. Discounts are only available in network, and in-network providers may not balance bill the patient
a) Managed indemnity plans (Passive PPOs)
b) Exclusive Provider organization (EPO) plans - Dental HMO - uses prepaid or capitated arrangements. Members must use the network.
a) IPA plans (Independent providers association)
b) Staff model dental HMO plans - Point of Service - hybrid of indemnity, PPO, and dental HMO concepts
- Discount Dental Plans - member receives discounts from preferred providers (not insurance)
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Comparison of Dental Reimbursement Models
Premium - HMOs are the least expensive and indemnity plans are the most expensive
Patient Access - Any dentist for Indemnity and PPO, network access only for HMO
Benefit Richness - Coverage comparable, but HMOs have least out of pocket expense
Cost Management - Indemnity plans (some) < PPOs ( + Credentialing) < HMOs ( + Gatekeeper)
Utilization - Indemnity + PPO overutilize due to FFS; HMO underutilize due to Cap
Quality Assurance - Unlike indemnity plans, PPOs and HMOs have credentialing processes to help assure quality care
Fraud potential - detecting fraud will be based on the insurer’s efforts, rather than plan type
Provider Contracting - PPOs and HMOs have contracts with dentists who agree to discounted charges. Indemnity does not.
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Claim administration procedures used by dental plans
- Predetermination of benefits - plan wants members to submit expensive treatment plans for review before service
- Least expensive alternative treatment
- Coordination of benefits (COB) - done to avoid paying benefits in excess of charges
- Dental Review - difficult claims should be reviewed by a dental consultant
- Maximum allowable charge (aka UCR) - expenses are limited to the lesser of:
a) Dentists usual fee for procedure
b) Fee level set by plan based on customary charges in geographic region
c) Reasonable fee charged for a service when unusual circumstances or complications exist
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Factors that influence prescription drug costs
- Prescription drug (P)ipeline - Manufacturers want to recover their investments in research and development of new drugs
- Brand (P)atent Protection - Patents protect a drug’s original manufacturer from competition for a period of time
- (S)pecialty Drugs - Have relatively higher cost than other brand name drugs
- (B)iologics - these are very expensive ($2K to $500k per patient per month) and are not easily replicated, so generics will not be produced for most of them
- (D)irect-to-consumer Advertising - marketing of high-cost drugs have been effective, resulting in many patients requesting the new drugs
- Member Cost-Sharing (O)ffsets - many manufacturers offer to cover member out-of-pocket costs for expensive drugs. This removes the member’s incentive to use preferred products and generics
- Faster (A)pproval Process by the FDA - this has increased the number of high-cost drugs coming to the market
- (A)ging Population - leads to more demand for drug therapies
- Increase in Awareness of and (T)esting for Disease - often results in drug therapies to avoid acute illnesses
- (P)ersonalized Medicine - genetic testing sometimes leads to unnecessary medication use
Mnemonic: PAPA STOP BD (Papa stop using brand name drugs)
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Entities in the Pharmacy Benefits System in the US
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturers - Research, obtain approval for, produce, and distribute prescription drugs. Sell drugs to wholesalers and also directly to pharmacies. Negotiate with PBMs, offering rebates in exchange for favorable formulary placement.
- Pharmaceutical Wholesalers - Purchase prescription drugs from manufacturers and distribute drugs to pharmacies
- Pharmacies - Dispense prescriptions directly to beneficiaries and purchase drugs either from wholesalers or manufacturers.
- Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) - Separate List
- Third-Party Payers (Insurance Companies, Employers, or Govt Programs) - They fund the prescription drug benefit and in some instances assume the claims risk
- Beneficiaries - They are the consumers of prescription drugs
- Prescribing health care providers - they diagnose beneficiaries and prescribe drugs for them
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Functions performed by PBMs
- (A)dminister prescription drug benefit programs
- Negotiate (R)ebates with manufacturers
- Negotiate (D)iscounts with pharmacies
- Manage relationships with (T)hird party payers
- Perform (U)tilization management
- Run drug (A)dherence programs
- Integrate drug benefits with (M)edical
- Establish a (F)ormulary of drugs
- Build a (N)etwork of pharmacies
Mnemonic - FRAUD AMNT
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Types of Drugs
- Generic - Typically the lowest cost and most commonly dispensed. A generic equivalent drug is a generic version of a brand drug, created once a brand drug’s patent expires
- Brand Name - Multi-source brand drugs have a generic equivalent while single-source brand drugs do not
- Specialty - high cost drugs, many of which require special treatment and delivery (e.g. temperature controlled and administered by a health care provider)
- Biologic - derived from living organisms and are usually very expensive. Generally considered to be specialty drugs.
- Biosimilars or follow-on Biologics - Subsequent versions of biologic drugs developed by different manufacturers. May not be therapeutically equivalent to biologics.
- Compound - drug mixed by a pharmacist. Can deliver a customized strength and dosage to meet a beneficiary’s specific needs.
- Over-the-counter - do not require a prescription to purchase
- Supplies - such as diabetic test strips and alcohol pads
Easy List Right?
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Stages of the prescription drug life cycle
- Research and development by manufacturers - including initial drug discovery, preclinical testing, clinical trials, and review by the FDA - Typically 15 Years
- Brand patent protection period - manufacturer awarded exclusive right to produce the drug - Typically 12 years
- Generic exclusivity period - immediately follows the patent protection period. Only the brand name manufacturer and one additional manufacturer are allowed to sell the generic equivalent - Typically 12 months
- Generic drug lifespan - After the generic exclusivity period, all manufacturers may produce and sell the drug.
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Methods of Prescription Drug Distribution
- Retail pharmacies - physical locations where beneficiaries can visit to pick up prescription drugs. Typically dispenses a one-month supply
- Mail order pharmacies - they send prescriptions through the mail, typically for a three-month supply of maintenance medications for treating chronic conditions
- Specialty pharmacies - they focus on delivering specialty drugs, which often require special storage and administration
- Health care providers
- LTC facilities
- Hospice facilities
- Home health professionals
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