Topic 1: Establishing Communist Rule (1949-1957) Flashcards
Industrial production in 1949 was only ?% of 1937?
Mao was quite cautious immediately after the revolution.
What was his view on the national bourgeoisie?
Mao understood that he woul dinitially need the help of businessmen and intellectuals to get the country running again.
How many members of the PLA were ther in 1950?
How much of the state budget did the PLA accoutn for in 1950?
How many conscripts per year did the PLA recieve?
800,000 per year each of whom served for 3 years
The PLA played a key role in Maoist ideaology.
What 3 things were they shown as via propaganda?
- Herioc
- Disciplined
- Self-Sacrificing
Enhancign CCP Control:
The Great Terror ensued in Octoboer 1950.
How many were estimated to of been killed?
Around 28k
The Korean War came at huge financial cost to the CCP.
What % of govt spending was used on military in 1951?
The feeding of the huge PLA led to what?
-Requisitoning of Grain which led to famine
Mao anying dies at the ‘hands’ of Peng Dehuai
What reaction does Mao have?
Mao takes the death badly
Perhaps ends his ability to empathise with suffering of others
When was the Great Terror?
Oct 1950 - Oct 1951
Why was the Great Terror Stopped?
The Great Terror was only stopeed beause the prisons were all full up!
Mao’s suggestion about what is taken too seriously by Cadres?
Mao suggets that around 1/1000 ppl were “guilty”
This taken literally meant an estimated 1m “c-revs” were killed
The encouragment of what kept fear and paranioa high?
- CCP used spies neighbourhood spies heavily
- Children encouraged to spy on parents
the 3 and 5 anti campiagns were run by who?
Bo Yibo
Lots of accusations were false duirng the 3and 5 anti campaigns as businessmen would use this to get rid of their rivals!
Rather than face this ublic humiliation, how many ppl were estimated to have committe suicide
upwards of 200k
By 1953, how many people were in the laogai system?
How many tonnes of grain a year were produced by laogai prisoners by 1955?
around 350k tonnes
What occured in the Laogai camps
Endless stuggles sessions and thought reform
During the Mao years, how many people died in Laogai camps?
What was the rolse of the Danwei?
They were work/neighbourhood units
Ppl had to register with them to get jobs
What was the role of the Dangon?
Contained details of anyone over the age of 15
Ppl couldn’t move houses without approval of cadres in the Dangon
Just before the 100F campaign, what did Mao start to see as a problem?
Bureaucratism as a new problem
CCP cadres too remoed from people and acting in own interests
What caused Mao to feel more instability in 1956?
There was a rebellion agaisnt communist control in Hungary in 1956
(Ruthlessly put down - 20k killed -K goes agaisnt his ‘liberal’ apporach to control)
In 1956, Mao’s 100F campaign was blocked by other politburo members.
What does Mao do in repsonse?
Mao takes a 3 week tour of Eastern China to pitch his idea direcltyto regional and local CCP leaders
Apr 1957, politburo feel pressure and allow it
When does Mao get fed up of the criticism faced during 100f?
Around May to July 1957: trickle of criticsm turns into floods
How many were branded rightists?
aorund 500k
Impact of 100F?
Opposition Silenced
Mao’s position unchallengable
Few willing to speak out - prob for GLF
- many lose jobs and 5m out of schools - Mao knows he needs big push (glf)
Examples of CCP using terror and control
Danwei - controlled by cadre - registration process allowed party to pry to an etent never before seen
Every Individual given a Class Label - ‘good’, ‘bad’
Dangan - A dossier containing detailed information about anyone who come to the attention of the party
Two important names in refernce to the ‘Great Terror’
Tao Zhu
Lou Ruiqing
How many die in Great Terror
710k - 2m
What was a singificant impact of the Great Terror
Inreased Suspicsion and fear throughout China